Hunter Academy: Revenge of the Weakest

Chapter 609 135.7 - The Banquet

Chapter 609 135.7 - The Banquet

"Lady Evergreen. I don't believe we've had the pleasure of meeting yet."

Maya turned toward him, her expression momentarily surprised before she composed herself. Her blue eyes flicked up to meet his gaze, and Zharokath could sense the faint tension in her posture.

"Mr. Vayne," she replied softly, clearly aware of who he was. Her voice was calm, but there was an underlying thread of nervousness she couldn't quite hide.

Zharokath offered a polite nod to the others in the group before focusing his attention entirely on Maya, his smile never wavering. "It is truly an honor to meet a member of the esteemed Evergreen family. Your reputation precedes you."

Maya blinked, a slight 'blush' creeping into her cheeks at the compliment.

She glanced briefly at Astron, who stood silently a step behind her, his watchful gaze never leaving Zharokath. But Zharokath wasn't concerned about him—not yet, at least.

Why would he be?

After all, how could a mere bodyguard sense what he was doing? Though that guy certainly looked really handsome, there was nothing else that gave an impression of him.

Most likely, he was a boy's toy prepared for Maya to use, as most of the high-ranking families had such traditions.

"Thank you," she replied with a faint smile, her tone modest. "I'm only here to learn."

Zharokath's smile widened ever so slightly. "Ah, but learning is the first step to greatness, is it not? And I'm certain you will make quite an impression here tonight."

Her blush deepened, and she looked down briefly, clearly still adjusting to the attention. Zharokath found it endearing in a way, though more than that, he saw it as an opening—a way to slip past her defenses.

'She's unguarded,' he thought, his predatory instincts sharpening. 'This will be easier than I thought.'

Zharokath continued his conversation with ease, allowing the words to flow smoothly, each one carefully chosen to keep Maya engaged while subtly planting seeds of influence. His smile remained calm and inviting, the perfect mask of a gentleman, but beneath that facade, his mind was working, calculating how best to manipulate the situation to his advantage.

"Experience is everything," he said, his voice smooth and measured. "The art of ruling, of managing people, is not something one simply learns from books or tutors. It must be lived, experienced firsthand." He gave Maya a knowing look. "Your presence here tonight is already a step in that direction. Soon, you will understand the subtleties of power—the way it ebbs and flows, and how it can be wielded to shape the future."

Maya nodded, still playing the role of the eager but modest learner. "I have much to learn, Mr. Vayne. But I hope to understand it all in time."

Zharokath's smile widened slightly as he shifted the conversation toward himself. "I was much like you once—an observer in the world of politics and influence. But as time went on, I learned that true power lies not just in commanding others, but in knowing when to influence from the shadows, when to let people believe they are in control."

As he spoke, he began to subtly release a thin stream of his demonic energy, letting it weave through the air toward Maya. The energy was faint, barely perceptible, but it carried with it a familiar resonance that would reach out to the dormant power within her.

Zharokath watched closely, sensing for any reaction from the demonic energy within her. His aim wasn't to fully control her—not yet. It was a test, an experiment to see if he could stir something within her, perhaps even command a part of her, as demons held an innate ability to influence their lesser kin. He doubted Maya was fully aware of the energy lying within her, which made her even more susceptible to his influence.

As the demonic energy reached her, he noticed a slight shift in her posture—a momentary flicker in her expression. Her eyes, though still focused on him, seemed to darken briefly, as if something stirred within her.

'There it is,' Zharokath thought, satisfaction blooming within him. The connection was faint, but it was there, responding to his energy. 'This will work.'

He didn't need her to fall under his control immediately. What he sought was more subtle—an influence that would slowly make her view him more favorably, perhaps even develop a sense of trust or admiration. It was a method he had used many times before, gradually bending people's perceptions in his favor without them ever realizing it.

"Of course," Zharokath continued, his voice softening slightly, as if sharing something personal, "I have learned that true leadership is not about force. It's about understanding the desires and fears of others and using that knowledge to guide them. People are often drawn to those who seem to understand them, who make them feel seen."

As he spoke, he sent another pulse of demonic energy toward her, just enough to nudge the dormant power inside her, to see if he could push it further. Maya's breath seemed to catch for a moment, and she blinked, her eyes briefly clouded with confusion before she quickly composed herself.

'Interesting,' Zharokath mused, watching her closely. He could feel the stirrings of the demonic energy within her reacting, though it wasn't strong enough for him to fully command yet. Still, the fact that it responded at all meant that, over time, he could nurture it, slowly coax it to the surface until she became more susceptible to his control.

