I Made Up Forbidden Spells, and They Actually Worked?

Chapter 107: Chapter 107: There’s No Such Thing as a Free Lunch!

Dean Bruce was astonished to see so many people gathered at the trance, while the guards were equally shocked by the sce unfolding before them.

They couldn't believe that the usually arrogant Prolo Hawthorne could display such humility.

What stunned them ev more was that after respectfully escorting Dean Bruce out, Prolo knelt again in front of the crowd, bowing deeply several times as he loudly declared, "It is I, Prolo Hawthorne, who was blind and provoked you! I hope you can overlook my faults and take me as your disciple!"

As his words echoed, everyone's eyes wided in disbelief, their expressions a mix of shock and astonishmt.

Though Dean Bruce had already decided to take Prolo as a studt, he wasn't going to agree so easily.

In his previous life, many so-called human behavior researchers had noted that humans td to undervalue what comes too easily.

With a casual glance, Dean Bruce replied, "You wish to be my disciple? That depds on your sincerity and your future performance! I look forward to seeing how you do next time we meet!"

With that, Dean Bruce ignored Prolo tirely and waved his hand, leaving with a grinning Nicholas William as the stunned crowd looked on.

"Wait, that was Prolo Hawthorne asking to be a disciple! He actually turned him down?"

"Oh my… who is this guy, really?"

"Yikes, could Saint Laurt City be in for a change?"

As the onlookers exchanged incredulous glances, they finally noticed Prolo rising, their expressions shifting dramatically.

Little did he know, Prolo Hawthorne was no fool. Although he had be deceived by others in the guild and misjudged his own abilities and pottial, he wasn't naive ough to lash out now.

Doing so would only make him look more ridiculous.

He anticipated the failure to convince Dean Bruce to take him as a disciple, especially after having provoked him earlier.

[I need to investigate this Dean's true backg wh I get back!]

Saint Laurt City was differt from other places; no matter how high one's status, riding horses was not allowed. Fortunately, Nicholas William, having spt years in the military, managed to control two warhorses as they made their way toward the Nine Provinces Alliance.

As their cultivation and strgth increased, so did their mtal fortitude, allowing them to push on without needing much rest. They had much to accomplish and didn't plan to linger in the city.

Just as they were about to exit the city, hurried footsteps echoed behind them, accompanied by a clear female voice: "Excuse me, wait a momt!"

Dean Bruce remained calm and continued walking, while Nicholas William turned back to glance and said, "Teacher, it's the girl who spoke to you earlier; she's catching up."

"Hmm, no need to pay her any mind," Dean Bruce replied, his expression unchanged. He had se too many like her in his past life.

Those who simply wanted to latch onto someone powerful.

Unfortunately for her, Dean Bruce had no shortage of female admirers and had no inttion of gaging her in conversation.

However, since they couldn't ride horses in the city, Dean Bruce and Nicholas William were soon overtak by the young woman's quicked pace.

"Whew…" The girl panted, her chest rising and falling as she ran up to Dean Bruce. Rolling her eyes, she said, "Why are you running so fast? Am I really that scary?"

Dean Bruce didn't respond, but Nicholas William shot her a glance, suddly recalling Dean Bruce's earlier commt that wom only slowed them down wh casting spells. He shuddered as if countering a demon.

Ssing his reaction, the girl couldn't help but twitch her lips. Th she turned to Dean Bruce and introduced herself, "Hi, I'm Jane Ellis! Are you from another city? I'm curious about what brought you here."

"I'm from Saint Laurt City; I can show you the way!" she offered thusiastically.

"No, thank you."

Dean Bruce declined immediately. With a map in hand, he wasn't worried about getting lost.

Plus, in the city, he could simply ask anyone for directions. There was no need to get tangled with this girl.

"Ah…" Jane Ellis hadn't expected such a swift rejection from Dean Bruce and paused in her tracks.

Unbothered by her presce, Dean Bruce considered it a minor distraction and continued on with Nicholas William until they arrived at the Nine Provinces Alliance headquarters in Saint Laurt City.

Similar to the Magic Guild, the Nine Provinces Alliance headquarters was magnifict and grand. The trance was adorned with numerous gemstones that sparkled brilliantly under the sunlight.

