I Am A Prodigy

Chapter 53 - Extreme Training

Chapter 53: Extreme Training

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Ye Lingchen had the notion that he had been completely blindsided by Lin Ao.

Compared to the normal martial training, this was clearly hell!

The next day, while the moon was still in the sky, Ye Lingchen was woken up by a shrill whistle.

Glancing at the time, it was 4 in the morning.

Usually, he would wake up at 5 for his morning exercises, but he did not expect that it was this early!

After quickly putting on some clothes and washing up, Ye Lingchen rushed to the gathering point.

“Today, we’ve got a newbie for everyone to get to know.” Fang Hong made Ye Lingchen stand in front of the group, “Introduce yourself.”

“My name is Ye Lingchen. I’ll be in your care,” said Ye Lingchen simply.

This training group had 15 people in it, including Ye Lingchen, it was now 16.

The others appraised Ye Lingchen curiously. With a babyish face, and pale, smooth skin, he did not look like martial artist material. They could not help but not take him seriously, surely he couldn’t have gotten in based on some connection?

Fang Hong handed 4 sandbags at Ye Lingchen, “These are wrist and ankle weights. Put them on, and fall in!”

The 4 sandbags did not look cumbersome, as they were thin and flat. They seemed to have only one metal plate in them.

However, when Ye Lingchen took them from Fang Hong’s hands, his shoulders suddenly sagged from the weight. He, fortunately, steadied himself in time, or else he would have embarrassed himself.


Ye Lingchen looked at the sandbags incredulously.

“These sandbags are filled with a hyperdense material, they look small but are extremely heavy! The red ones are for the ankles, each of them weighed 15 kilograms. The green ones are for your wrists, they weigh 10 kilograms each. During training, they are not to leave your body, you may not even take them off when you sleep!” Lin Ao explained from one side.

The 4 sandbags cumulatively weighed 50 kilograms, if an ordinary person were to put them on, the question would not be if they could move— but whether or not they could even stand in the first place.

Ye Lingchen took a deep breath and wrapped the sandbags around his ankles and wrists.

He immediately felt the heaviness on his hands, dragging down his shoulders and nearly making him bend at his waist.

He lifted his legs, and they felt as though they were made of lead. Usually, they were nimble and fast, but now he felt that he would not even compare to an ordinary person.

‘Brutal, this was just too brutal!’

Ye Lingchen exclaimed in his heart.

At the same time, a sense of anticipation slowly welled up within him.

He originally thought that he had reached the pinnacle of his martial prowess. However, today had let him see that there was yet another peak to be attained through this form of training.

If he trained his martial arts with the weights on, it would improve his speed and power exponentially!

Why didn’t he think of this before?

Ye Lingchen took some time to acclimatize to the weight and walked with great difficulty to fall in with the group.

“It’s already pretty good that you can walk on your first time,” said Fang Hong bluntly, before turning to look at the group.

“Begin the training!”

“Item 1! Obstacle course! Run in step to the field!”

Ye Lingchen straggled at the tail end of the group while he was still getting used to the weights.

As they passed the courtyard, the scene opened up before his eyes. It was like another world, a massive training area.

There was a shooting range, a boxing ring, and a multitude of obstacle courses. A conservative estimate would still put this place at the very least 5 acres in size.

The group stopped at the obstacle course.

Fang Hong and Lin Ao stood nearby and observed.

“Lin Ao, that kid you brought is too young, he must still be a student? Can he handle my training?” asked Fang Hong.

Lin Ao looked at Ye Lingchen, “I think so. That kid is good with his fists, even I am not a match for him.”

Fang Hong shook his head, “That just means he has explosive power and good technique. It doesn’t mean everything.”

“To be a true Master, besides your skill, you need endurance, insight, and adaptability. Furthermore, you need to be able to survive in any environment as well as be an able diver. Camouflage and marksmanship are also the most important skills.”

When Heaven opens one door, naturally another one must close.

The world is full of specialists who are naturally good at one thing but are not well-rounded.

“I think he can make it,” said Lin Ao with a smile.

Fang Hong did not reply but turned to look at the field.

The obstacle course had already begun.

There were 4 phases in the course.

The first was a 15 meter rush up a 60-degree incline before jumping off the edge, then a belly crawl under electrified wire. After getting through the wire, before scaling a 25-meter high rock wall. At the end of it, there was still a gap to be crossed with a plumb pile!

The plumb pile was 100 meters long, but the scariest part was that it was also 25 meters off the ground. From that height, a fall could mean death!

At the end of the pile of plumbs was a rope from which to rappel down to the ground to complete the course.

Under normal circumstances, this obstacle course might be scary, but Ye Lingchen would not be deterred. However, his limbs were currently weighed down by the weights!

That was what was terrifying. He already had trouble with normal movement, how would he navigate the obstacle course?

The others were already beginning their charge forward, only Ye Lingchen still stood there, gawking.

This was his first time here, and he did not know a thing. How would he complete such a difficult training course on his first day?

He closely observed everyone’s actions, hoping to rely on the Prodigy System to learn something. However, the Prodigy System’s intake speed was painfully slow if it was purely based on observation. The speed of intake was at a fraction a minute and was basically useless.

“If you lack bravery, you don’t belong in these trials! Go home now while you can!” Fang Hong frowned at Ye Lingchen who was still standing there and called out coldly.

Ye Lingchen took a calming breath, steadied his heart, and charged up the slope.

Fortunately for him, he normally focused on physical training, and even with the weights, the exertion was not too great. However, when he reached the slope, the difficulty of carrying on had increased infinitely. He pushed his thigh muscles to their limit and they were turning to jelly as he finally made it to the top.

However, the next challenge would be a 5-meter drop!

Ye Lingchen hopped off the platform, and learning from the others, he landed and rolled on his back for a few rotations, but he still felt pain shooting up his entire body.

Crawling through the wire seemed easy, but as Ye Lingchen planted himself on the ground, a wave of heat struck him. The surface of the ground must have exceeded 50 degrees Centigrade!

Furthermore, the deeper he went, the higher the temperature soared. As he crawled through the wire, Ye Lingchen’s body was soaked, sweat pouring out of his pores. Due to the heat of the surface, if he lifted his body it would hit the wire, and his hair immediately stood on end, like a Saiyan.

The rock wall and the plumb pile would prove to be the greatest challenges for Ye Lingchen.

His limbs were gripping onto the rock surface, and it was all he could do to reach upwards. His body plastered to the wall, it felt like he took half a day to move slightly. The brutality of the training was like nothing he had ever experienced before.

With great difficulty, he reached the top of the rock wall and stepped onto the plumb pile. He hesitated with every step and cautiously shuffled forwards.

All of the others had already finished the course long ago and watched Ye Lingchen from below. They could not help but burst out in laughter...

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