I Shall Survive Using Potions!

Chapter 38

[ Demonic Fran is one-side cuts Imperial soldiers. Theres no point in blocking by sword or wearing iron armor.Her sword can clean-cut everything.

Just now Imperial soldier gave her a lucky-blow luckily in exchange for a tremendous sacrifice, but she recovered right away.She even got stronger than before.

There is no way we can win. ]

Ran away.

Imperial soldiers fled with full power, regardless of their form.

But the demon chased after them.

It is easier for Francette to fight when there arent any allies nearby.Because she can have a full-swing without worrying about friendly-fire.

This sword. It had become her beloved sword today, this goddess sword Ex-Gram.

From that day, Francette got Goddesss Miracle have was given power that seems to be the limits of human.

But right now she got drunk with the additional power, she was trembling with joy that springing from the depths of her body.

To the enemy position.

To where there are more enemies.

Francette runs.

She completely forgot about people she should escort.

Roland desperately followed after Francette.

Fired by the Kaoru, Francettes mind completely soared in the cloud and she ran with full speed.It will be tough for normal human like Roland to keep up.

4 Royal guards also followed after.

And each of them also held one goddess swords part.

Goddess Sword Ex-Hrotti

It was divided into Four swords parts

Although the swords parts has dropped in power. One swords part still have the sharpness and power that arent ashamed to be named Goddess sword.

Even its just a special alloy made, mono-molecular sword withno super fast vibration function.It would be enough for elite Royal guards.

Well, with their eyes, that kept staring at Kaoru like 8 eyes of Chihuahua that shining brightly and glittering. Theres no girl who can bear it.

A group of imperial soldiers who were supposed to be elite troops were trembling in fear and fled with full power.

Chasing after them while laughing is a lone Beserker.

Due to her way-too-fast chasing speed, the body of the overtaken Imperial soldier is cut off one by one.With a big laugh.

Damn it, Goddess gave her a sword!(Imperial Soldier A)

Although she got a fatal injury, she revived immediately! Moreover, she became stronger than before!(Imperial Soldier B)

That angel isnt a human being! She has the goddesss honor!

We get punished because we arent good person!(Imperial Soldier C)

A large explosion in the sky ahead of time.A golden cloud suddenly appear. Warning about the ceremony of the angel.

And now, a crazy demon that chasing closer while spreading death.There are also another 5 death gods follow after.

Imperial soldiers can hear the screams of the defeated soldiers, the imperial soldiers are trembling in with that horror.

One soldier who was unable to endure the fear and finally fled to the rear in a straight line. When one escapes, others also begins to escape one after another.

And a massive defeat starts in a blink of an eye.The Imperial frontline collapses immediately.

Francette pursuing the collapsing enemy soldiers.Roland and Royal Guards also tramp enemy soldiers.

I already gone and done it now.

Well, I think I should try to finish this sooner and get fewer casualties it will be little better

The cause of the Imperial armiess defeat is Francette and Rolands party, so this victory is the power of Balmoa Kingdoms soldiers.

Yes, I can still say it like that(Kaoru)

Kaoru murmurs herself, emerging a gourd-shaped glass bottle containing chemicals in the sky above the front line, slightly beyond the Imperial soldiers.

One of the two bottle contains something like Nitroglycerinand the other contains something like concentrated Sulfuric acid

After emergence, the two touched each other and a big explosion occurred.Kaoru continued to do that.

And then Kaoru created small glass bulbs with something like nitroglycerinin the air, in a wide range.The bulbs falling to the ground and make the explosion one after another.

Kaoru choses a place where therere less soldiers as possible. Because she cant control good enough to just injure without death, so she does it like this to cause less death to the Imperial soldiers.

On the Imperial Armiess side, not only their frontline, but also the rear soldiers all started to be collapsed.

There was only this thought in their heads.

I bought the anger of the goddess

Although She didnt appear for 53 years, but in this world, the existence of the goddess isnt a legend, but a fact.

Some of the elder people actually saw the image of the goddess.

And the current phenomenon is a technique that can only be done by the goddess or her relative.

An explosion may also be a devils work, but the existence of the girl who is called the goddess s friend, an angel with the healing power denies it.

And the resurrection of the Demon Fran and the grant of the Goddesss swords that looked like a passage in the myth.

Commander and headquarters staff of the Western invasion army also heard about it from the soldier who escaped from the hands of Francet and returned with a despair face.

The upper part of the empire which sent them also thought that the girl was just a naive little girl who was only given the ability to create a healing medicine with the blessing of the goddess.

