I Kinda Came to Another World, but Where’s the Way Home?

Chapter 85

Characters Introduction of 6thArc

Protagonist Party

Naginata Kitsune Male 18 years old

At the end of the sixth chapter, he obtained resistance stat comparable to an A-ranked attack power. However, his level had somehow reverted to 1 again. The STOP! had also disappeared from his strength stat. He had deduced that this was most likely due to his unique skill Re:Origin, but as of right now he still didnt understand the details of that skill. And considering the fact that his stats grew faster when he reverted to level 1, he didnt see any demerit upon this phenomenon.

In addition, Hed added Nico Arcs, whom he met in Chapter 6, to his party, and they were heading to the next town. The current objectives were: 1. Revenge on the heroes, and 2. Return to his original world. In order to get stronger, he was heading to Rookshade kingdom.


Name : Naginata Kitsune

Gender : Male Lv.1

Strength : 600:STOP!

Stamina : 4210

Resistance : 8800

Agility : 4650

Magic Power : 3420

Title : OtherworlderOne Loved by Demon

Magic Eye Holder

Skill : Pain Nullification Lv.5 Intuition Lv.5 Eerie Constitution Other World Language Status Appraisal Fortitude Intimidation Near-Death ExperienceMagic Eye of Foresight Lv.6Miasma Resistance Lv.6Miasma Aptitude Lv.6Miasma Control Lv.5 Evasion Art Lv.1All Seeing Lv.1

Unique skill : Magic Eye of ForesightMiasma ControlRe: Origin

PT Member : Trishe (Human), Leila (Demon), Nico (Human)

Trishe Lumieira Female 17 years old

The conscience of Kitsunes party. She got herself mentally exhausted everytime Leila went of control or when Kitsune caused problems by taking crazy actions.

However, ever since she followed Kitsune, she noticed that even the mediocre herself had gotten stronger. In that regard, she had no intention of leaving Kitsunes side. As of the end of chapter six, the only conversation partner who didnt make her get exhausted was the former Count Higurd.

Also, in the case of her combat style, she could demonstrate abilities above her stats numbers. She was a girl overflowing with potentials.

Regarding Leila, it was dangerous to be with her without Kitsune around, so she wished to be alone with her as less as possible.


Name : Trishe Lumieira

Gender : Female Lv. 32

Strength : 1670

Stamina : 1890

Resistance : 100:STOP!

Agility : 1780

Magic Power : 500

Title :AdventurerMagic Eye Holder

Skill :Sword Art Lv.4 Magic Eye of Foresight Lv.0 Body Strengthening Lv.4 SwiftIntuition Lv.2All Seeing LV.3

Unique skill :Magic Eye of Foresight

PT Member : Naginata Kitsune (Human), Leila (Demon), Nico (Human)

Leila Vermilion Female 17 years old

She didnt play an active role in Chapter 6, but meeting Nico seemed to have awakened her maternal instincts. She seemed to be quite fond of Nico, and when she hugs her, she hugs her back gently, and she seemed to have developed an affection to children.

She had only recently awakened as S-ranked demon, so still didnt seem much of a threat, but as time goes by, she seemed to have more or less gotten used to controlling miasma as well as combat. Even against Reis who possessed A-rank prowess, aside from a few cut of her hair, it could be said that she defeated him unharmed.

It seemed that she was putting her feeling for Kitsune on hold. She no longer felt hazy whenever she was near Kitsune and touched him, so she decided to stick closer to him than ever before.


Name : Leila Vermilion

Gender : Female Lv. 32

Race : Noble Demon of Virus

Strength : 35200

Stamina : 43400

Resistance : 2400:STOP!

Agility : 30960

Magical energy : 26820

Title :Red Night Noble Demon of Virus

Skill : Sword Art Lv.6Body Strengthening Lv.5Binge EaterMiasma Control Lv.8Magic Control Lv.3Vile Binge EaterEuphoriaProdigal Spirit

Unique skill :Miasma ControlProdigal Spirit

Nico Arcs Female 4 years old

A young girl who was left in the care of Kitsune while she was on the run with her father. She possessed the nature of a liar, so she liked to utter lies.

