I Reincarnated as a Legendary Surgeon

Chapter 478

Surgeon who became angry (478):

Medical expenses for abducted chaebol (1)

“Of course.”

Han Jin-soo nodded politely, as if making a promise.

“Actually, it made no sense for me to point out the professor. It’s just… a very fine adjustment. The difference was so slight that I wondered if I was presumptuously going too far.”

“No, it’s not like that, it’s the difference in skill… the difference…”

Professor Hwajeong stopped talking and bit her teeth gently as if her pride was hurt.

I just came to know for sure while receiving instruction on the hour hand.

He was always in a position to guide others, so he was in awe of Han Jin-soo’s acupuncture, but he was confident that he could overcome it at any time.

But that wasn’t it.

This is not a problem of overcoming and self-reporting, but a problem of a completely different dimension. If Han Jin-soo made up his mind and taught him, he would not be able to reach Han Jin-soo until he died if he worked hard alone.

It was not simply a difference in the purity of history, but a fundamentally different acupuncture.

Same yet different.

After a while, Professor Hwa-jeong pulled out all the needles, and Han Jin-soo tried Son Young-ryun.

“It’s good. It’s stable.”

Then, this time, Professor Hwajeong started taking pulses again.

“Right. It’s a weak but really reliable Mac.”

Professor Hwajeong also nodded in admiration.

‘What the hell is this?’

On the other hand, Son Yeong-ryun was quite embarrassed.

Unlike yesterday, today she stayed awake and watched the treatment, but because of that, I forgot to look at this situation.

‘Who is this person… is he teaching Professor Hwajeong?’

There was a light of surprise and curiosity in Son Young-ryun’s eyes as he looked at Han Jin-soo.

When I said that I had specially brought a nobleman, I guessed that he had excellent skills. And after getting acupuncture, the effect was so good that I found out that it was really true.

However, I did not expect that it would be at the level of teaching Professor Hwajeong.

Moreover, until now, I had fallen asleep every time I got acupuncture, so I couldn’t know more about this fact, but today I found out for the first time.

“How are you? This is the end of the primary treatment.”

Son Yeong-ryun finally got out of the thoughts he had heard for a while after hearing Han Jin-soo’s question.

“ah! yes. It always felt like I had a stone on my chest, but now I can breathe easily and most of all, my head doesn’t hurt.”

“The fire that was driven to the head has started to spread to the necessary parts of the body, so insomnia will disappear in the future. And most of all, the pressure on the heart would have been greatly reduced, so there would be less fatigue, and the symptoms of suddenly becoming irregular or pounding would have disappeared.”

When explaining, Han Jin-soo rarely used medical terminology that was easy for her to understand.

“I really think so.”

“Yes, if you endure a little bit, you will be able to regain your original health…”

Kung. thud. thud!

After the rough explanation, I was about to stand up, but suddenly there was a commotion outside, and I heard the sound of several people’s footsteps.


Then the door opened and the owner of the house, Chairman Sohn Soo, was seen.

“Honey, I am still in treatment, so if you open the door…”

His wife tried to dissuade Chairman Son, but Chairman Son did not listen to her and walked inside.

“Chairman B!”

Chairman Son glared at King Eul before Professor Hwajeong, Han Jinsu, and even his granddaughter.

“Ttk, if there are a lot of eyes around you, you should know how to keep up your body in front of your granddaughter… Why?”

When King Eul replied with a sour expression, Chairman Son took a moment to breathe after seeing Professor Hwa-jeong, his granddaughter, and finally Han Jin-soo.

“Kuhm! Youngryun-ah, how is your body?”

“It has improved a lot. To the point where I wonder if this is possible.”

Chairman Son approached Young-ryun Son one step at a time.

“Yeah, the face looks really good. Still, I still can’t believe it. Already… how many years has your health been deteriorating? Are you really okay?”

“I feel completely better now. Of course, I know I still need more treatment, but I feel better enough to tell my grandfather with confidence.”

Only then did Chairman Son nod and turn to Hwa-jeong.

“professor. Will Youngryun really be cured?”

“I think so. Can’t you see that the president has improved?”

“It looks good… but I can’t believe it at all.”

“A doctor here treated Miss Yeongnyeon with a famous acupuncture technique that I can hardly imitate.”

“With only 3 days of treatment….. The fever that bloomed on your face disappeared and your breathing changed so evenly….. Are you Dr. Han Jin-soo?”

Chairman Son did not treat Han Jin-soo and kept his courtesy.

“Yes, nice to meet you, Chairman Sonsu.”

“Thank you so much for coming all the way here to treat my granddaughter even though you are busy. If it wasn’t for Chairman Eulwang, it would have been a very friendly place… Keuheum!”

