I Spread my Genes to Level Up in the Apocalypse

Chapter 1: Awakening

Human pride and ego knows no boundaries with no sign of ever stopping.

In the imperial calendar 2120, World War One started in full force with nuclear bombs.

Initially, the conflict started between small countries, but soon the flames of war spread to every country.

People's meaningless pride and ego caused the entire world to be divided among the countries.

First came the human soldiers, then the tanks, jet planes, and finally the nuclear bombs.

For the first time in the world, nuclear bombs rained down in every part of the world, colouring the entire world in mushroom clouds.

In an instant, the world was plunged into chaos and radiation was everywhere.

Plagues were rampant, and countless unknown viruses and diseases spread with no way to stop them at all.

It seemed like the end of humanity was nearly brought about by their own pride and ego.

Countries were levelled, and the miserable wails of people rang throughout the world.

Then, the most terrifying event happened, shocking the whole world.

Due to the radiation from the nuclear energy, those who survived became broken, teetering between life and death, almost like the undead.

Like the walking dead, they stood up and started to attack the living.

Though biting other living beings didn't turn them into zombies as seen in the movies, if the corpses weren't disposed of for a long time, the radiation would also mutate them, causing them to turn into the undead as well.

The world was already broken, and with these zombies as the final key, it finally collapsed. Law and order disappeared from the world.

Humanity was plunged into despair.

It was too late to change the outcome.

If the war hadn't started, then the military force could have easily suppressed them. Unfortunately, it was too late.

"Sigh, it's been three days," lamented the man as he stared at the three-day-old news on his phone, his eyes heavy with fatigue.

"Has the government abandoned us? It seems likely," he muttered to himself.

"I am hungry now," his stomach growled, as if in agreement.

Surveying the well-furnished room bathed in the sun's yellow rays streaming through the curtains, he noted the absence of electric lights. Electricity had become a luxury, as the government had ceased supplying it.

Fortunately, his house was equipped with an inverter and a solar panel. While it couldn't provide electricity around the clock, it could last for several hours, and the internet was still in operation.

The only problem was water, there was no clean water.

"I thought the problem would be solved in a day or two, but…" Ray couldn't help but sigh.

He cautiously peered through the window, pushing the curtains aside. Instantly, his vision was filled with terrifying people, no creatures—beings with blood-red skin, inscribed with different patterns, and deformed bodies.

A sea of these creatures extended as far as his eyes could see from the fifth-floor window.

"If this goes on, I will run out of food in no time."

"What should I do?" Ray muttered, casting a determined glance at the kitchen knife in front of him.

His food reserve at home was already close to finishing except for rice and some bread there was nothing left.

"There must be food on the tenants' floors. I must survive."

He rose from the bed, clutching the kitchen knife, and stepped out of the room. The lower floor was barricaded by a chain gate.



Creepy sounds immediately rang in his ears.

"Am I the only one alive in this house, or is there anyone else left?" His eyes narrowed slightly.

Carefully, he walked to the gate with the keys in hand.

No matter how careful or slow he was, the key turning the lock immediately clicked in the surroundings.

Instantly, all those terrifying creatures turned towards him, walking in his direction.

Ray nervously gulped his saliva, but he gritted his teeth.

"For my survival," he muttered, the black pupils of his eyes seeming to shine as he slowly walked downstairs.

These creatures had the average speed of an adult, but they were brainless, acting only on instinct. Solving one wasn't a problem, at least that was what he thought…

As the first undead creature walked up to him, Ray swung his knife towards its neck just as it got within his attacking range.

This undead creature seemed to be a little different than the others as it didn't have unknown patterns imprinted on his skin.

The wind tore as a bloody gap appeared on the creature's neck. Unfortunately, he couldn't fully slice through, causing the knife to get stuck.


Ray cursed as he tried to pull the knife back, but the undead didn't give him any chance at all.

He felt some liquid splash on his cheeks as his pupils widened; the sharp teeth of the undead were now dangerously close, magnified in his vision.

At this moment, his survival instinct flared. He hurriedly let go of the knife, simultaneously pushing the undead away.

Without glancing back, he turned and rushed to the chained gates, hurriedly locking them again.

Huff! Huff!

Ray's breathing was ragged, his entire body soaked in cold sweat.

The adrenaline coursed through him, making his heart pound loudly in his ears. He backed away from the gate, eyes darting around the dim, dilapidated hallway.

For a few moments, all he could hear was the relentless growling of the undead pressing against the gate.

His chest heaved as he tried to calm his nerves, wiping the sweat from his brow with a trembling hand.

"What was I thinking? How could I kill an undead with my strength?" Scratching his head, he was just about to stand up when he felt a strange energy coursing through his body.

His heartbeat suddenly accelerated through the roof.


With a heart-wrenching scream his eyes rolled back, and Ray collapsed onto the cold floor.

The blood vessels in his body swelled, and a surge of energy pulsed through him.

The radiation in the air seemed to be attracted to him, entering his body and causing an unknown mutation in his genes.

Time seemed to pass in the blink of an eye, and the moon cast its silver gaze.

Ray, lying on the cold hard floor, finally slowly opened his eyes, feeling strangely refreshed as if he was born anew.

"What's going on?" He stood up from the ground and stretched his body, feeling invigorated.

His strength seemed to have increased a little, and his whole body felt revitalised.

Ray was confused as he walked out of the room and looked at the undead, who were gawking at the iron gate feeling a chill down his spine.

Then his attention shifted to the undead, which he had pushed away but hadn't had time to examine.

The brain matter was exposed on the floor with its entire head burst open; there was no blood.

Ray almost threw up on the floor seeing the scene however he calmed after recuperating for almost half an hour.

"Is it dead?" His eyes were completely calm and then went to a particular purple crystal exposed through the burst head in the ground.

"Did I gain power from killing it? I wonder if I can gain power from killing the other undead like in the game."

A silly smile appeared on his face, but he quickly shook his head.

This was reality, not a game. Even if he could gain power from killing these undead, he only had one life. If he was too hasty, he could die.


"I must get this purple crystal."

This was something the undead had dropped. No matter what it was, it would be useful to him.

Besides, he felt a deep instinct to obtain it, as if he had been hungry for a week and a delicious meal appeared in front of him.

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