However, she seemed to be still lisping a lot, and she couldnt call people with their names properly either. Even when she called out to Leila (katakana), she called her Leila (hiragana).

Among Kitsunes party, she was most attached to Leila, and after the fight against Reis, she showed a part of her childish side by hugging her in worry.

She seemed to more or less love her father and considered him a kind father. She was an adorable liar of cute young girl with blonde hair and squishy skin.

In Chapter 6, she was targeted by Duke Orba as a priest candidate, but it was still unknown whether she was actually talented or not. However, considering that at the age of four she possessed strength stat comparable to that of Kitsunes initial stat, it appeared that the people of Kitsunes former world were only at the level of babies of the other world. It seemed that Nagi, who was strengthened due to correction of being a Hero, was truly blessed.


Name : Nico Arcs

Gender : Female Lv. 1

Strength : 10

Stamina : 20

Resistance : 10

Agility : 10

Magic Power : 10

Title :

Skill :

Unique skill : ???

Higurd Arcs Male 30 years old

He was Nicos father, a former count of the Arcs House. He loved his daughter dearly, and his wife was killed by Reis who sent by the Duke Orba. However, his wifes remains was recovered by the knights to erase the evidence, and he ran away with his daughter to escape from the soldiers who came after them one after another. He didnt have time to grieve for his wifes death.

However, his wifes body was retrieved beforehand by Claire and was then given proper burial. Claire also spent her own money to erect a pretty tomb for her. The time shed tell Kitsune and the others about that was when they met next time or perhaps the one after that.

Currently, not only did he feel gratitude to Kitsune for saving his daughter, he also felt that he owed him more that his life worth of favour. That was the main reason why hed agreed to leave the town.


Name : Higurd Arcs

Gender : Male Lv. 12

Strength : 210

Stamina : 350

Resistance : 30

Agility : 120

Magic Power : 70

Title :

Skill : Calculation Lv.3Negotiation Lv.3Command Lv.2

Unique skill : ???

Chapter 6 New Characters

Jack Itona Male 19 years old

A newbie adventurer who bravely stood up to the Goblin King. His prowess was only at newbie level, so against the Goblin King it was supposed be impossible for him to escape death, however he survived thanks to the sacrifice of the other adventurers and the eater hand which happened to be there.

He lamented for the dead adventurers, but he managed to get back on his feet thanks to Kitsunes noncommittal encouragement. He now looked up to Kitsune with respect, and made determination to someday be able to stand and fight shoulder to shoulder with him.

He was a kind-hearted adventurer with a passionate heart.


Name : Jack Itona

Gender : Male Lv. 23

Strength : 560

Stamina : 780

Resistance : 90

Agility : 540

Magic Power : 460

Title :

Skill : Sword Art Lv.2Body Strengthening Lv.2FortitudeSwift

Unique skill : ???

Claire Lemar Female 22 years old

She was the big sister of the blue-haired receptionist at Miniera as well as the former secretary of Duke Orba. This time, she asked Kitsune to get rid of the Duke Orba.

Apparently, other than her dissatisfaction with his misgovernment, she had her own personal reasons for wanting to get rid of the Duke Orba, but that was another story. Shed revealed it next time or the one after that.

He thought of Kitsune as a monster. After witnessing his crooked mindset which made her doubt whether he was truly human or not, she honestly didnt want to get involved with him ever again.


Name : Claire Lemar

Gender : Female Lv. 14

Strength : 130

Stamina : 230

Resistance : 40

Agility : 180

Magic Power : 60

Title :

Skill : Calculation Lv.3Negotiation Lv.3Cooking Lv.2Cleaning Lv.2Observation Lv.3

Unique skill : ???

Reis Ness Male 26 years old

An S-ranked vicious killer who took pleasure in killing people. He killed in various ways, there is no specific custom or anything, but most of time he killed people by slashing them with a blade.

