I, the Supreme Overlord, Start by Enslaving the Zerg Queen

Chapter 36: Closing the Net, Annihilating the Enemy!

"Hahahahaha, I bet those cowardly nobles who didn't dare to ascd must be regretting it bitterly now!"

"Oh yes. What about the so-called Number One Overlord? Didn't our coalition forces crush them effortlessly?"

In the coalition camp, numerous minor Overlords sat a the tables, wine goblets in hand, mocking the unse Number One Overlord.

These were Overlords who had descded from Blue Star, the ones most intimately acquainted with the legdary prowess of Number One.

Yet, it was precisely this formidable figure who had be reltlessly chased and cornered by them, reduced to their last stand.

So what if they could handle the Crimson Tide?

Wh all is said and done, at that crucial momt during the Crimson Tide, their numbers were roughly equivalt.

And considering that Number One had sustained significant losses during the Crimson Tide... perhaps this time, they might indeed succeed in obliterating the Zerg territory in one fell swoop!

Listing to these naive discussions about her master, a faint glimmer of disdain flickered in Catherine's eyes.

These ragtag individuals thought their master was as foolish as they were. Did they really believe that the Zerg's combat power was that limited?

A mere Zergling leader, not ev considered formidable within the Zerg hierarchy, had already slain dozs of them... not to mtion the massive swarm that followed!

In the d, her master spared their lives purely because they ssed Little Gre's pottial to evolve into a Zerg hero. Otherwise, the momt that Zergling leader perished, she would have personally descded to harvest these people!

"Well said, everyone. What is this Number One ev worth? Doed he really deserve our atttion?" Charles, seated at the head of the table, lifted his wine goblet with a smile and downed it in one go.

Seeing their leader drink, the minor Overlords of the coalition naturally didn't dare to stand out. Each of them, eager to please, picked up their varying sizes of goblets and followed suit, draining them in one gulp.

At that momt, old Johann, the werewolf, with a curious expression, asked, "Monchi, although I'm not one to speak ill, I must ask: have our advance scouts truly reached the territory of that Overlord?"

"It's not that I'm being pessimistic, but we, as the vanguard, are not meant to directly break through Number One's domain..."

"Proceed with caution, avoid recklessness!"

Old Johann was known for his strategic foresight, he was probably the only one in the currt camp who could be considered a cerebral minor Overlord.

Yet, the other Overlords, who were merrily drunk, paid no heed to his words.

They all mocked him for being timid and overly cautious, causing Johann to let out a deep sigh. If the Zerg army were to launch a surprise attack at that very momt, how could this inebriated bunch of Overlords possibly mount an effective defse?

It seemed he needed to prepare for an early departure.

But little did old Johann know, by the time he reached this point, it was already too late.

A faint gre mark had appeared on his neck, a sign of deep poisoning.

As for the dying m mocking him, Charles merely continued to drink and eat with a smile, showing no sign of anger.

After all, what was the point of being upset with people who were about to die?

"Master, I used my mtal powers to scan. Little Gre's toxin has already tak effect. Shall we make our move?" Catherine, filled with murderous intt, glanced a at the reveling crowd, her anger long uncontainable.

The principle of "a servant dies for their lord's dishonor" was just as valid on the Contint of Overlord. Moreover. Charles was the only master who had ever possessed both her body and soul.

Listing to Catherine's raged telepathic message, Charles replied softly, "Darling, we shouldn't ev be here today."

"Don't forget our purpose this time. If you act now and Little Gre's evolution is interrupted, what th? Besides, that child seems to fear me quite a bit."

Speaking of this, Charles felt a bit exasperated. It was indeed frustrating wh a child feared him.

Hearing her master's words, Catherine couldn't help but smile and replied telepathically, "That girl is just a mischievous kid. She was teasing you before, and you happed to be busy, wh scared Little Gre."

"Since th, whever she sees you, she acts like a mouse spotting a cat, hahahaha..."

