I Kinda Came to Another World, but Where’s the Way Home?

Chapter 80

As the blue hair secretary guiding us to Duke orba room, she explains a lot of things to us, such as What kind of person Duke Orba is? Why he wants Nico-chan ,and Everythings.

Me and Rishe-chan are walking behind the secretary and I couldnt help but notice that she always keep the same pace as us. This shows how good her observation skill is.

Then she starts with an introduction.

[My name is Clair Rumarl. I became Duke Orba secretary 2 years ago]

[Ah, Umm My name is ]

[H rank Adventurer, Kitsune-sama I presume ?]

[So you already know ?]

[My sister Miniera write about you a lot in a letter]

Sister? So It is the blue hair receptionist that sit next to Mia-chan huh? To think that they are relative. By the way Im quite curious about what she wrote about me in the letter. Since I tease Mia-chan a lot It would be good if my charade didnt spread around here too

As I thought about the past, Clair-chan let out a giggle.

[My sisters letter is all about a certain adventurer About how he changes the Guild atmosphere or about how he made a lot of senior adventurer dumbfounded as well. It made me want to meet him at least once you know?]

[Is that so? .. But I dont even know your sisters name ]

[Is that the case? Well Ill leave it at that]

It's like meeting someone who wants to meet you, then you hear something like that, it makes me quite happy.

Ack! Rishe-chan kick me! Are you jealous? But thats not it right? This is a serious talk after all.

[Dukes Orba was originally a military personnel of Grandil Kingdom ,but he failed in the huge military operation. He was stripped of his position as a punishment, then he reluctantly came back to become a Lord in his hometown]

[Duke is a highest position right? Didnt he have anything to say at all?]

[Court rank and military position is a different matter after all. Whether you're a Duke or a high-ranking official, you cant escape your responsibility.]

Oh, It like that huh Even if it is a high nobility of the peerage, the Court rank and the military position is not proportional. I think the Grandil Kingdom has a very strict military rule; even Duke Orba cannot escape from it.

[Because Duke Orba was quite prideful. He can't accept that he was driven out to take care of a frontier town like this. As time went on, his attitude starts to worsen until it reached this point. He starts to get violent after some times pass.]

[Ahaha, He looks like a laid-off husband.]

[re.. What? Well Its not that important. Because hes like that he leaves all his job to me and his subordinate, and let me have the authority for the most part To be honest, I don't think I can side with the soldiers or the people here.]

So that's why you want me to eliminate the Duke.

But Its unnecessary to rely on me, isnt it?

If the soldiers are also dissatisfied, you can convince them to side with you, Then use the position of the secretary to gather the evidence to destroy him right?

After that happen with the solid proof, the Grandel Kingdom has no choice but to take his position back, isnt it?

Still, what kind of reason make you have to rely on an H rank adventurer like me.

I'm sure this isn't the end of the story.

And I don't think there's any reason why they're targeting Nico, or why they're not relying on the soldiers.

This conversation cannot explain the whole situation at all.

Is this all of the story?

[Yes. As to why Duke is targeting Nico Arcos, the girl you're protecting, was quite complicated. Do you know about the hero that was summoning recently?]

[Yes, I know it well.]

We even met once. It left me a bad taste in my mouth.

The moment that the name came out, I narrow my eyes. I mean that guys still want to be a nuisance even in this situation huh? Whether you're here or not, it's annoying like hell.

[Originally, when the hero is summoned, we have to use space-time magic, but this time we did not use it. Since you cant find a person who has an aptitude for space-time magic that easily.]

[hmmm Then how did you summon it this time]

[The royal family of the Grandel Kingdom has a position called Shinkan(Shinto-Priest) in every generation. It's a position for those who can use space-time magic. In case there is no one with the aptitude, they will have the strongest in the magician family take on that position. When they summon the hero this time, they use the forbidden magic instead of the space-time magic.]

Forbidden magic right? .. It quite obvious that It's a risky method but they still use it after all.

[That magic will activate with the life of the caster in exchange. Therefore, the "Priest" of the present generation is dead at the same time as the Hero Summoning.]

[To kill the person this early, as expected of the Hero Motoki.]

[So when the "Priest" died. We had to prepare a new "Priest" right away.]

It somehow comes to this situation. The "Priest" had died and that they needed a replacement, but there were no suitable person for the space-time magic. I don't know what kind of thing Space-Time Magic is, but if it's an alternative, I think they'll be using the people in The Magician's families.There is no proof, but I think Nico-chan should be the one they'll be using.

