I Shall Survive Using Potions!

Chapter 15

A few days after that, Kaoru was officially acept, and the workshop paid the referral fee to the Working Center.

With her knowledge and experience, she easy grasps everyones working habit.

Because everyone tends to work over time and forget meal, she saves labor by making simple Rice-balls or sandwiches. Of course, she still cooks proper meal when everyone finished their work (not just on break).

Most of her work is tidy and cleaning the workshop. Thanks to Kaoru special deodorantthat she explained to everyone It made by mixing tea and fruit juice and other various ingredients, the stench of the room was also improved dramatically.

In this way, the Kaoru has established a firm position within the workshop.

And thus she was able to spend her free time, she often went to the library.The usage fee of the library remained high as usual.

Uhm, Acil-san, what are you making? (Kaoru)

After seeing that the Acil use an unusual tool to build items for fund-raising instead of research, Kaoru asked.

Ah, Im making a bottle,theres an order from the acquaintance noble.

He need something light, durable to store liquor but doesnt change the the taste of the liquor. Because the buyer is a noble, Ican sell it at a good price.

Well, It cant compare with beautiful silver item. Though it should be enough for everyday use (Acil)

Unlike other staff members, Acil-san is a noble.

However, he is the third son of a Baron house.

Because he is the last child, he is the last one that have a chance to succeed to the house.

As a result, his father, the current owner made Acil-san working.

No, it isnt neglect or anything.He left the future to the free will of Acil.

He has good brothers, family and friends.

Back to topic, he is making container, then

I wonder if I can move a little sooner than plan.

Ah thats right.

Actually, an acquaintance of mine is making glass containers.

Because she was making it as a hobby, she didnt sell it nor had shop to do it.

But right now, she wants to sell to get a little money

Can I borrow a small portion of the display shelf? (Kaoru)

That shelf is a shelf that displays finished products, to show the technical capabilities of the workshop. It can serve as a reference for ordered customers, and its also a selling item with a price tag.

Since this workshop was mainly made for order production, there was enough space on the shelf.

Well, I guess its probably okay, but you must get permission from Bard-san (Acil)

I understand, I will ask (Kaoru)

And Bard gives permission easily. Its a request of a girl who worked well, cooked delicious food and improved their living after all.

Ooohh (5 men)

Looking at the glass container, five researchers include Bard have lost their words.

What a beautiful (either 1 of 4 men)

The one making this have great creation skills, not only it has great design but also the transparency and radiance of this glass What is it, just what is this (Acil)

Kaoru Friends hobby handmade productwas an amazing item.

The bottle made of shining crystal glass, and had symmetrical stylish design body and a large lid part.

The lid was in the shape of a goddess with a wing, and had a presence that was unknown to the bottle itself and which was the main.No, surely the lid must be the main.

(T.N: I have no knowledge about glass making or chemical, if you spot any mistakes please tell me)

Crystal glass.It is made by adding lead oxide etc. to the glass raw material, and it has transparency and glow which are not comparable with ordinary glass.

Its rude to name this crystal, crystal which is a noncrystalline substance cant compare with this item.

Anyway, it is much more expensive than glass, and it cant put into practical use here.

Originally, people in this world make glass works by cutting crytal and lengthening (T.N: I think like melting and put together 2 piece of glass), so crystal products may not be made into a very fine workmanship in some cases.

But this was very fine workmanship.Rather than lengthening, use all cuts to every detail.

Kaoru-chan I wonder if we can meet this person who made this (Acil)

Oh, the producer lady. Her house is strict.

It seems she secretly making this with one-handed during her freetime while hiding from her family. She is the main helping with her familys work after all.

And she also isnt good with men (phobia) (Kaoru)

This is made by one-handed and during free time between family business,

one-handed (Acil)

Oh, everyone seems taking damage other than the fact that they cant meet producer as well.

Okay, I can help finding buyer for her instead (Acil)

Oh, everyone resurrected.


And, the display on the commodity shelf was canceled.