“Hey Chairman Son. If I’m that uncomfortable, you shouldn’t have allowed me yesterday, right?”

“It’s not like I wouldn’t come because I didn’t allow it. So it is better to allow it.”

“I think we said we should put off figuring out our faults until later, but are you going to keep grumbling?”

“Whoa~. yeah let’s put it back There is no need to show the ugly appearance of old people fighting in the presence of nobles.”

Chairman Son stopped staring at King Eul for a moment and looked at Han Jin-soo.

“I heard from Professor Hwajeong. But I don’t think it’s that urgent, so can’t you just treat Yeongnyeon for a few more days and go?”

“It hasn’t even been a few months since opening, but the place has been very empty. sorry.”

“Then, I will send Yeongnyeon to Korea, so please continue to treat her.”

“yes? I guess you can’t even do that? I have already fully recovered, and with Professor Hwajeong’s skills, I think I will be cured soon.”

“I have never doubted Professor Hwajeong’s skill. It’s just that you have a good relationship with the patient…”

When Chairman Son blurted out his words and sent a hot look, Han Jin-soo hesitated, unable to answer right away.

Then Professor Hwajeong, who was next to him, opened his mouth.

“I think it would be nice if a doctor could finish it. If Yeongnyeon is in her current condition, there will be no problem even if she gets on a plane, so please take her to Korea and treat her.”

“I told the professor the other day, but I can’t sleep in Korea.”

“Oh, it was.”

When Professor Hwa-jeong made a sad expression, Chairman Sohn opened his mouth.

“I was worried a lot when I heard from Professor Hwa that you can’t use acupuncture in Korea. And we found a solution.”

“yes? Any solution?”

Han Jin-soo tilted his head at Chairman Son’s words.

No matter how much Chairman Sohn is China’s leading conglomerate and can exert influence on Korea’s political and business world, he cannot dare to change the law.

Above all, if the use of acupuncture is misrepresented, the doctor’s license may be revoked. So I’m trying to avoid the illegal part as much as possible…

“You can treat it in an extraterritorial area.”

“Extraterritorial territory?”

There was a place that came to Han Jin-soo’s head.

“Are you referring to the Chinese embassy?”

“yes. The embassy is an extraterritorial area, so there is no problem with Dr. Han using acupuncture. Of course, security will be tight, so no one will know what happened inside the embassy.”

“It’s the embassy… there won’t be any problems there, but won’t it be a nuisance to the embassy staff?”

“If my granddaughter is receiving treatment at the embassy, she will welcome it first.”

“If you prepare that far, I think it will be okay. Then, as soon as I am ready, I will treat Miss Yeongnyeon in Korea.”

“Thank you. Please make sure Yeongnyeon is cured.”

President Son grabbed Han Jin-soo’s hand and thanked him.


“Oh, and I will prepare the plane for you.”

“yes? No, you don’t have to do that because you’ve already cut off the ticket.”

“I’m sorry I didn’t get your permission in advance, but the tickets I reserved have already been cancelled. I plan to send Yeongnyeon anyway, so I prepared a small but special plane to move. If you ride it, I think it will be comfortable for you to die.”

“It feels like something is bothering me.”

“Lungs! My granddaughter is so much better! Please treat only my granddaughter. If you ask me for a liver, I will take it out.”

“haha! There is nothing like that. Because I have enough money for proper treatment. A doctor whose job is to heal patients, what more could you ask for? Thank you very much for giving me a private plane.”

Han Jin-soo was fully satisfied with the fact that he could take this opportunity to ride a private plane.

After a while, I went to the annex building to pack my things, but I saw that not only Professor Hwajeong but also King Eul were still not returning.

‘Oh, I didn’t say goodbye.’

Han Jin-su put his suitcase in the car where Butler Moon was waiting and said goodbye to Professor Hwa-jeong.

“It was a short period of time, but the professor helped me a lot.”

“Why do you say hello like someone saying goodbye?”


When Han Jin-soo made a puzzled expression, Professor Hwa-jeong shrugged and continued.

“I’m also going to Korea by plane with Dr. Han.”

“To Korea? Aren’t you teaching students at Peking University?”

“While I am in Korea, another professor will teach.”

“Is that okay?”

“There is no reason not to. I already got permission from the president.”

“is that so? Well…”

Han Jin-soo got into the car after seeing Son Yeong-ryun greet her mother, grandmother and grandfather and get into the car.

Then, Professor Hwajeong and Eul Yeongyeong got into the car.

‘Eh? Is the granddaughter coming?’

Han Jin-soo was puzzled when he saw Eul Yeon-gyeong riding, but he didn’t say anything.

I had no intention of teaching her acupuncture anyway.

