I Became the Fiancé of a Dragon in Romance Fantasy

Chapter 67: Picnic (2) [Physis' POV]

Chapter 67: Picnic (2) [Physis' POV]

Next to me, Adilun was walking with a basket floating in the air. The place we were heading to was a small garden near Ortaire. It was a place where the expansive landscape of wheat fields unfolded before our eyes.

It was what people called a picnic.

"The weather is nice."

Adilun smiled widely and spoke to me. Her bluish-white horns shimmered golden under the bright sunlight.


"It's my first time going on a picnic. Actually, it's almost impossible to do in Rodenov."

"If you really wanted to, wouldn't it be possible?"

"Well... technically it is possible, but there's no need to eat outside or do anything in the extreme cold."

"I suppose so. That makes sense."

"Anyway, it's my first picnic in my life. It's quite an exciting event."

Having said that, she suddenly dropped a bombshell on me.

"Of course, my first kiss was also with you. Being with you is the first time in many ways."


I turned my head slightly to look at her, and as expected, she was smiling mischievously. Was it just an illusion that there seemed to be a fox tail swaying beneath her dress?

No, it might not be a fox's tail, but a dragon's tail. I had endured it for the most part, but it was not good for my heart to hear such words again.

"Oh my, what's wrong?"

"Oh, it's nothing."

As I struggled to contain something boiling within me, she wrapped her hand around my arm.


She then smiled somewhat innocently and slightly stuck out her tongue, making it impossible for me to resist her charm.

Somehow, it seemed like she wanted to test the limits of my patience in a place where other people wouldn't notice, especially after coming to Ortaire... It seemed that she didn't care about anyone's opinions, and soon she might even tempt me in front of my parents.

"Lately, it feels like the intensity of your seduction has increased."

"I'm glad you feel that way. That was my intention."

Seeing her speak with her golden eyes shining, I wonder if coming on this picnic was a good choice...



"You didn't happen to bring wine, did you?"

"What are you talking about? Are there times when you don't bring wine to picnics?"

She opened the lid of the floating basket and took out... a wine that seemed to have a high alcohol content at a glance.

She really planned it out. Even if I'm dying of thirst, I must not touch the wine.

But the real problem was Adilun... What would happen if Adilun, who was not good with alcohol, drank wine?


I let out a sigh stained with genuine concern. I really needed to be careful.

It didn't take long to climb up the hill. As we reached the top, the breathtaking view of the vast wheat fields unfolded before our eyes.


Adilun let out a quiet exclamation of admiration. Indeed... when one looked at the wheat fields from this angle, it was impossible not to express such admiration.

"It's a scenery I've seen before, but it's definitely more beautiful when seen from here."

Her golden eyes captured the golden wheat fields. The wind gently blew, and the sight of the wheat swaying in the breeze appeared somewhat mesmerizing.

"Yes, that's why I used to come here often when I was young. Of course... I couldn't appreciate this kind of scenery back then."

"Why not?"

"Even when I was young, my temperament was unruly. Instead of admiring the scenery like this, I would move around and catch small animals." "Ah... Anyway, I'm glad I came to Ortaire. I get to see such sights too."

She quickly changed the subject.

"I'm glad that Adilun is happy. I asked just in case... but I didn't expect you to be this thrilled."

"Hehe. It's true that I like Rodenov... but that doesn't mean I always want to stay there. Sometimes I wanted to go to other places too."

'Other places... Come to think of it, has she ever seen the sea?"

"Adilun, have you ever seen the sea?"

"The sea?"


"No, I haven't seen it."

"In that case... someday, if we have the chance, would you like to go to the southern region with me?"

"To see the sea?"

"Yes. I want to go there once."

"Hehe, that sounds great!"

Adilun smiled softly and continued.

"Physis. Then let's make a promise. Our honeymoon trip will be to the seaside."

I momentarily caught my breath. I didn't expect our travel plans to turn out like that.


"Alright, give me your pinky finger here. I'm not very trusting when it comes to verbal promises."

"Haha. Okay."

I hooked my pinky finger with hers as she reached out.



As Adilun said that, she pressed her lips against mine. Our lips lightly met and then separated.

With her shining golden eyes right in front of me, I momentarily held my breath.

"With a seal. So it's unbreakable, right?"


