I Am This Type of Woman

Chapter 13

How could the handsome gentleman Count Cheng An appear in the same place as Ban Hua?

Note :1Proper greetings should be something like this or even more formal. (source-google...this might not be the one we needed tho )She had prey in her hands . So, indecent greeting.. got it?Will update this later if I need to!

2." (n h b ki t n h)" literally means "to pick the kettle that is not boiling." It's used to indicate that someone is saying or doing something that shouldn't be mentioned in front of others, or that someone is bringing up a sensitive subject.Idiom Story:(Out of context,you can come after you finish the chapter)A long time ago there was a father and son who owned a tea-house.The local official, Mr. Bai, was of the greedy miser sort and always came for tea and promptly left without paying even a smile.One day, Mr.Bai took a sip from his cup and grumbled, "This water's not boiled, and the tea itself tastes terrible."The son replied, "My lord, the tea is our prized Longjing (Dragonwell Tea), and the water is piping hot, how could it taste terrible?"A few days later, Mr. Bai stopped coming to their tea-house.The Father asked his son, "Why hasn't Mr. Bai been coming?"The son smiled knowingly and said, "Whenever I make his tea, I always use the water that hasn't been boiled!"From that time on, the Chinese idiom " (n h b ki t n h)" came into use. Now it's used to mean that someone is saying or doing something that shouldn't be mentioned in front of others.Source-google

3. The empress felt Ban Hua was pretty but she did not have special qualities neither special background.T/n :Did you know the drama based on this book is going to come out at the start of next year? Way tooooo excited!!!

How could the handsome gentleman Count Cheng An appear in the same place as Ban Hua?

Xie Wanyu was stunned, and it took her a long time to recover. She turned to look at her friend Shi Feixian worriedly. As expected, her face looked ugly.

"Feixian," Xie Wanyu grabbed Shi Feixian's hand, "Don't think too much, maybe they just met by chance and came back together."

Shi Feixian reluctantly smiled: "Who Count Cheng An has a relationship with, what has it got to do with me? "

Xie Wanyu knew that she was miserable, and gritted her teeth: "Don't worry, I will always have the opportunity to make things difficult for her."

"Wanyu, thank you, but don't do this. If something happens and it affects you and What about the good impression in front of the second prince?" Shi Feixian hurriedly grabbed her, "Don't be impulsive."

Xie Wanyu then remembered that she was the future daughter-in-law of the royal family, she should be dignified. If she went to trouble Ban Hua, and a problem occurred it definitely will not be good for her. Thinking of this, she stopped her troublesome thoughts of finding Ban Hua.

It turned out that she was so self-centered.

The more Xie Wanyu thought about it, the more guilty she became, so she flickered her eyes and didn't dare to meet Shi Feixian's gaze.

Shi Feixian pretended not to see Xie Wanyu avoiding her eyes, grabbed her hand, and smiled: "Let's Go, his Majesty might start the barbecue banquet, we don't want to be late."

"Yeah." Seeing such a considerate friend, the guilt in Xie Wanyu's heart rose.

Ban Hua had said that she would offer his Majesty a prey if she got anything good. And Ban Hua had always been a woman who would do what she says.

The emperor Yun Qing's camp was in the middle. The tent was black in color. Golden dragons were embroidered on it. The golden dragon embroidered on the tent made it look majestic.

Changqing Wang led Ban Hua and others to stand outside the tent, waiting for Emperor Yun Qing's call.

Emperor Yun Qing had just returned from hunting. After changing into a dry robe, he heard that Changqing Wang and a few juniors had arrived, he announced them to come in.

After performing the ceremony, Emperor Yun Qing saw that Ban Hua was holding a living fox in her hand, and he chuckled: "Ban Hua, what are you doing with this fox?"

"Your Majesty, I am here to give you a gift," Ban Hua stared, "Didn't this subject say that I will offer you good things when we hunt for them?"

Emperor Yun Qing was stunned for a moment. He thought she was just a young girl who was boasting so he didn't take it to heart at all, how could he know that she actually would hunt something? Interesting.