It cant be help, display it will make a fuss. And if everyone thinkthat is the technology of this workshop, everyone will in trouble if customers demand it.

For that reason, Acil-san used his connection and brought to an aristocratic auction and sold it.

and then I got three gold coins.I paid six small gold coins as a commission to the workshop.

Compare with food expenses of the workshop, this is about one month worth. And that glass container is actually

The ability to make medicine that have any effect that you wanted, that medicine will go into the container as you thought at that timeability

Yes, Kaoru was able to earn money even without potion sales or knowledge cheat.


Peaceful days as a helper passed.

Occasionally Kaoru sold crystal glass containers for money so shecould go to the library as many as she wanted.

In the item box, there are enough food, change of clothes, knives, flints, blankets etc.

She prepared them for unforeseen circumstances.

Well, as long as nothing happen, she doesnt plan to run away.

I already got knowledge similar to ordinary citizens, and a steady workplace.

Not that I dont want to this life right now, but I dont want to be a helper for a lifetime.

I got a cheat after reincarnated, so I want to live more freely.

Besides, I got a guarantee that I can give influence to the world, from the goddess who is the only god of this world.

A potion may well be useful to someone for a while.

Well, I shouldnt rush, I must wait a chance


One day, when Kaoru was cleaning the entrance of the workshop, an vagrant child passed by and a rolled paper scraps fell.

Kaoru picked up the paper waste and put it in her pocket.

People who clean up pick up thrown away garbage.It seems quite natural scenes but other may think its strange if the viewer sees it.

Yes, its impossible for a vagrant child to have expensive paper, or easily throw it away as garbage.

Kaoru spreads the paper waste from her pocket in the kitchen and read the letters written there.

The mother of the child in the poor ward.

Serious and sincere

She worked wonderful raise her daughter

but suffered serious injuries by aristocracy (Papers Note)

A vagrant child can write is already a talent, of course we cant expect he to write using proper words.

Kaoru make schedule for tonight.


After finishing the dinner at the workshop, Kaoru clean up everything.

And after making late-night snacks, she got out of the workshop, she changed to easy-to-move clothes.

Everyone is keen on work and research, and no one notices that.

Even if she is noticed, she can just say that she went out for shopping.

As I walked a bit, I could see the vagrant child in front of her.

He began to walk and Kaoru followed after with a sufficient distance.

Before we knew it, there were several vagrant children behind Kaoru as well.

While keeping the distance, they follow Kaoru while watching the surroundings.

As they keep walking as it is, they arrive in front of a shabby hut in the poor ward.

The boy that lead ahead stopped and gestured like a signal.

(This is the place ) (Kaoru)

Kaoru changed the color of her hair and eyes, hidden her face with mask, wrapped in mantle and entered the hut.

Who? (Loli)

The young girl asks the suspicious person wearing a mask that went into her house without permission

Even she is just a young girl but she tries her best to threaten the suspicious person. Even without any words, Kaoru understand this young girl wants to sayI must protect my mother who is in bed after being injured!Even with the cost of my life!

Use this on your mother (Kaoru)

Who are you? (Loli)

The young girl asked back without loosing her caution.

Uhm, Im Celess (Kaoru) (T.N: Im Celess friend)

Celes? Who? (Loli)

Ah, Celestine, do you know her? (Kaoru)

!!! (Loli)

Theres no one in this world doesnt know the name of goddess, even just a child.

Also, there is no-one dare to name their daughter with the name of the goddess.

In this world, the goddess isnt an imaginary one, because she sometimes appeared. The last time is several decades ago. Its a real godwho saved people and gave a oracle.

Id like to give your mother some medicine, is that okay? (Kaoru)

Um! (Loli)


Im done. Thank for the information and sorry for the trouble (Kaoru)

Well, I and everyone will escort you back to the workshop (Boy)

Yep, please (Kaoru)

As a result, the boy went ahead, Kaoru followed him with some distances and pretending to be irrelevant, other children followed after Kaoru and keep watch until Kaoru return to the workshop.

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