I Am A Prodigy

Chapter 139 - Wu Han’s Revenge

Chapter 139: Wu Han’s Revenge

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Next, Ye Lingchen compiled some scenes for Huo Yuanjia and made some adjustments. When it came to certain important action scenes, he guided them through each movement scene by scene. He aimed to make them as realistic and exciting as possible.

His advice had been on point, bringing out the best in the film crew. A lot of fighting scenes had their decorations adjusted.

Because of that, the entire movie had a lot of extra outstanding features, making it easy to grab hold of the viewer’s attention.

“Young Master Ye, you’re just too amazing. I think you can easily be the director yourself.” Li Tai was impressed. Just staying beside Ye Lingchen had allowed him to learn quite a lot of things.

“I don’t have the time.” Ye Lingchen waved his hand. “I’ll have to leave Huo Yuanjia’s filming to you, Director Li.”

“Rest assured, Young Master Ye.”

Although that was Ye Lingchen’s first time on the film set of Huo Yuanjia, he quickly earned everyone’s respect. With Li Jing at the lead, everyone put in their all in the filming process.

Right then, an employee rushed over quickly with a gloomy expression.

“Director Li, we’re having some issues on our Weibo.”

“What’s the matter?”

Director Li and Ye Lingchen sat in front of the computer. Li Jing and the rest rushed over as well. When they saw the content on Weibo, a terrible expression darkened their faces.

Just a moment ago, Wu Han published a Weibo update. The general content was that he had joined the filming of I am Hero and would be playing a rather important role, equivalent to advertising for I am Hero.

The publishing of that Weibo update automatically resulted in the cheers of countless excited fans.

At first, that was nothing special, but following that, Wu Han continued to publish more updates—claiming that he had originally intended to take part in Huo Yuanjia. Wu Han claimed that Actor-Y was being condescending because he knew some Kungfu, painting him to be a person of low class and terrible attitude.

The post was like a drop of water that cascaded into a multitude of ripples!

At that moment, Wu Han’s influence could be seen. His die-hard fans went berserk, turning into rabid dogs and bared their fangs at Ye Lingchen.

Y’s Weibo immediately turned into a warzone. Tens of thousands of criticism appeared in the blink of an eye.

[Y, you dog, how dare you scold our Hanhan. Go to hell!]

[Don’t let me find out your identity or I won’t let you go!]

[Huo Yuanjia? Rest assured that I will never in my life watch it. Trash!]

[Y, I demand an immediate apology from you to our Hanhan or I’ll commit suicide. I’m willing to die for our Hanhan!]

[Hanhan is so outstanding. How can you treat him that way? It’s just Kungfu. Our Hanhan will learn it in one day! He’s the best!]


Looking at the outrage, Ye Lingchen did not feel any anger. Instead, he felt only sadness.

Following that, Director Chen Feng had also followed up with an official announcement.

Chen Feng had joined the filming crew of I am Hero as an investor. At the same time, he voiced out his disagreements with Huo Yuanjia, especially how Li Tai was arrogant. He claimed that Huo Yuanjia was unable to hire any capable actors and had to resort to the fallen Li Jing to take the leading role, making it a stereotypical bad movie!

Shi Lei furthermore published on his Weibo, stating in a seemingly wise tone, [The viewer’s eyes are crystal clear. Those with bad character will not have people willingly take part in his movie! Right or wrong can be differentiated with one look!]

Without a doubt, that statement was aimed at Actor-Y!

After all, Y was now the public enemy.

[Does Huo Yuanjia even need to continue production? It’s destined to fail!]

[When one is failing, everyone pushes it further. How unfortunate!]

[A gathering of big shots. I’m looking forward to the screening of I am Hero!]

[Chen Feng invested in I am Hero? It must be good! As for Huo Yuanjia, nobody’s showing any interest, it’s heaven and earth!]


The discussion on Weibo grew heated over time while Li Tai and Ye Lingchen could only remain silent.

“Director Li, Shi Lei, and his gang have crossed the line. This is obviously slander!”

“That sissy Wu Han had always irked me, getting me riled up for no reason. He and all those crazy die-hard fans behind him are all retarded!”

“This is turning into a malicious competition. Such a low blow!”

Everyone’s faces were red from the injustice.

“Young Master Ye, I’m sorry. That is all because of me.” Li Tai apologized in a guilty tone.

Chen Feng and Wu Han were tied back to him.

“This is not your fault. Don’t overanalyze the situation.” Ye Lingchen said while shaking his head.

“Young Master Ye, should we retaliate?” The team stared at Ye Lingchen.

“Retaliate? They are prepared. What do we use to retaliate with things being like this?” Ye Lingchen waved his hand in a carefree manner, then announced, “The best retaliation would be ourselves! Work hard on the movie and give them a big slap to the face! Understand?”

“Of course Young Master Ye. We will do our best!” The team said together, especially Li Jing. His face was flushed red. Clutching his fists tightly, his eyes were filled with determination.

“I believe that we can do it!” Ye Lingchen laughed, “Let’s leave this matter aside. You should hurry up and get on with filming.”

The team went off with high morale.

Ye Lingchen took out his phone and logged in to Actor-Y’s Weibo. He posted a short update, [All will be settled on the screen. Just wait and see!]

With that update, it was immediately met with a huge wave of criticism. Countless haters flooded the comments. It was all filled with contempt.

Of course, some supported Y.

[This is intentional slander. Shameless!]

[I’ve never seen Y badmouthing people behind their backs. Look at all these dumb*sses being led by the nose!]

[Wu Han’s die-hard fans are really scary. What’s wrong with this world? Why would they like such trash!?]

However, these comments were quickly flooded over, some were even verbally assaulted by the die-hard fans.

Ye Lingchen got tired after a while and logged out of Weibo. He headed towards the bus stop outside Hengdian Studios, planning to take the bus home.

However, just as he exited Hengdian Studios, his expression turned dark. He raised his head to look at a highrise off in the distance.

Over there, a highrise stood tall with one of its floors smoking heavily. Occasionally some fire would burst out of the windows. The scene was terrifying.

Apart from him, many others in the vicinity also noticed the situation. They all had a surprised expression on their face and rushed over to the scene.

“F*ck, what’s happening? A fire?!”

“Isn’t that the direction of Capital City’s Emerald Lake Court? This is so scary!”

“What’s the management of that residence doing? How did a fire of that magnitude break out? We don’t even know if anyone is in there.”

“Go, let’s hurry over and check it out!”


The fire was burning strong. People in the building could be seen scrambling down the stairs from a distance. A number of them wrapped their faces with wet towels amidst the chaotic and terrifying scene.


The explosion might have been caused by a methane tank exploding. After the explosion, the fire grew even stronger and started to spread to the units around it...

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