I Appear to have been Reincarnated as a Love Interest in an Otome Game

Volume 1 - Ch 9

Todays Angelica was very cute. Just by thinking about her, I could feel something boiling inside me.

Kyle-sama, your face, sir (TN: Daniel usually says Your Highness, but he used this just this time)

As I recalled my time with her countless times, Daniel looked at me as if he was looking at a pitiful child.

Making the usual expressionless Daniel wear an expression like that What kind of face am I making now?

I cover my face with my hand and turn away from him.

Is that so?

I understand how you feel, sir, but you are gleaming too much. If you dont do something about that overflowing pheromone, youll soon be feared. Shes just an innocent girl.

I was scolded by Daniel!

Even for the usually quiet Daniel to say this, I must be in a really strange state.

Still, I also have my excuses, you know?

Still I dont think I overstepped my bounds

I did caress her hair and hug her, but I never kissed her on the lips. I did kiss on other places, but its just lightly touching my lips.

Its probably of the level of middle schoolers, right? Well, I dont know what middle schoolers these days though

Im already stopping myself from hugging her, what more do you want?

The dissatisfaction must have shown on my face, for Daniel was making a face that looked like it was saying it cant be helped.

I remember making that face a lot when I was little. As an older brother that is

Stop! Stop looking at me like that!!

Its as if Im pestering you!

Im saying an obvious opinion as a boy my age, you know? Dont treat me like a helpless kid!

However, I had to accept what Daniel said afterwards.

I believe that because you repressed your emotions only with willpower your pheromones became stronger, sir.

I see I must have taken Angelica aback

Its no surprise that she was scared.

I really should control myself I was desperately bearing it all, but if scare her because of it, that wont do at all.

Later, when you have impulses, I advise you to think of disagreeable tasks to quickly cool your head, sir.

Alright. Ill try to cope with it.

To my thoughts, Daniel gave me a useful advice.

I am willing to accept everything Angelica throws at me, but theres no meaning if she ends up getting scared.

Lets get her accustomed to me little by little.

Hm, hm, said I, as I planned my future meetings, but Daniel smiled wryly towards me.

Really, stop looking at me like an unfortunate child! It hurt quite a bit, you know!!




So far, my plan was progressing smoothly.

Time to time, Hughie and Douglas showed signs of ignoring the reality, so I sometimes broke the hard truth to them. To Hughie, I tell him to not shame his fiance For now, I dont see any opposition to it.

If, even then, they are thinking of stuff like Ill sacrifice everything for you, Ill have to respond as one of the leaders of this country.

As a friend, the best I can do is to give candid advice. From an official perspective, I will have to give up if they dont change their mindset.

The time I can wait for them to correct themselves is when were still in school. Not as the prince, but as a fellow student.

So if there is no change in them in the meantime, I will have to cut them off. As they are now, they only harm the country. We cant have such people lead the country.

I hope they quickly realise that and fix themselves

As for Robert Um, Ill just leave him alone.

Also, I quickly gave up on the notion of avoiding Bitch. Maybe its because this is a game, but whatever I do Im destined to encounter her in a mini-event. If I try to rashly avoid her, then it actually becomes even more complicated with more people involved.

Like that afternoon tea time with Angelica.

Therefore, instead of avoiding her, I decided to destroy all the flags. Whatever Bitch does, I will refuse her like a devil.

Unfortunately, there was a situation where the two of us talked alone in the English garden. That in itself was tough, but then she had to say something with her sympathising eyes.

Kyle-sama, even when you must be in pain with all the burden on you, you still respond to everyone with a smile But then, some day you will reach the limit You dont have to force yourself to smile in front of me, at leat. I would be happier that way.

Seeing her speak as if she knew me. I was truly infuriated.

Swans may look elegant on the water, but beneath the surface, they desperately wade their feet to not sink.

But its fine if what everyone sees is the elegant side. At least thats what I think.

Even if others know that I am trying desperately, I had no plans to advertise that, yet she just took the needless trouble to uncover that and sympathised with me, how humiliating!

Kyle in the game seemed to want for this, but for me, this was just outrageous.

While Im trying desperately to hide that fact, yet hearing someone just exposing it and sympathising

In response, I decided to gratefully take Bitch up on the offer. For Bitch, I quit forcing myself to smile.

Isnt it really a great refresher, relieving stress? Truly, this is a blessing in disguise!

Regarding this turn of events, though, Robert who could not read the mood said, What happened Kyle? You shouldnt be making such a face to a girl! while adding in a sigh.

Then, when I said, She said that it is better when I dont smile, he cleanly understood.

Really You

It seemed like Angelica was criticising Bitch when I wasnt with her. However, unlike the game, there was no sign of madness from envy. My overly heavy affection probably erased any chance of jealousy.

Also, Angelica is not spitting anything extreme, but just stating the truth matter-of-factly, so there were no bad rumours of her.

Things were progressing delightfully. If I just get over todays event, everything will be wrapped up today.


To make a final decision, I contacted Louis.

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