I Reincarnated as a Legendary Surgeon

Chapter 87

Episode 87. It was careless (1)

Hyeonbi’s stomach had been in quite a lot for only a few days. The painter smiled brightly after examining Hyeonbi.

“The venom seems to have been almost discharged, and the symptoms of psychogenic gestation are rapidly disappearing.”

“Whoa~. As you said, after becoming aware of infertility, my stomach mysteriously goes in differently every day and my breasts… Hmm Anyway, the symptoms of gestation gradually disappear.”

“It is important to take decoctions, but more important is to take a walk for at least half an hour a day.”

The painter took a gourd out of his bosom as he spoke.

He wanted to fight the dispute, but after the suicide incident, one of the disputes was prevented from leaving his side even if Hyeon-bi fell asleep.

Therefore, the fireman said as little as possible.

“Mama, this is the slander I spoke of before.”

Hyeonbi’s eyes twinkled as he received the gourd.

“They said it would take a long time, but they made it quickly.”

“Because I thought of Mama, I put aside ten days and hurried.”

“I will not forget your loyalty.”

“And this is a write-up of how to use slurs.”

When the painter handed out the note, Sibi showed interest, but when she met Hyeonbi’s eyes, she hurriedly turned her head away.

“Oh, come to think of it, did you say you’re going to visit Cho-hyeon’s house soon?”

The painter planned to return home two days later because he was not tied to the palace after saving Hyeonbi.


“On the way to Chohyeon, stop by your parents’ house and deliver this letter to your father.”

The painter put the letter she had given him into his bosom.

“all right.”

“I beg you, Mama, just in case, but the more urgent you are, the slower you have to do it. Above all else, recovery is the priority now, and as you know, a man’s heart is something that can’t be reached if it seems impatient.”

“Yes, I know. Don’t worry, I won’t use it without your permission.”

“Then I’ll just leave.”

After leaving Hyeonbi’s quarters, the painter tried to return to Yeoncheonggaeksa.

“Rep. Hwa, please talk to me for a second.”

However, in the middle, Congressman Gyeongdeok appeared and blocked the fireman’s path.

“I have nothing to say to Congressman Kyung.”

When the painter tried to get out of the way, Congressman Kyung dropped to his knees and grabbed the painter’s trouser leg.

“I beg you, please don’t let me be kicked out of the palace for a while. If Congressman Hwa says just one word…”

“Put this down.”

“At first, I didn’t recognize Congressman Hwa and made a big mistake. But isn’t that what will get you kicked out of the palace? I’ll give it to you, the city council member, so let me stay in the palace for just one month.”

“It won’t be like getting kicked out of the palace. But I almost broke my throat because of that. Why should I help Congressman Kyung? It’s funny that you come to me and cling to me now that your situation has become difficult.”

The painter coldly brushed off Kyeong-deok’s hand.

“Chief Hwa Hwa I have quite a lot of wealth that I have accumulated over the years. I will give all of that wealth to Congressman Hwa…”

“You can live the rest of your life comfortably with that wealth.”

When Jingdeok tried to grab the crotch of his trousers again, the fireman slipped away and quickly left the place.


When the painter disappeared as if he were running away, Jingde wiped away tears with his sleeve and stood up and gnashed his teeth.

“I had to ejaculate while sinking my face into the gutter, but you refused so coldly!”

He needed time to erase the traces of his embezzlement.

After erasing all of them, he had to leave the palace so that he could live the rest of his life comfortably with the wealth he had collected.

“I will not leave you alone.”

* * *

While the painter was staying at the royal castle in Yeongcheon-gun, it was a full-blown spring with buds growing and flowers blooming, and each prefectural office held an exam to select talented people.


The face of Hwabok, who let out a long sigh, was distorted as if he had chewed a pig’s liver.

‘Failed again… How can I see my mother’s face!’

It was the 6th failure this year.

“Brother was here. How did it go?”

A flower pot found a flower suit in the distance ran to it with a bright face. Hwa-bok was able to recognize that he had passed the military examination just by looking at the flower pot’s facial expression.




“ha-! I wanted to be the first to be congratulated by my brother… I guess I have to comfort him. brush it off What’s wrong with your brother’s skills!”

“thanks. A comforting phrase. Shall we go out for a drink after a long time?”

“let’s go! I’ll buy you a drink.”


“Oh, what a celebration. If you look at your skills, of course you are Jangwon… Let’s just have a drink.”

“What a manor! It was a lack of skill. That’s why you joined, so isn’t it the family’s congratulations!”

“To become a sergeant of some kind of family with nothing.”

“Won Hwa became a city doctor favored by Hyeonbi Mama through the recommendation of an ancient person, and no, she hasn’t become a city doctor yet… Anyway, she will become a city doctor. You will be irrelevant haha! As an older brother, I have no face seeing not only my mother, but also you and Won-hwa.”

“Ah hyung is true too. The past isn’t just this year, let’s do our best.”

“OK! Is it only this year? Of course you have to work hard.”

“He looks like my brother now. Fuhaha!”

As the two of them were walking, several men who looked similar in size to potted plants approached and greeted them in secret.

“Congratulations to the chief Mr. Hwa.”

“We thought that when you put all the arrows into the center of the target, you would already take the top spot.”

“Haha thank you. But where are you all going?”

“I’m going to drink the pass wine. By the way, who is the person next to you?”

“Oh brother. Say hello.”

“Ah-hyung came to congratulate you. nice to see you. This time, I am Solgil, who passed the martial arts exam like Gongja Hwa.”

