I alone am the Honoured One!

Chapter 410: Ideas for future?!

Clad only in pants, Zhao Tian stepped out of the mansion and raised his head, gazing at the sun within the artifact.

*clanK *clank* Hearing some noises, he moved his gaze to the right and saw Yu Hua and Zahra Ashante fighting as the first thing in the morning.

"Bring it on.."

"Fuck, off cunt."

Letting out a soft sigh, he turned his eyes to Xia Shyi who was sitting on a chair a the table in the grassland and a pink fox was also on the table.

He walked close to them and uttered "Oh, so you can also change forms like this..."

Yao Lian turned her head and nodded "Yeah... I can take this fox form ev if I have life ergy."

Zhao Tian pulled a chair and sat on it.

He th glanced at Xia Shyi who was in deep thought and called her "Shyi..."

Xia Shyi lifted her head and looked into his eyes "Tian, I just heard what Lian said... yesterday night, you killed someone from the Space pirate organization."

Zhao Tian gave a nod "Yeah, Freya's Elv artifacts are of great help."

The frown on Xia Shyi's face deeped "We didn't know if the one who came for patrol passed the information to his headquarters about this new High star he found."

"If he did... Tian, you need to escape from this star."

Upon hearing this, a soft sigh escaped Zhao Tian's lips as many other thoughts ran in his mind.

At this time, Yu Hua and Zahra Ashante also came there after there training session "Tian..."

Zhao Tian turned his head and smiled at them "Hua, Zahra..."

Zahra Ashante hopped on his lap as Yu Hua sat on the table she asked "What happed? It seems like you were having a serious conversation."

Xia Shyi began to explain the dire situation they were in and Zahra Ashante raised an eyebrow "Th, Tian... why don't you just leave for another High Star right now?"

"Are you worried about the people of this Earth?"

Zhao Tian shrugged softly "One thing is Zhezhu. Xue'er and Zhilian are ruling that. I can't just abandon them and leave as they are emotionally connected to Zhzhu..."

"I don't want Xue'er to be sad..."

Zahra Ashante's gaze squinted and she spoke "But Tian... if Space pirates came, we can't fight back anyway, so we should just leave... at least to protect ourselves."

Xia Shyi replied "Zahra, we can't be sure that the Space pirates are the ones coming.. if some good apex star people come, it will be beficial for us."

"That's why Tian is staying here to negotiate with them, represting this star."

Zhao Tian continued "And another thing is, I will be going into closed cultivation."

H-Huh? Hearing this, Zahra Ashante and Yu Hua were startled "You are going to... seclude yourself?"

Zhao Tian nodded his head "Yeah... I can't go to another High Star wh I am weak like this."

"I need to at least reach Soul Refine Stage... before vturing in the High Stars."

Yu Hua was quite confused and tilted her head "Soul Refine Stage... what are the stages in the Empyrean Realm in the first place?"

Looking at her, Xia Shyi replied...

--- Half-Empyreal Realm---

Empyrean Realm:

. Ascdant Spirit Stage (levels to 9)

. Nasct Warrior Stage (levels to 9)

3. Aetheric Heart stage (levels to 9)

4. Soul Refine stage (level to 9)

5. Stellar Essce stage (levels to 9)

6. Heavly Tribulation Stage (levels to 9)

7. Eternal Paragon Stage (levels to 9)

8. Transcdt Sovereign Stage (levels to 9)

9. Immortal Ascsion Stage (levels to 9)

"By the way, I am at Eternal Paragon Stage Hehe. I am quite powerful."

(A/n: I have updated the Auxiliary chap too)

Chuckling, Zhao Tian spoke "My first aim is to reach the Soul Refine stage."

Xia Shyi nodded her head and spoke "After that, you can go to my Star, Jade Eclipse Star and join the same sect as mine."

"You can't join my wing because... in our wing, only female disciples are accepted."

"But there are many other wings you can join. And there are capable Wing Masters there. If you want some protection in high star, you have to rely on a powerful sect."

"And our sect is a good place and if they knew your talt... they would surely accept you in."

(A/n: Check chapter 66, if you are wondering what wing is she talking about!)

Zhao Tian smiled faintly and nodded his head "But before all of that... we need an ark."

Xia Shyi reached out and pinched his cheek "I have already told you to go and finish that Black Pagoda. There might be an ark on the last floor of the Black Pagoda."

Being pulled by his cheek, Zhao Tian smiled dryly "Okay, okay..."

Yu Hua also chimed in "Th Tian, I think we should start your sword training as soon as possible."


*flick* At this time, Shi Yixian appeared there and asked "Did someone say sword?"

Yu Hua got down from the table and bowed her head "Master..."

"I still hav't accepted you as my disciple."

"Bahahahaha!" Zahara Ashante pointed her finger at Yu Hua and laughed out loud mocking her.

"You cunt!"



Meanwhile, somewhere in the low star-

A woman with flowing blonde hair stood gracefully at the corner of a quaint little restaurant, as she glanced at the customers and workers, a gtle smile dancing on her lips, hinting at a sse of conttmt and appreciation

"It's be years since I made this restaurant..."

... a mutter escaped Zhao Ning's lips.

(A/n: Check chapter 60 for a little referce to Zhao Ning if u have forgott..)

However, the smile on her face disappeared and she turned her blonde eyes to the door at the front.

She could feel the air a her grow heavier, thick with an unsettling tsion that made her skin prickle.

Her body shivered in fear and her eyes shrank in shock, feeling the presce coming towards the restaurant.

*swish* Zhao Ning felt a tightness in her throat as she stood froz in place, looking at the powerful presce standing at the doorstep.

In the dim light of the eving, there stood an chanting woman whose beauty captivated all who dared to look upon her.

Her long, lustrous black hair cascaded gracefully down her shoulders, shimmering with every subtle movemt as if it were spun from the finest silk, her eyes were red crimson.

She has a pair of demonic horns on her head, and a cold light lingering in her eyes.

As the woman waved her hand, a surge of dark, swirling ergy erupted from her palm like a powerful vortex and before Zhao Ning could make a move, the black ergy spread across the whole restaurant.

*swish* In the next instant, the darkness consumed the people inside the restaurant and cindered them to nothingness.

The restaurant which was bustling till now, wt eerily silt.

Zhao Ning could not ev react and the newly arrived woman uttered in a cold tone, her voice cutting through the air.

"After years... I have found you..."

Zhao Ning's mind finally registered the things that were happing and turned her trembling gaze to the woman.

"E-E-Eldritch Empress..."

*tap* *tap* The woman walked closer to Zhao Ning and reached out, her fingers clutching Zhao Ning's neck.


Zhao Ning could feel the pressure of her cold hand tighting a her throat, making it increasingly difficult for her to breathe.

Panic surged within her as she fought against the constricting grip, desperately trying to free herself from the suffocating hold.

There were no emotions in the crimson eyes of the woman as she spoke "Let me ask you..."

"Where is my son, Vester?"


I hope you guys liked this chapter!

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