"Servant, collect the prey that Jun princess gave to zhn. Zhen sees that this leather is good. When it's cold, Zhen will use it to make a scarf" Yun Qing Emperor said with a little teasing notion, "It took you so long to hunt for a fox ?"

"There are other prey too, but they are all grey rabbits or sparrows. The Jun Princess was afraid to stain your majesty eyes. So, didn't bring any to present to your Majesty. "Ban Hua was a little embarrassed, "Even this white fox barely matches to be presented to your highness."

"You young Miss, it's already good to be able to hunt so many things." Emperor Yun Qing smiled and comforted Ban-Hua, he also rewarded her with a plump rabbit and a catty of venison. These were all hunted by Emperor Yun Qing himself, which made them of extraordinary significance.

Changing Wang, Rong Xia and others also received rewards.After a while, Ban Hua and others all retreated. But Chanqing Wang stayed behind to talk to Emperor Yun Qing.

"Count Cheng An," Ban Hua held the bundled venison and rabbit in her hand. She did not want others to interfere(t/n: wanted to carry by herself). She tilted her head to look at Rong Xia, "Thank you for what happened."

"Jun Princess Ban speaks too courteously," Rong Xia looked at the women who was happily holding her things, "I just happened to pass by. If it wasn't me, there would be others willing to stand up for the Jun Princess."

"But you are the one who helped me today," Ban Hua thought for a while and took a pheasant and a grey rabbit from the accompanying guard.

"Thanks !"

Looking at the pheasant still dripping with blood, Rong Xia reached out and took it, smiling: "Thank you, it just happened that I had bad luck today, and I didn't hunt a pheasant."

"You're welcome," Ban Hua waved her hand generously, then took another pheasant and handed it to Rong Xia, "Here, take this also."

Looking at the bloody pheasant, Rong Xia again smiled and took it.

"I'm going to find my father and younger brother. Goodbye." With the gift given by the emperor in her hand, Ban Hua could only give Rong Xia anindecent greeting(1), and turned around and ran in the direction of Ban Huai and Ban Heng.

"Count, let this one carry the prey." Rong Xia's guard looked at the pheasant whose stomach was dripping with blood and his neck stubbornly bent. He felt that Junjun was very courageous, carrying this dirty stuff with bare hands. it's too unpretentious. (T/n: no acting, drama)

"No need," Rong Xia smiled weirdly, "This is the first time that a miss has comforted me with prey."

Because he didn't hunt a pheasant, she gave him his pheasant. He is a man, shouldn't he be embarrassed when he is given a prey by a woman because he failed to catch one?

"Sister, the rabbit you hunted is really fat. It will be delicious when you roast it later." Ban Heng saw the fat rabbit in Ban Hua's hand and immediately called the guard to deal with the rabbit. "I also brought a can of the chili sauce from the barbarian land. It will be delicious to eat when it's roasted.""This rabbit was not hunted by me, it was given to me by His Majesty." Ban Hua also stuffed the venison to the guards and let them take care of it. "We have to divide a part and send it to mother, so wait for a while"Ban Heng came near Ban Hua's ear and whispered: "Swindler!""Don't eat if you can hunt!" Ban Hua rolled her eyes, still looking beautiful.Ban Heng immediately softened his voice and said: "Sister, I am your brother.""If you weren't my brother, would you be alive today?" Ban Hua asked with eyes as sharp as a knife, "What did you hunt? Where is it?" Ban Heng: ... Why would she mention the pot that does not boil? (2) Didn't she already know that he could not shoot, but still asked him? The female guard brought clean water. After Ban Hua washed the blood off her hands, another female guard broughtlemonade. After soaking in the water for a while, Ban Hua took her hand out of the lemonade and wiped her hand with a handkerchief. " you try not to drink. The royal doctor has said that drinking too early is bad for your health."Ban Heng nodded, "Don't worry, I don't drink, and no one dares to pour for me."Ban Hua thought for a while and nodded. Said: "That's true."It was said that more than ten years ago, their father drank a lot of wine. After her father was drunk, he began to act madly. He smashed whatever he got, and slashed people with whatever he saw. Since then, no one has dared to give him drink believing like father like son.Ban Hua once suspected that this was her father deliberately attacking people but pretending to be crazy through alcohol.But such a proud deed, based on her father's temperament, should have been boasted over and over again, but it has not mentioned it so far, which shows that he was really drunk crazy.