I turned my face away from her. My face felt like it was burning up, and I didn't know what to do.

[Adilun's POV]

The sea. Just the thought of it made me feel so good. Surely, there would be a breathtaking view. Moreover, it would be the sea we would go to together. The sea for our honeymoon trip... It couldn't get any more joyous than that.

And so, swept away by a momentary impulse I didn't even realize, I had kissed him.

Seeing the bewildered expression on Physis' face, I understood that I made him like that. He seemed to be attracted to me rationally...... I felt a certain sense of satisfaction.

A peculiar warmth emanated from our intertwined pinky fingers.

But deliberately ignoring that warmth, I spread out a fairly large cloth on the ground and opened the basket.

One by one, delicious and appetizing dishes, perfect for a picnic, revealed themselves.

He asked me, "Did you ask the chef for these? They look delicious."

If he thought of the chef just by looking at my cooking, it must mean that my dishes looked quite tasty to him. Feeling a smile form naturally on my lips, I replied to him.

"No. I made it myself."

"You mean, you made all of these?"

"Yes. Honestly, I didn't have much to do until now, but... Even so, I'm quite skilled in cooking."

As I said that, I could feel his admiring gaze on me, which was quite electrifying.

"Oh... Can I try it now?"

"Of course. It's food I made for you in the first place."

Certainly, in a prosperous place like Ortaire, where the ingredients for cooking were all of high quality, it was only natural that the quality of the dishes would be exceptional.

The dishes on the plates maintained their appetizing appearance, and thanks to the magic that preserved their form, there was no spilling or spoiling of the food.

There was the roasted chicken dish, prepared with fresh chicken and accompanied by sauce and wine. Then there was the salad, with various vegetables mixed in with spices and sauce. And to top it off, there were bite-sized pieces of steak, perfect for easy consumption.

Especially the steak, as leaving it sliced would cause the juices to seep out and the flavor to diminish. The form-preserving magic played a wonderful role in keeping it fresh... So naturally, it would be delicious to eat right away. "Oh, go ahead."

Since I had already fed him separately before, he obediently opened his mouth at my words. I used a fork to pick up a small piece of sliced steak and put it into Physis' mouth.

I love the way he munched and eat his steak, and he put a smile on his lips as I watched him. Oh, I could tell at a glance.

It was the smile that naturally appeared when something delicious was being enjoyed.

"It's delicious. I feel a little sorry for the chef, but this tastes even better than what the chef made."

"Really? You're not lying, right?"

"I may not hold back my words, but I don't lie. Adilun knows that, don't you?"

"Ahaha. That's true."

It could be a statement to appease my tastes, but I knew that he wasn't in that mindset.

He was always someone who spoke directly, and that could sometimes be a problem.

That was why I was even happier. He had simply expressed his genuine opinion.

Yes, in this place, I trust him. As I gradually realized these things, the seven months would pass by in no time.

"Here, Adilun."

As I was lost in thought, this time, Physis cut a steak with a fork and handed it to me.

"Oh, thank you."

His slightly curved smile was picturesque. I opened my mouth as if enchanted, and I accepted the steak he offered with the fork and ate it.

I felt an incredible sense of achievement with the dish I had prepared. I understood why he said it was better than the chef's cooking.

With each bite of the meat, the richness of the juices permeated my mouth, and the unique aroma of the meat-filled my nose. The perfectly cooked meat was tender and slid smoothly down my throat, offering an exquisite taste.


"I told you so, right?"

"Hehe, yes. It seems like the best dish I've ever made."

"Thank you, Adilun. You even went as far as cooking for me."

"Can I continue cooking for you in the future?"

"Wouldn't that be too much trouble for you?"

"It's not really that much trouble..."

"Then let's do this. Teach me how to cook. That way... on special occasions, you and I will cook together. And we'll give that as a gift to each other."

I readily nodded at his suggestion. It was a gesture that showed how much he thought of me. It was clear that he considered even my cooking to be burdensome.

"Then... when we return to Rodenov, I'll teach you how to cook."

"I'll look forward to it. If that happens, I hope the first dish I make will be one that you can enjoy, Adilune."

"Of course, it should be that way. Hehe..."

Smiles crossed our faces, and happiness bloomed within our hearts. I wished that time wouldn't pass, such was the thought that came to mind.

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