I Have A Sword

Chapter 904: The Eight Buddhas

Chapter 904: The Eight Buddhas

The black-robed old man bowed respectfully and poured wine into the emperor’s cup.

“Your Majesty,” the old man said, “neither Ye Guan, his father, nor that lady in the plain skirt who supports them is worth your concern. Just give the word, and their heads will be at your feet.”

Dao Emperor Zhaowu drained his cup in one swift motion, and a smile tugged at his lips as he said, “Elder Xian, underestimating our foes is a dangerous habit. History is littered with the bones of the arrogant who thought they were invincible.”

Elder Xian remained impassive. “They are beneath us, unworthy of even a passing thought.”

Dao Emperor Zhaowu laughed heartily. “After all these years, your pride remains unshaken. I find that quite admirable.”

Elder Xian bowed again. He showed respect only to the Dao Emperor.

At that moment, a shadowy figure slipped into the hall. “Your Majesty, the Eight Hidden Buddhas have arrived. Should I bring them in?”

Dao Emperor Zhaowu nodded slightly. “Let them in.”

The figure vanished as silently as it had come, and soon, eight monks clad in black robes filed into the room.

Their faces were hidden beneath monk hats, and they held prayer beads made from white bones. They chanted ancient, cryptic scriptures as the monk at the helm led the group into the tavern. The monk at the helm was carrying a skull in one hand and a bone hammer in the other. He was striking it rhythmically as he walked into the tavern.

When they arrived before the Dao Emperor, the eight monks bowed deeply in unison.

“Greetings, Your Majesty.”

Dao Emperor Zhaowu’s smile grew wider. “I didn’t expect you to come here.”

The monk at the helm—with his head still bowed—replied, “Your assistance back when the Tianxing Flame struck has ensured the survival of our Dark Buddha Temple. We cannot refuse your call."

“Dark Monk, I see you’ve reached the Path Creation Realm.”

The Dark Monk responded with another bow. “All thanks to your guidance, Your Majesty.”

Dao Emperor Zhaowu chuckled, clearly pleased. “I’ve summoned you to witness my greatest triumph.”

The Dark Monk’s eyes widened upon realizing something, and his voice quavered with awe. “I-It is an honor beyond measure.”

Dao Emperor Zhaowu's laughter echoed as he drained another cup of wine.

Elder Xian quickly refilled it, his movements both precise and respectful.

A moment later, a striking lady entered the hall. She was Tianwu Xin, and she almost stopped breathing at the sight of the eight powerful monks, as each of them was a top-tier Path Creation Realm cultivator. Fear flickered in her eyes as their imposing auras swept over her. Tianwu Xin forced herself to remain composed as she approached Dao Emperor Zhaowu and bowed deeply before saying, “Your Majesty, the Li Clan, the Wuma Clan, and my Tianwu Clan have all pledged their support.

"However, the Jimo Clan has yet to give a definite response. I haven't made contact with the other clans.”

Dao Emperor Zhaowu smiled, but there was a sharp edge to it. “Allow me to correct you. They're not here to offer support. I’ve gathered you all to witness history in the making.”

Tianwu Xin blinked, momentarily confused, but the meaning behind his words quickly dawned on her. Her eyes widened, and a wave of exhilaration washed over her. Wow! We struck gold! My Tianwu Clan is going to prosper!

Elder Xian interrupted her thoughts. “Your Majesty, when shall we act?”

"No need to rush. The Four Holy Underworld Lords and some old acquaintances have yet to arrive.”

Elder Xian’s gaze drifted to the towering Ascension Stele. “Ye Guan is still cultivating...”

“Let him,” Dao Emperor Zhaowu replied dismissively. “He’s nothing more than a puppet dancing on a stage.”


Five years passed by in the blink of an eye inside the tiny pagoda.

Over the past five years, Ye Guan’s training with Ru Yuan and Li Suifeng was relentless, and his strength had multiplied many times over.

His swordsmanship had evolved to a whole new level, and he could now sever five hundred thousand years' worth of lifespan with a single strike.

Even without the Qingxuan Sword, he could effortlessly sever a hundred thousand years' worth of lifespan. He was nearly invincible among those below the Path Creation Realm, while the average Path Creation Realm cultivators would find themselves struggling to withstand his attacks, as he could unleash ten Life Severance in rapid succession.

If he were to merge with Ao Qianqian, he'd become even stronger.

Both Ru Yuan and Li Suifeng were now wary of Lifespan Severance.

In addition, Ye Guan had honed his Phantom Edge, merging it with Spacetime Overlap and Heavenrend. The Phantom Edge had become faster, stronger, and almost impossible to predict, even for Ru Yuan and Li Suifeng.

With the Qingxuan Sword in hand, Ye Guan was a terrifying enemy to both top-tier experts.

Ru Yuan and Ye Guan stood apart, and the space between them was trembling slightly.

“Are you suppressing your cultivation base?” Ru Yuan suddenly asked.

Ye Guan nodded.