“I am Docheon.”


Hwabok smiled and exchanged greetings with strangers.

“Congratulations on passing everyone.”

“thank you. I was going to tell you to go out for a drink with Mr. Hwa, but… I’ll have a drink next time.”

“Okay, let’s have a drink next time.”


As the men greeted and disappeared, Hwabok smiled brightly and said,

“Bun is this guy! Did you do the senior!”

“Yes, well… It wasn’t that my skills were good, the supervisor was Lieutenant Jo. I think they looked at it favorably because they owed money to the won.”

“her! It’s not that I don’t know Professor Joe. If it was Professor Jo, didn’t rumors spread that he would be fair? There was no way he would have personally directed the film because he had a close relationship with Won-hwa. haha! I’m really happy about this. Boon, you are the chief!”

Hwabok was really happy and laughed.

The flowerpot scratched her head shyly and said.

“Well… Everyone’s heart is private… Anyway, that’s not important, so let’s go to that inn.”

“Let’s go somewhere. I’m just hungry for alcohol.”


Flowerpot let out a longer sigh inwardly, seeing his brother’s bright smile.

‘My older brother denies it, but the prefectural office exam is too personal. The reason I took the top spot and my older brother fell is all because the supervisors are private.’

Perhaps next year’s past will be no different from this year’s.

The pot was unable to speak in the carriage and called Jeom So-yi to drink generously.

“Bring me three of the best dishes and the finest wine in this inn.”

* * *

Cuddle up -.

The fireman drove the horse with Obo on the back.

“how is it? Like I said, wearing thick underpants under your pants makes it more tolerable, right?”

Obo nodded at the fireman’s question.

“Yes, I can ride a horse all day with this.”

“I can say that because I don’t drive fast. If you drive a horse fast, it’s hard to ride all day even if your back hurts.”

“I guess so. Well, riding a horse is much better than walking.”

“This is why people spend a lot of money to buy horses. It’s still a long way to go, so let’s go have lunch when you see the inn.”


“Someone is hurt! Someone is injured, please help me.”

At that time, the voice of a woman calling for help from the woods by the roadside reached their ears.

“Master, someone seems to have been hurt.”

“I know. I must go.”

Because the forest was too thick for horses to enter, the fireman and Obo got off their horses.

“You watch the flurry.”

“Your master.”

The fireman left the reins of the horse to Obo and went into the forest where the sound came from.

“Here it is.”

“Where did you get hurt?”

The fireman could see a man lying down and a woman stamping her feet.

“Someone set a trap in the forest and hurt my leg. Both of my legs are hurt, so I can’t help you, so please help me.”


The fireman quickened his pace when he saw that the man’s feet were tied with something like a cloth and covered in blood.

clap. Whirly Rick.

As I was walking so fast, something caught on my foot.


The fireman hurriedly jumped into the air, but the thin iron rope was already wrapped around his ankle.

Tight! Rumble!

The moment a large log fell from a high rock, the fireman’s foot, bound to the trap, soared into the air.

‘shit. Come to think of it, they said there was a trap.’

In an instant, his vision swung around.

I was distracted for a moment, but I soon grasped the situation and realized that I was hanging upside down at a height of about five feet from the ground.

The painter hurriedly came to his senses and called the woman next to the man.

“Madam, I think I’ve been caught in a trap too… Please release me.”

Fortunately, it was a different kind of trap that the man was caught in, so he could be freed with help from a person.

“Damn, how many traps are there around here?”

The woman was startled, and soon left the man beside her and ran toward the fireman.

“Master, how did this happen?”

At that time, Obodo, as if seeing the fireman caught in the trap, let go of the reins of the gale and ran into the forest.

Even the misinformation knew that the flurry was a very clever horse and would not run away if left free, and would come running if whistled.

“Someone must have set many traps around here.”

Obo shook his head at the fireman’s words.

“There aren’t many people coming and going, but the hunter didn’t think too much about setting a trap with a line that would catch a big beast like a wild boar.”

By the time Obo reached the place where the painter was hanging upside down, a middle-aged woman had also arrived nearby.

“Madam, I’m going to cut the rope tied to this log, so please hold my teacher’s head so that it doesn’t land on the ground.”

“I get it.”

When Obo took out a dagger from his bosom and tried to cut the rope tied to the log, the woman did not come under the fireman, but took a blue dagger from her bosom and went behind him.

The fireman was frightened.

“Avoid Boy!”

The moment she heard the fireman’s voice, the woman jumped like lightning and tried to stab Ohbo in the back, but Ohbo also felt something strange, so she didn’t even look back and threw herself to the side.

“I’m quick to notice, but it’s already too late.”

The woman ran again and swung her sword at Obo, who ran away like a flying squirrel.

The woman couldn’t easily catch Obo as she ducked through the trees.

“It was a damn trap!”

The fireman’s urgency reached its peak in an instant.

As the fireman twisted his body to escape, the man who had been pretending to be injured got up and came running with a blue knife.

Whoa ah.

The internal air suddenly surged, and the nerves throughout the body bristled like blades.

‘Come to think of it, I had a knife, right?’

Why didn’t I think of the sword worn at the waist?

The question was fleeting, and the hand drew the sword from its waist, bent its waist, and swung it toward the trap that was binding its legs.

Seeing the fireman’s work, the man running from afar laughed.

“It looks like the trap made of twisted wires will break with that lousy blade…!”


The man’s eyes widened in an instant as he spoke. The trap made of twisted wire was being cut with a single stroke of the knife.


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