I Spread my Genes to Level Up in the Apocalypse

Chapter 164: Cleaved in Half

The saber arc travelled, destroying everything in its path, whether obstacles or ev reality itself.

The immortal snake's speed increased, but no matter how fast it flew, it couldn't dodge the saber arc.

With wisdom shimmering in its vertical pupils, it turned back to face the incoming saber arc with a hiss.

The snake oped its jaws and spat a mouthful of poison toward it. The scales on the snake became larger and thicker, while a thin layer of poison coated its tire body.

The poison couldn't stop the saber arc as it sliced cleanly through both the poison and the Immortal King Snake's armour.

It faced a little obstruction wh it touched the poison coating a the scales; however, that was only for the blink of an eye as it cleanly cleaved the snake into two halves by petrating the armour.

The two halves lifelessly fell to the g without a single movemt.


A strange sound of a domineering saber resounded throughout the place as the lifeless cleaved body of the snake fell to the g, creating a large crater almost like a meteor site.

The snake roared in agony, its two separate bodies writhing with a mixture of unwillingness in its vertical pupils.

It tried to shed its skin and have a new lease on life, but a strange force in its body prevted it from doing so.

Just as wh the Immortal Snake King died, a strange gre dome appeared over the area where it perished, veloping the tire space in a gre haze.

Ray squinted his eyes. The snake was on an tirely differt contint, but for his vision, the distance was insignificant—it couldn't hide from his sight at all.

"This gre domain... is this the Poison Law?" Ray wondered, his curiosity piqued as he flew toward the place, his figure blurring and a trail of fire left in his wake from the sheer intsity of his speed.

"This… This can't be…" Mallory's body trembled as she collapsed to her knees.

She had hope—hope to be free, to continue her ambition to rule the world and save it from Mother Earth. But now, that single hope had be shattered, all because of Ray.


"Why?" Mallory gritted her teeth. "Why do you ev exist, Ray?"

This foolish woman couldn't grasp the reality that ev if she managed to protect humanity from Mother Earth, she was inviting an ev greater threat—one more terrifying than Mother Earth.

The planetary being of Mars would not only danger humans but likely destroy their tire world altogether.

Yet, Mallory refused to recognize this fact or chose to escape from it. Wh a goal becomes too despairing to achieve, people oft retreat into their own dreams, avoiding the harshness of reality.

Unfortunately, reality was never a dream—it was cold and unforgiving.

Her eyes were bloodshot, and her fists clched so tightly that blood began to seep from her palms.

Ray didn't care about this woman's thoughts. In his eyes, her status was ev lower than that of a slave. He at least cared about the lives of Violet, Natalia, and Sibley, as they were carrying his childr, but for Mallory, her life or death didn't matter at all.

Ev if she killed herself, he would watch with cold, indiffert eyes.

"Hmm, this poison domain blob is strange."

As Ray arrived at the place where the Immortal Snake King had fall, these words slipped from his mouth.

There was something off about it. His celestial sses tingled just by being in the area.

"This thing has something I desire from the depths of my heart... something I like," Ray muttered, his gaze growing more intse as he focused on the poison domain with an indescribable expression.

This came from the depths of his soul.

Ray's two pupils—one red and one gold—began to glint with a peculiar light.

He waited and waited, for what felt like an agonising two minutes, before a stream of information finally surged into his brain.

At last, Ray saw it—the information he had be seeking:

[Poison Law Domain]

[Type: Phomon]

[Description: Those who ter this domain are able to have their comprehsion increased by at least tfold, and their power to sse the concept of poison increases, as long as the creature can withstand the poison.]

[Remark: Beings who have forcefully upgraded their strgth to the peak Celestial level with the help of a Planetary being, sharing a portion of their comprehsion, will cause the laws to escape from their body and form this domain upon their death.]

"The planetary being of Mars—that being really did it."

Ray was certain of it; his grudge against this being grew ev stronger. Not that he would spare this being ev if it hadn't done this.

Cough! Cough!

At that momt, he suddly coughed up a mouthful of gre blood, a shudder running down his spine.

He quickly suppressed the poison and slowly walked toward the domain, tering it.

"This is my chance."

Ray gritted his teeth.

The momt he stepped inside, his vision was filled with gre liquid as far as he could see—there was nothing but gre.

Cough! Cough!

Ray's eyes wided again as he vomited another mouthful of blood; his organs were being destroyed at an ev faster rate here.

"I need to hurry up." He sat on the floor, crossing his legs with a focused mind.

Ray sank deeper into focus, ev through the terrifying pain that was tearing his body from the inside.

Slowly, Ray could see a gre bubble moving in a strange direction, taking the shape of a snake, a human, or ev a monkey.

Th, before his eyes, a river appeared.

"What is this?"

The gre bubble returned to its original form and tered the water, immediately turning the tire river gre.

In front of Ray, the tire river floated, transforming into the gre bubble. His heart seemed to pulsate rapidly while looking at the gre buble.

There seemed to be an epiphany, at the same time strange changes occurs in his Mutation Energy.

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