I Got a Cheat Ability in a Different World, and Became Extraordinary Even in the Real World (LN)

Book 2: Chapter 2: Part 1

Heres another chapter thank to the Patrons! Enjoy~

Part 1


I stared in disbelief at the book in my hand. This is because the sage described here is probably the former landlord of the house that I use in this other world. Furthermore, it is safe to say that I couldnt do anything without the sages help. Im very indebted to him for the weapon and armor, and numerous materials such as the complete recovery grass. In the first place, if the house didnt have the barrier ability, I would have been dead the moment I stepped outside the door, connecting the house to the other world.

The book of the sage moreover, who else could have reached this place

I opened the book with a slight shudder. One of the contents spelled out the following:

WellI know this is sudden, but lets talk about the past. Its my past. I know its boring but listen to me.

I could do anything. Yes, ever since I was born There was nothing I couldnt do. Magic, swordsmanship, cooking, singing, painting, blacksmithing I could really do everything in this world. And I had the power to master it, too.

As a result, I stepped into Gods realm while I was alive.

It was one of my few astonishing events; the gods encouraged me to become a god directly.

Well, the other people would have gladly accepted it. After all, if you agree, you will be able to join the divinity and gain immortality. Before this, even if I could revive the dead, I couldnt become an immortal. But I refused. Those around me were surprised, and some of them scolded me for being arrogant. But I still refused.

Ive talked about this at length, but there is one thing I would like to tell you as you read this book. You are good enough to be able to come to this place. Im not sure how you perceive that, now that Im dead.

I dont know what you think of other people. I dont know, but it will eventually make those around you afraid like me. It may be an afterthought, but as a predecessor, I dont want you to lead a life like mine.

I havent told you why I refused to become a god, have I? Its becauseI wanted to die as a person. I, who could do anything and reach the divinity while I was alive could only die as a person in this way.

I dont want you to end up in the same position. Its truly selfish of me.


Ive read this far, and Im amazed at the kindness of the sage. My image of the sage was that he was the type of person who had no interest in other people and was only interested in himself because he was building a house in the middle of the forest like that.

In fact because he was able to do anything, he was a pitiful person who was more lonely than anyone else and had lost the ability to die as a person other than dying at the end of his life.

If what he says is true, then my power is probably one of the most powerful among humans. If things continue like this, as sage-san said, I might be feared off by the people around me.

I dont want that. But what should I do?

As I continued to read the book with these thoughts, there was more information.

Its a bit scary, but to solve this is simple Well, for someone other than me.

The answer is to get someone you can trust.

It could be a friend, a lover, or a parent. Make someone who will lay everything on the line and still be there for you.

I was good at building relationships when I was alive, but I didnt get someone to expose everything like that. If you have the time, dont be afraid and look for such a person positively.


That is, well..I guess it is, but Im the kind of person who didnt have any friends until recently, you know? I feel like thats a pretty high hurdle

Sage-san, dont you think that in terms of your own standards?

Youre going to be fine. Dont rush, take your timego at your own pace and get a lifetime friend. Not only do you have to deal with your friends, but you have to deal with yourself.

Youre reading my mind!

While doing tsukomi inwardly, I was reminded of my deceased grandfather by the words of the sage.

Grandpa said the same thing to me before he passed away

It may take some time, but Ill make my own way, little by little.

As I turned the page with that thought in my mind, there was a continuation.

Thank you for keeping me company this far, and I apologize for that, but Ill write one thing you want to know in this book.


When I saw the letters written, I let out a hysterical voice.

Then, what do I want to know or rather, I feel like my mind is really being read. Even if suddenly said, nothing honestly comes to mind. I have too many things to know.

But speaking of what I want to know now

Magic I wonder

Ive never used magic since I came to this world. Thats why I long for magic. Its exciting to think about being able to make fire out of my hands like that. As I was thinking about it, a new character is written on the page that had been blank until now.

It seems like you want to know about magic.

I knew youd read my mind!

It turned into a conviction inside of me. Ignoring me like that, additional letters emerge on the blank page.

Ive packed all of my magic theories into this continuation. However you have no knowledge of magic no, on the contrary youre not a resident of this world.

How could you possibly know that?

It seems that sage-san can see everything. Even so, I didnt think hed be able to figure out that I was an otherworlder. Whats going on actually? What on earth?