He had been killing people since he was 12 years old, and recorded victims alone numbered to 1043. If the unrecorded victims were also included, then the total would be well over 2,000.

From the age of 12 he was wanted by the government, sometimes he even killing his pursuers while moving from one place to another, and after about 10 years of hide and seek, he was finally captured by an S-ranked adventurer who received the request from the government,. He was supposed to be confined until his death, but five years later he was released by Duke Orba.

Afterwards, he became Duke Orbas bodyguard.

However, when Kitsune killed Duke Orba, the slave collar was unlocked. Leila nearly killed him, but he later escaped by dragging his close to death body. Whether he somehow managed to survive or died somewhere in the wilderness, his whereabouts were unknown.


Name : Reis Ness

Gender : Male Lv. 82

Strength : 8420

Stamina : 9800

Resistance : 320:STOP!

Agility : 9720

Magic Power : 2800

Title : Murderer

Skill : ???

Unique skill : ???

Orba Fonnes Male 42 years old

An aristocrat who enforced misgovernment and was trying to get back to the capital. Now dead.

Status omitted because he was dead.

Heros Side

Lulu Soleil Female 12 years old

In journey together with the Hero. She was a dog beastman.

She was currently in regret over having made Kitsune had a sad expression, and thought it was because she was weak, so now she was single-mindedly craving for power. From the point of view of Finia, who was with her, she was in a very precarious state.

Since she was together with the Hero party, she more or less cooperated with them in order to survive. However, she didnt seem to have opened up her heart to them at all.


Name : Lulu Soleil

Gender : Female Lv. 47

Strength : 6890

Stamina : 10340

Resistance : 100:STOP!

Agility : 7950

Magic Power : 5670

Title :

Skill :Short Sword-Arts Lv.7Body Strengthening Lv.4All Seeing Lv.4Minds Eye Lv.4Intuition Lv.4Wild InstinctMagic Control Lv.3Fortitude

Unique skill :

Finia Female 0 years old

An Idea type Fairy who was in journey together with the heroes along with Lulu. She had to leave Kitsunes side for the moment because the Miko was holding the mask which was the medium of her existence. She had been working together with Lulu to become stronger, but recently she had been concerned about Lulus precarious state.

The fact that she was separated from Kitsune combined with Lulus precarious state, ever since she was separated from Kitsune shed always had gloomy expression, she hadnt showed her sunflower-like smile even once.

She hadnt opened up her heart to the Hero, but she still cooperated with them in battle to survive.


Name : Finia

Gender : Female Lv. 57

Strength : 5640

Stamina : 7890

Resistance : 300:STOP!

Agility : 8020

Magic Power : 19800

Title :Fairy of Unrequited Love

Skill : Light Magic Lv.6 Magic Recovery LV.6 Healing Magic Lv.5 Fire Magic Lv.6 Body Strenghtening Lv.4IntimidationMagic Control Lv.5Hit Accuracy Lv.4Parallel Thinking Lv.4Affection Strenghtening Lv.5Barrier Magic Lv.3Rapid Movement Lv.4

Unique skill : ???

Serizawa Nagi Male 17 years old

The Hero, currently he was striving to get stronger. Thanks to his talent and Hero correction, he was steadily getting stronger. He seemed to be concerned about Lulu who was overworking herself. After having practical combat training to accumulate experience against the swordsman Jik, he was now capable of cornering him. It surely wouldnt be long for him to obtain S-rank prowess.


Name : Serizawa Nagi

Gender : Male Lv. 72

Strength : 12030

Stamina : 13400

Resistance : 310:STOP!

Agility : 13800

Magic Power : 6780

Title :Hero

Skill :Sword Art Lv.7Body Strenghtening Lv.6 SwiftIntimidationMagic Control Lv.3Natural GiftIntuition Lv.4FortitudeMinds Eye Lv.3Concealment Lv.3Enemy Search Lv.3All Seeing Lv.3

Unique skill :Ray of Hope

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