“Why?” Ru Yuan inquired, genuinely curious.

“When the water overflows, it spills.”

Ru Yuan was taken aback for a moment. Then, he nodded and smiled. “Wise words.”

He regarded Ye Guan with growing admiration.

Ye Guan was not only talented but also humble—a rare combination.

Ye Guan sheathed his sword and bowed deeply to Ru Yuan. “Thank you for your guidance and for the sparring over these five years.”

Without their tutelage, Ye Guan knew that he wouldn’t have advanced so rapidly.

Ru Yuan smiled in return and replied, “No need for thanks. Suifeng and I owe you a great debt. What we’ve done is nothing compared to what you’ve done for us. Your gratitude humbles me.”

Ye Guan smiled as well, opening his palm to reveal a Dao Fruit.

"This will help you recover faster,” Ye Guan said. He also produced two Eternal Crystals.

Ru Yuan accepted them, as he knew that Ye Guan would have to fight the Evil Dao Alliance.

He had to recover as soon as possible.

Just then, a transmission talisman from within Ye Guan’s storage ring began to tremble.

Someone was trying to reach him. Ye Guan bid farewell to Ru Yuan and left the tiny pagoda.

After he departed, Li Suifeng appeared beside Ru Yuan and said, “Ye Guan is not only gifted and insightful but also hardworking and determined. He’s truly exceptional. It’s a shame that he has already decided on his own Dao to follow; otherwise...”

Ru Yuan smiled gently. “Indeed, a rare talent—and a lover of books.”

Ye Guan had not only focused on combat and cultivation but also frequently sought Ru Yuan’s counsel on governance and leadership. Ru Yuan found those discussions as enjoyable as their sparring sessions.

Li Suifeng’s expression turned solemn. “I’ve seen the Third Hall Master before...”

Ru Yuan fell silent for a long moment before breaking into a smile. “Why worry? Even a small kindness deserves a great return. We’ll do what we can.”

Li Suifeng smiled as well. “True.”


Outside the tiny pagoda, Ye Guan spotted Jimo Lan, and her expression was grim. “I have bad news...”

Jimo Lan then explained the situation regarding the Tianwu Clan and the Fourth Hall Master.

After hearing her out, Ye Guan frowned. “The Fourth Hall Master of the Evil Dao Alliance has joined the fray?”

Jimo Lan nodded. “Yes.”

Ye Guan fell into contemplation.

"I'm sure you don't know just how formidable Dao Emperor Zhaowu is, so let me explain," Jimo Lan said, "He was once the undisputed number one in the Zhaowu Universe, undefeated across countless worlds.

"He was already beyond the Path Creation Realm back then. Now, he appears young, but he has likely become even stronger.

"He also has many powerful followers. My people have discovered that top-tier elites have been entering Dao Street to meet with him. However, they couldn't investigate them closely, so we don’t know exactly just how many powerful allies he has at the moment.”

Jimo Lan stared intently at Ye Guan and said, “You must plan ahead.”

Ye Guan suddenly asked, “Why did you choose to help me instead of him?”

Jimo Lan feigned surprise and she sounded dumbfounded as she replied, “Because you’re my friend.”

“That's it?”

“What other reason could there be?”

“Thank you for considering me as your friend.”

Just then, Jimo Lan lowered her head, and her face turned somber.

“What’s wrong?” Ye Guan asked.

Jimo Lan shook her head, remaining silent.

Ye Guan urged her gently.

Jimo Lan finally said, “To help you, I stole my clan's Founding Ancestor's protection talisman. It contains the soul of one of our ancestors, and it is our final line of defense. By taking it away, I’ve become a criminal of my own clan...”

Jimo Lan's voice trembled with emotion, and her face was pale with regret.

“Lady Jimo, what have I done to deserve such kindness? I-I have no way of repaying you!”

"I don't need anything in return," Jimo Lan said, shaking her head. “I’m helping you because I consider you a friend, nothing more. Please don’t burden yourself with unnecessary thoughts.”

Ye Guan was about to respond, but Jimo Lan quickly added, “Prepare yourself; they're coming.”

Jimo Lan stared at Ye Guan with a complex light in her eyes. Then, she turned around and left quietly. Jimo Lan knew that one had to strike the right balance when it came to handling men—be close but maintain some distance at the same time.

Otherwise, one's efforts wouldn't be as effective.

When Jimo Lan disappeared, Ye Guan chuckled.

Little Pagoda suddenly asked, “Do you not trust that woman?”

Ye Guan calmly replied, “Why do you say that?”

“Just a gut feeling.”

Ye Guan nodded. “You're right, I don’t trust her.”

Little Pagoda sounded puzzled. “Why not?”

“First, I’ve read a ton of books.”

Little Pagoda was still confused. "Same, but I didn’t pick up on anything.”

“Secondly,” Ye Guan added, “I’ve been with many women.”

Little Pagoda was silent for a long time. “Damn it.”

Indeed, he had always been maidenless.

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