Autumn hunting was originally an entertainment activity for the emperor and the princes and ministers, so in the afternoon, a lot of grills were placed on the open space in the center. Some of these nobles could grill them by themselves. And some people prepared had someone bake for them before presenting to them. Nobles.Although Ban Huai had no real power, because his biological mother was the Grand Princess, Ban's barbecue grill was relatively close to the emperor.As the future in-laws of the royal family,Count Zhong Ping'sfamily's barbecue grill was placed next totheBan's house. There is no one who knows that the two families are not in harmony. In the entire capital, who does not know that the two families were not in harmony(didn't like each other). Now the barbecue grills of the two families were placed together, which makes people wonder that the eunuch who arranged the locationis not doing well(didnot think properly).Regardless of the reason, the emperor had already sat on the top, and if the people below changed positions for the sake of comfort, it would be unpleasant for the emperor.Zhongping boand Ban Huai looked disgusted. Ban Huai said to the guard: "Move the meat to the right, don't spoil the taste."Count Zhongping scoffed as if hedidn't care about it.Ban-Huai felt satisfied when he saw that Zhongping Bo was obviously angry, but pretended not to care.As a female, Ban Hua did not sit with them, but on the other side, with the queen, princess, and others.She had the best relationship with the Princess Anle and theother princesses were just good with her on the surface and some were not even good on the surface.As princesses, they were not as good as their cousin in front of their father emperor, which made it difficult for them to have affection for Ban Hua.But these princesses were smart people, knowing that theFu Huangrespects the queen and the cousin most, so even though they were jealous of Ban Hua, they were very friendly on the face."It's so spicy," Princess Anle drank several sips of water before suppressing the spiciness of the tip of her tongue. "I can't stand this thing."Ban Hua handed the grilled rabbit meat to her: "Try This."Princess An Le placed the barbecue onto the plate, picked it up with chopsticks, and tasted it. The barbecue still had a spicy flavor, but it was meatier.The empress glanced at Ban Hua, who was talking and laughing with Anle, and then at Shi Feixian and Xie Wanyu who was sitting on the other side.As a mother, she naturally understood the thoughts of her son. Shi Feixian was born in a prominent family andhad a grandfather who was the Right Minister. Her identity was indeed more valuable than Xie Wanyu, but the emperor did not want her second child to marry Shi Feixian. whatever the second prince said was useless.

Note :1Proper greetings should be something like this or even more formal. (source-google...this might not be the one we needed tho )She had prey in her hands . So, indecent greeting.. got it?Will update this later if I need to!

2." (n h b ki t n h)" literally means "to pick the kettle that is not boiling." It's used to indicate that someone is saying or doing something that shouldn't be mentioned in front of others, or that someone is bringing up a sensitive subject.Idiom Story:(Out of context,you can come after you finish the chapter)A long time ago there was a father and son who owned a tea-house.The local official, Mr. Bai, was of the greedy miser sort and always came for tea and promptly left without paying even a smile.One day, Mr.Bai took a sip from his cup and grumbled, "This water's not boiled, and the tea itself tastes terrible."The son replied, "My lord, the tea is our prized Longjing (Dragonwell Tea), and the water is piping hot, how could it taste terrible?"A few days later, Mr. Bai stopped coming to their tea-house.The Father asked his son, "Why hasn't Mr. Bai been coming?"The son smiled knowingly and said, "Whenever I make his tea, I always use the water that hasn't been boiled!"From that time on, the Chinese idiom " (n h b ki t n h)" came into use. Now it's used to mean that someone is saying or doing something that shouldn't be mentioned in front of others.Source-google

3. The empress felt Ban Hua was pretty but she did not have special qualities neither special background.T/n :Did you know the drama based on this book is going to come out at the start of next year? Way tooooo excited!!!

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