[Duke Orba is not only an aristocrat, but he is also a great Wizard. That's why I skip to the story of the successor of this "Priest." The Arcos family, as well as Duke Orba is about to return to the Grandel Kingdom and presenting his daughter as a candidate for a new "Priest".]

[If Nico-chan can be a "Priest", even if he can not take back a military position, he can at least regain his former prestige.]

[Moreover, Nico Arcos is still four years old. If you can educate her as a magician early on, she will be able to acquire the ability that is no inferior to the ordinary magician. Is what I thought. If you can use magic at a young age, the magic power will be greatly increased as well.]

What's that. To put it all together. The hero is in a wrong right? It is a little unpleasant to use Nico-chan to regain his status. All of this is unreasonable and Hero is very hateful in the first place. Un... It has to be like this for sure.

That said, After listening to this story, There's no way for me to hand over Nico-chan. It seems like Duke Orba needs a little bit of roasting.

If you hand over Nico-chan as it is, She will be eaten up by the Duke Orba for nothing. Such a life is too deplorable.

Maybe her father was killed, and I don't know if her mother is still alive, but I don't think she'll be able to see her parents again. And that's not acceptable.

[I see, The reason why the soldiers didn't turn against him is that they can get a benefit after the Duke of Orba returns right?]

[Yes, Duke Orba had made such a remark to reassure the soldiers.]

[So that's why you are relying on me huh? Since Duke Orba doesn't have any influence on the Adventurer, we are perfect for the job.]

[Whether you kill him or drive him out of this country in fine with me, I will take full responsibility for the cleanup after that. Would It be possible for you to take on this job?]

In other words, is this the same as Apostles, who have to clean up after the Hero.

Wow, when you think about it, it starts to get annoying.

But I don't think Nico-chan will be able to have a happy childhood. It's not like I have an enjoyable childhood either way.

Since the blue hair receptionist Onee-san has some ties with Miniera-chan, Should I just kill Duke Orba for Nico-chan after all? Though we talk a lot about the magician families, She asks the H rank Adventurer me. So I should be able to do it.

[All right, I can just go and take care of Duke Orba, right? I'll do it, this will be a piece of cake.]

[I don't think you'll be that eager to make a move. If you can do it, then there's no problem.]

[Rishi-chan did you listen? Were going to blow him up, okay?]

[Yeah, loud and clear. I just don't know why you're smiling so much right now.]

After we decided to kill the Duke of Orba, Claire's feet just stopped in front of the big door.

Apparently, we got to the room where Duke Orba was.

[Duke Orba is here in this room. Please take care.]

[Yeah leave it to me, because I like children, I have to protect the future of this child and takes care of the threat!]

What's that? I kinda blurt out something I didn't even think about.

It is said that If you were abused as a child you are going to abuse your own child after you grew up. But what about me? On the contrary, I am dead from the abuse after all.

[Well, let's go, by the way, Is there any murderer in that room?]

[Th.. There's nothing like that!]

[That's good then]

After I said that, I opened the door and walked into the room.


Around that time, in the basement. The fight between Leila and Reis settled.

Reis lies under Laila's step with his hands tied to the back in front of Nico's room.

There are countless sword wounds on his body, and his hair got cut messily, but there are no scars on Leila's skin at all.

She has a satisfying smile on her face, and the consciousness of the Reis seemed to be completely lost.

The blade he originally has also shattered before Leila's misama knife, red blood is flowing out from under his fallen body.

He seems to be alive, but it is only a matter of time. Reis would have been dead if he had taken another hit.

[Ufufu Ufufufu You did your best Unnn This is bad ]

Leila is licking Reis' blood, which stains the floor red, on her finger. No matter what you do, even a mass murderer cannot cross the limit called a monster. Before Leila's overwhelming power, the killer fell.

But you know? you know? Even the half of half of half of half of half of half of half of half of haaaaaalf of Kitsune-kun blood is Farrrrrr more delicious than you, you know? Ufufu Ufufufu Ahhh This is kinda enjoying .

Leila then pulls her legs away from Reis' head and turns back her heels, and opens the doors just like that.

[Nico, it's over Let's go ]

[Leyla !]

Then, Nico came rushing up to Laila. Holding onto Leila's waist, she clutched the black one-piece tightly and buried her face in Leila's stomach.

Laila has a blank expression when Nico is burying her face with a slight quiver. She looks at her face without understanding anything.

[Ufufufu Whats wrong?]

Then she hugs her back and laughing without saying anything

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