"But you've se her humanoid form, right? A little gre-haired girl with twin tails. Master, should we take her in?"

Ev Catherine couldn't resist Little Gre's adorable face. Naturally, she hoped her master would expand his harem with more wom.

She and Medusa couldn't handle it all by themselves.

Charles fell silt at once. Did this foolish slave really suggest he should take in Little Gre?

She was only a month old!

But th, after mulling it over, he considered that Little Gre was a product of Zerg getics. It wasn't right to apply human standards to her.

Moreover... once those Zerg warriors evolved into Zerg heroes, they would undoubtedly be stunning beauties. As their master, was it not his right to joy them?

"Let's leave that for later. Once Little Gre fully evolves into a Zerg hero, you and Medusa will be responsible for her nurturing." Charles shook his head, neither rejecting nor immediately agreeing.

After all, she had just tak human form, and there were many human customs she needed time to learn.

Catherine understood his meaning. Her master wanted her to help train Little Gre, and a formal ceremony of allegiance would follow.

She really understood her master too well.

"Understood, master." said Catherine.

Charles nodded in acknowledgmt and resumed watching the play.

About t minutes into the drinking party, the coalition overlords were all thoroughly grossed in their revelry, with glasses clinking and laughter echoing throughout the room. None of them seemed to notice that an eerie silce had veloped the outside.

[Overlord Number has killed Overlord Number 497. Since the latter was in a red name status, their assets have be inherited.]

[Overlord Number has killed Overlord ...]


The stream of system notifications jolted old Johann awake. He looked a in horror at his comrades, who were kneeling on the g, bleeding from their orifices.

What... what was happing?


The sound of something piercing flesh came from outside, causing old Johann to turn his head in reflex.

A massive gre Zerg, over a meter in diameter, swaggered into the military camp, its bladed appdages still dripping with fresh blood.

The overwhelming aura of slaughter continuously battered Old Johann's will. He wanted to stand up, to reorganize his troops and mount an effective counterattack.

However... wh he tried to muster the ergy within him, he realized that the toxin had already reached his heart!

"You... you demon, wh did you poison us?" Old Johann glared at Little Gre with hatred, catching a glimpse of his son, who had be cleaved in two.

The tire hall was awash with blood, he survived only because he was the furthest from the trance.

It's over. Everything is over!

Little Gre heard him but didn't understand.

In the Zerg language, the wolf-headed figure seemed to be praising her prowess.

But both the Que and the Master had ordered her to cleanse the camp tirely, leaving no survivors.

She swung her bladed appdages mercilessly, drawing ever closer to old Johann.

The terrifying pressure made old Johann's soul tremble, and he could only retreat helplessly.

"Save me! I don't want to die at its hands!"

"Old Johann, the toxin has tak control of my body. I don't want to die... "

The Overlords, who were not yet dead but whose hearts had be invaded by toxins, looked at the butcher-like Toxic Baneling with terror. They all sought Old Johann's help.

Old Johann forced a bitter smile and continued to retreat, trying to delay his inevitable death.

At this momt, he suddly noticed Monchi and Narsa the Overlord at the main seat. They appeared healthy and showed no signs of poisoning.


Old Johann shouted excitedly, "Lord Monchi, please, slay this demon immediately!"

"Lord Monchi, kill it quickly! If we kill it, we might still have a chance to alert those outside!"

But as he cried out repeatedly, the other merely looked at him with a faint smile, showing no inttion of interving.

Finally, after reaching a certain distance, Charles spoke softly, "Stop thinking about the outside. If all you Overlords have already be poisoned, do you really think your minions out there have be spared?"

Old Johann was stunned by these words, and his expression quickly turned grim.

Pointing at Charles with a look of shock, he exclaimed, "That tone... you're not Monchi... who are you really?"

Little Gre had reached them but suddly halted, her insectoid legs trembling uncontrollably.

"Me? You damned fool! Ar't I the Number One Overlord you've all be so eager to hunt down?"

Charles chuckled and th shed his disguise, revealing his true form.

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