But unfortunately, even if you have the magic theory drilled into your head, youre not capable of using magic. Thats because every human in this world has [Magic Circuit] in their body that allows them to use magic.

Simply put, its like a blood vessel. Unlike you, humans in this world produce not only blood but also magic power from their hearts, and it runs through their entire body. However, being an otherworlder, you dont have this circuit. Therefore, you cant use magic.


T-thenI cant use magic for the rest of my life?

Theres nothing I can do about it if he says its different because of how my body is built. When it comes to magic, I had been hoping to use it someday since I came to this world, and that fact was quite a shock. But sage-sans words didnt end there.

Therefore, I will give you my magic circuit. Yeah, I dont exist anymore. But my magic circuit is so precious that it can be said to be a treasure of this world. It would be better for you to use it than just to make it disappear.


Can a magic circuit be passed on to other people? Besides, is it okay for an outsider like me to take such a precious thing?

Despite my anxiety, the sages words were written in a light tone on the page more and more.

If you dont use it, its just going to disappear. But now youre here. Theres nothing wrong with that, just that the existence that inherits it just happens to be an otherworlder. Its decided that its better for people who can use it.

In the first place, how many people can get to this place?


Its true, I knew from what Owen-san and the others said about how dangerous this place is.

Well, dont think too hard about it, but be happy that you just happen to have the worlds best magic circuit.

I wonder if I can take it so lightly

Well, its not something I could have said at this point where Im already using the sages weapons and house, but even so, I feel apologetic when he treats me so well.Im really sorry

Well, whatever. I have nothing to say to you if you will eventually become worthy of that power and live a life that you can hold your heart out for.


I am admonished by sage-san who should no longer be in this world. Even so, if I can live up to what sage-san says if I can become that kind of person who lives up to the power sage-san gave meno, I should try to become that kind of person.

Just as I was making that determination, suddenly, the sages book began to shine.


Now that youve made your decision, lets get you started. This is my magic circuit that the whole world has wanted!

I had been turning the pages by hand before, but suddenly the book jumped out of my hand and was fixed in the air, and the pages were being turned more and more. Then, as the page stopped, a large number of characters that I had never seen before emerged there and jumped off the page.


The string of letters undulates like a snake. Its crawled up from my feet to all over my body; the characters filled from the top of my head to the toes of my feet, eventually covering my entire body and disappearing into my body.

At that moment, my heart felt like it was on fire. I dropped to my knees in place without thinking, but this time the heat rushed through my entire body from my heart, and eventually, it quietly receded.

Hah, hah, hah, hah!


Night stares at me anxiously as I try to catch my breath desperately. I managed to return a grin to him, and the book that was glowing in front of me fell to the spot. Then, a page just came into my sight.

It looks like youve safely inherited my magic circuit. Now youre ready to use magic. And as I said at the beginning, Ive packed all the magic theories into this one ahead Well, I rarely need to read it.

If its another person, they will need to learn the magic theory written there, but its unnecessary for you, who inherited my magic circuit because my magic theory itself is already etched into that circuit on a genetic level.

I managed to catch my breath and flipped through the book as if to confirm it. Just like sage-san said, there was a lot of information about magic. It was full of jargon that I didnt know what it was. I wondered if I had to understand all of this in order to be able to use magic, so I was very grateful for the words of the sage-san. Im sure I have the skills to understand language, but there are so many words I dont understand at all

I took a look at it for now, and when I looked at the last page, it ended with the words that were directed at me again.

Ive said it many times, I want you to be happy reading this book now. An existence who was human and yet was not human I am alone was enough.

There will be times in your life that are irrevocably painful. Therefore, you should walk your life with no regrets. Im happy if this book and my magic circuit can help with that in some small way.

I wish you all the best in your life, ~from the sage~.

Thank you, sage-san. You, too, may you be at peace

I put the book in the item box and joined my hands, praying to the remains of sage-san in front of me. Next to me, Night is mimicking me, closing his eyes and lowering his head. After a while, I turned up and said to Night. Okay, Night were going home for the day!


Are we done? Night tilted his head as if to say that.

Yeah. Thats enough for today. More importantly, I need to read the book that the sage-san left for me right now. Besides, maybe Night will be able to use magic too.


Night nodded happily, and we walked home with him in the lead, just as we had done when we came.

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