The complex was vast, comparable to several estates combined. Only in Saint Laurt City, with its ample space, could such imposing structures fit; otherwise, the buildings represting these powers would easily fill the tire city.

Compared to the Magic Guild, the Nine Provinces Alliance felt much more desolate; passersby were not allowed try at all.

After all, it was a closed organization.

As Dean Bruce approached the trance, several guards stepped forward, eyeing him before casually asking, "You're from the Magic Guild? What brings you to the Nine Provinces Alliance? Do you have an appointmt?"

Their demeanor reflected the differt nature of their organization, and they wer't particularly welcoming.

Unfazed, Dean Bruce took out the jade tok giv to him by Biber Parson and replied, "Biber Parson st me."

"Biber Parson?" The guards exchanged glances, th scrutinized the tok more closely. Seeing the Nine Provinces Alliance emblem, they nodded. "Follow us; we'll notify the higher-ups."

Dean Bruce followed one of the guards inside, while Nicholas William stayed outside, holding the warhorses.

Previously, he had be allowed to bring the horses into the Magic Guild because they had teleportation magic circles for business purposes.

However, the Nine Provinces Alliance was a completely closed organization and had strict rules against outsiders bringing in horses.

Following the guard, Dean Bruce soon tered a hall filled with seating, snacks, and drinks. Realizing this was the reception area of the Nine Provinces Alliance.

He chose a spot and began to eat without waiting for the guard to speak.

Being part of a large organization, the food and drinks available were undoubtedly extraordinary, and consuming them could hance one's abilities.

Wh there's an opportunity to befit, hesitation is not an option.

The guard hesitated, shook his head, and continued down the corridor, presumably to inform the higher-ups.

Before long, hurried footsteps echoed, and Dean Bruce looked up to see a middle-aged man in a purple magic robe approaching with a smile. He walked briskly and exclaimed.

"You must be Dean, the young man with impressive skills mtioned in Biber's letter! Meeting you truly feels remarkable!"

Taking the fridly demeanor into account, Dean Bruce smiled back and replied, "Not at all, Principal Biber is too kind. I'm just an ordinary instructor."


The middle-aged man smiled knowingly. "I can sse the aura of high-level spells suring you—though chaotic, there are at least three types. I can't believe that someone who can comprehd three high-level spells is just an ordinary person."

Upon hearing this, the guard's expression changed slightly.

Ev in Saint Laurt City, those who could comprehd high-level spells were not to be underestimated!

The guard felt a wave of relief wash over him; thankfully, he hadn't abused his authority by provoking Dean Bruce.

As for the middle-aged man's remarks, Dean Bruce chose not to commt further. Instead, he inquired, "May I ask wh I can report to the Saint Laurt Academy?"

Having ranked first in the assessmt, he had already earned his position as an instructor at the academy and didn't need to undergo any further evaluations.

"Not in a hurry, not in a hurry! Dean, please follow me to my office; we can discuss everything there," the middle-aged man said, pausing briefly before adding, "I forgot to introduce myself. I'm Cyb Louis, responsible for education and research!"


"Sounds good!"

Dean Bruce didn't refuse. Since someone had come out to greet him instead of making him find his way alone, it showed proper respect.

He couldn't afford to offd the Nine Provinces Alliance just yet and needed to return the courtesy.

Following Cyb Louis, they soon arrived at a room.

That was not too large but filled with various books.

As Dean Bruce took in his surings, Cyb Louis poured him a drink and smiled. "Now that it's just the two of us, I can be more candid. Biber Parson and I are like brothers, and since you come highly recommded by him, I'll treat you as one of my own."

"However, once you join the Saint Laurt Academy, I'll need your assistance with something."

At these words, Dean Bruce couldn't help but feel a sse of irony.

There's no such thing as a free lunch!

No matter how nicely Cyb Louis put it, and regardless of Biber Parson's dorsemt, the truth was that he wanted something from Dean Bruce.

Right now, Cyb Louis was merely trying to butter him up!

Dean Bruce didn't immediately agree. He wasn't foolish; he understood that if Cyb Louis needed someone else to do a task, it likely meant he couldn't handle it himself. He saw this as an opportunity to negotiate for more befits!

Dean Bruce's life philosophy was to maximize his gains in every situation!

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