This is because acupuncture, which he is teaching to Professor Hwajeong, cannot be followed by anyone other than Professor Hwajeong, and if someone with poor skills does it, it could cause a great danger.

* * *

After arriving at Incheon Airport and going through customs clearance without inspection through a passage that is only used by VIPs, I could see an employee of the Chinese embassy coming out to meet me.

Seeing the embassy staff bowing to Deacon Moon, Han Jin-soo thought that Chairman Sohn’s family might be a bigger family than he thought.

The embassy staff came out to meet them in an embassy car with a Chinese flag on it.

“Then see you tomorrow.”

“Oh wait.”

When Han Jin-soo got out of the car, Butler Moon followed him and handed him an envelope.

“What is this?”

“This is the cost of treatment for the lady for the past three days.”

“The treatment fee should be paid after the treatment is finished.”

“It is an intermediate settlement.”

“haha! Until the middle settlement on what treatment. Aren’t you going to run away after treatment?”

Han Jin-soo lightly joked and continued.

“Anyway, since you’re giving it to me, I’ll gladly accept it. And tomorrow’s treatment will arrive by 7pm. Would that be all right?”

“Okay then I’ll see you tomorrow.”

Han Jin-soo sneakily opened the envelope as the car carrying Deacon Moon left.

‘It’s a check. Are you three craftsmen? 300 million? Is the daily ransom worth 100 million?’

Han Jin-soo giggled and took the check out of the envelope. And without realizing it, I opened my mouth wide.

‘shit! That’s 3 billion!’

No matter how much he lived as a painter and lived like the owner of the imperial palace, 3 billion won was an amount of money that Han Jin-soo in real life could not help but open his mouth like this.

“It’s an incurable disease… but isn’t this too much?”

Han Jin-soo looked at the check over and over again.

No matter how you look at it, the number on the check hasn’t changed.

“Kuhm! Well, even if it’s a lot of money, it won’t be too much for Chairman Son, so I can’t be sincere.”

Despite no one listening, Han Jin-soo coughed and put the envelope in his arms and went back to the hospital and opened the closed shutter door.

* * *

When Han Jin-soo’s hospital reopened and text messages came to the patients, the first director of Agu University Hospital came to receive treatment with his grandson.

Director Shin, who was watching from the side while the grandson was being treated, opened his mouth.

“Thanks to Han treating patients so well at Qingdao University Hospital, high-ranking officials in the Chinese government are calling the embassy inquiring about seeing the level of Korean medicine again.”

“An inquiry?”

When Han Jin-soo tilted his head, Director Shin was excited and gave a further explanation.

“It seems that high-ranking officials who have sick patients in the family secretly ask for it, thinking that Director Han belongs to our hospital. I know that my father is the director of Agu University Hospital, so I thought that through my son, I would be able to receive treatment directly from Director Han.”

“Oh, this is so embarrassing. But more than that, how the hell did it get rumored?”

Han Jin-soo tilted his head.

“I did a lot of surgeries at Qingdao University Hospital, but will it spread to high-ranking people?”

“Doesn’t it seem like Dr. Han’s surgery was so great? Originally, if there is a sick person in your family, you have no choice but to be sensitive to rumors about the name.”

“Yes. I don’t know if I should like this or not. It’s impossible to get treatment at this hospital unless you get a call from Amman. If the connection is established, it would be better if I go and do it after being hospitalized at Agudae Hospital, but….. Then again, it will be a nuisance to Agudae.”

“What are you saying, Director Han, that makes you so sad? When a director comes to us, we are just grateful. More than anything, it will be a great strength for my son. In fact, these days, Korea is watching China in many ways. But thanks to Director Han, China’s high-ranking officials are looking at this side, so it’s easy to deal with.”

“Ah, that is too much praise. I have to do some surgery, but will the people who decide the big and small between countries even notice?”

“Huh, the director is also true. Do you say that when you know how urgent it is when a person gets a fatal disease? And the more people have, the more they save their lives and the lives of their families.”

“Even if I don’t have anything, I don’t want to die. Anyway, I feel good that I have been of some help to Ambassador Shin.”

“Then, I’ll get it by permission, so later on, if a Chinese Communist Party official or a family member is hospitalized, you shouldn’t say that director Han won’t be able to come.”

“Don’t worry, I’ll go unless it’s really unavoidable.”

When Han Jin-soo readily agreed, a satisfied smile appeared on Director Shin’s lips.

And Jinsoo Han was very satisfied inside.

In fact, if a Chinese official undergoes surgery at a Korean hospital, the cost of treatment will inevitably be high because he or she cannot receive medical insurance benefits.

Hospitals make money, but Han Jin-soo, who operates, also makes a lot of money.

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