If they can secure her, treat her carefully and bring her to the Pope of the Sacred Country successfully. The Sacred country was said to be the country that received the goddesss blessing. For such girl with the goddesss miracle to appear at the Balmoa Kingdom. The higher up must think that she was just traveling to a foreign country and stayed there because the Royalty treat her well. They must convince thinking that she should stay at Great Temple thats why they wave this war.

[ However the miracle that resurrect the soldiers of Balmoas kingdom, the goddess sword giving ceremony, and the punishment for the imperial army.Head blowed just by approaching?Who dare to go and secure such existence.

Isnt that Angel girl the one who give blessing instead of the one who receive blessed?

She must be a direct subordinate to the goddess, or the goddess herself ]

The Commander had doubt about the Northern invasion armiess defeats matter, the Balmoas armies also shouting out loudly the King brother Roland and the potion just to lower the moral.

[ But with Demon party like this, isnt it real?But then, about the Northern Invasion Army

Its hard to believe that the Kingdom army is still intact while the Imperial army is completely destroyed. But if the the Balmoa army have goddesss blessing, the possibility isnt zero

Anyway, there are no options other than withdrawal.

They still havent lost many soldiers yet, but their soldiers are still fewer than the kingdom troops, morale is at minimum.But all of those things are just trivial.

I bought the anger of the goddess and received a goddesss punishment.

If we anger the goddess any more, everyone will be killed under the divine punishment.Then everything will fall into hell. Their family, everyone in the Empire will be killed and the country itself will be destroyed.

It is impossible for any soldier who thinks so to fight fairly.

Besides, their duties should already have been fulfilled.

Attract the main force of the Balmoa Kingdom army and earn time by prevent them returning to the capital.

I have already done enough.If what the enemies shout is a hoax and the Northern Invasion Army is still alive, they should have already besieged the capital and captured it.

Even if we retreat now and let enemys main force return. The capital may already fall, the royal family and aristocrats may already be captured. Theres no way for Balmoas armies other than surrender because their country has already defeated and surrendered.

What if the northern invasion forces were really destroyed?

I dont know anything about that.Its the responsibility of the commander over there, not related to our western invasion armies.

However, in that case, because we must cross the mountain to retreat. We must leave the horse carriage heavy equipment behind.

When Balmoas armies went to the capital, can we give chase again?

With fewer than 40,000 soldiers, continuing the march without the wagon or horse,with only a small amount of supplies left.

If this is in normal condition, we can still reorganize our army, persuades and inspires everyone.

However, now our armies already knew about about the goddesss punishment its impossible.

But if we dont withdraw, the Empire will loses all Northern invasion 20,000 troops and Western invasion forces 40,000 troops.

Then, the remaining which is only 20,000 troops protecting the home country, so that the Ashid Kingdom will not attack with the armiess absence.That would mean the destruction of the Empire.

In the first place, both Ashid Kingdom from the South and the Brancott Kingdom from the East are ready themself.Both countries is well understood that if the Balmoa Kingdom goes down, the next one will be themselves.There is no mystery even if those two Kingdoms armies suddenly appears from the south.

I thought long, but the conclusion has been decided from the beginning.

But I just took a little time to convince myself and to convince others.] (Commanders inner thought)


Everyone silently nodded.

There was no need to issue an order again, all the forces were already moving to the west, in the direction where they came from.

Still, we have to issue orders.Because we are military.

Arigo Empire Western invasion armies had a full-retreat while receiving the intense pursuit of the Balmoa Kingdoms army. And when they finally reached the foot of the mountain, they abandoned a considerable amount of heavy equipment and disappeared into a steep mountain range.

The 40,000 soldiers had decreased to around 30,000.

They had lost 25% of their soldiers.It was only a little to 30% soldiers lost that is defined as Annihilation

If the prisoners of the Northern Invasion Armies have lost about 10% of troops without fighting and return safely.

The total number of lost soldiers is about 12,000.

It is only 15% of 80,000 total soldiers of the Imperial Army.

However, whatever the rate of the military force, it made no difference that the entire Northern Invasion armies were captured, and the Western Invasion Armies were completely defeated.

*** Post war ***

After that, all involved countries tried use the neutralSacred Country Ruedaas an intermediary. Everyone tried to get the peaceful and favorably conditon as much as possible. And all leader including the emperor of the Arigo Empire are gathering here.

The Empire regards this invasion as anUnfortunate misunderstandings due to lack of informaionabout the angel.

The leaders, including the emperor, are stunned to learn that the Holy country Rueda is completely regarded as an allied nation of the Empire, is treated as an enemy country that was defeated in war, excommunicated from the goddess and completely lost religious leadership.

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