Maya, meanwhile, seemed unaware of the subtle manipulation at play. Her expression remained calm, though Zharokath could sense a faint unease within her, as if she were trying to shake off a strange sensation she couldn't quite identify.

"Do you ever feel," Zharokath asked, his tone now more intimate, "that there's something more waiting for you? Something beyond what you've been taught or what your family expects of you?"

Maya hesitated for a moment, clearly caught off guard by the question. "I… I suppose," she replied, her voice quieter. "But I've always followed my family's guidance."

But this time, her hesitation was real.

It was because she was really feeling uncomfortable, as if something inside her was burning. Even though Astron had warned her beforehand that such a thing would happen and she had prepared herself for these types of sensations, she still did not expect it to be like this.

She really was having a hard time holding herself from breaking down.

Zharokath's smile softened, almost as if he were sympathizing with her. "It's natural to follow, but there comes a time when we must step beyond the expectations of others and seek our own path. I sense that within you—a potential for greatness, for something more."

He sent another wave of demonic energy toward her, this time even subtler, designed to stir feelings of admiration, to make him appear more favorable in her eyes. It was a delicate balance—too much, and she might sense something was wrong. But Zharokath had mastered this method, and he knew how to play the long game.

Maya's mind, already clouded with discomfort, began to unravel under Zharokath's subtle manipulation. The burning sensation inside her intensified, and despite all her preparation, she hadn't expected it to be this overwhelming. She felt her control slipping, her thoughts muddled and sluggish. Zharokath's words rang in her ears, soothing and inviting, as if pulling her closer into his grasp.


Without realizing it, her lips curled into a soft smile. "Thank you, Mr. Vayne. Your words mean a great deal."

For a brief moment, everything blurred. Her vision darkened at the edges, and the voice inside her, the one that knew something was wrong, seemed to fade away. She couldn't think clearly, couldn't resist the strange warmth overtaking her senses.

But then, suddenly, a sharp sting pierced the base of her spine, cutting through the fog like a blade. It wasn't painful, just a quick, precise sensation, but it was enough to jolt her from the creeping influence of Zharokath's demonic energy.

Her body shuddered ever so slightly, and in that instant, the world around her snapped back into focus. The dark haze lifted from her mind, and the burning sensation inside her cooled, though a residual discomfort remained.


Maya didn't need to look to know who had caused that sting—it was Astron.

She could feel his presence behind her, his silent support steady as ever. He had warned her about this, about the potential for demonic influence and how it could overwhelm her. She had known this was coming, had prepared herself, and yet she hadn't been able to stop it.

Fear coursed through her, sharp and cold, mingling with the realization of just how easily she had been affected. The subtlety of Zharokath's control, the way he had so effortlessly slipped into her mind without her even noticing—it was terrifying. If it weren't for Astron's intervention, she might have fallen completely under the demon's influence.

But there was no time to dwell on it now. She had to act. Maya knew that her sudden clarity, her return to control, could raise suspicion if she didn't handle it properly.

She let her body relax into the lingering effects of the demonic energy, pretending to still be under its sway. With a soft sigh, she allowed herself to stagger slightly, her steps faltering as if she were suddenly lightheaded.

'….Indeed, it worked.'

Zharokath's eyes gleamed with satisfaction, clearly believing that his influence had taken hold. Maya felt a flicker of revulsion as she saw the pleased look on his face, but she forced herself to remain composed.

"I'm… feeling a bit unwell," she said quietly, her voice trembling just enough to sound convincing. She brought a hand to her forehead, feigning dizziness. "Would it be alright if I excused myself for a moment, Mr. Vayne? I think I need some air." n/ô/vel/b//jn dot c//om

Zharokath's smile remained in place, but she could see the triumph hidden behind his polite expression. He believed this was his doing and that the influence of his demonic energy had overwhelmed her. Of course, he would let her leave—after all, he thought his hold over her was secure.

"Of course, Lady Evergreen," Zharokath replied smoothly, his voice dripping with false concern. "Take all the time you need. The evening can be quite overwhelming, especially for someone as attuned as yourself."

Maya offered him a small, strained smile. "Thank you," she murmured, and with a slight bow, she turned and started walking.

As Maya made her way toward the exit, her steps carefully controlled to seem unsteady, she could feel the weight of Zharokath's gaze on her back. Each step took effort as she maintained the illusion of being under his sway, the discomfort still burning faintly inside her. But her focus was sharp—every action had to be perfectly calculated to keep Zharokath from suspecting anything.

But just as she drew near Zharokath, right as she was passing by his side, something unexpected happened.

Her balance faltered.

A sudden wave of dizziness hit her, and for a moment, the world tilted. Maya lost control of her footing, her body lurching forward as if she were going to fall directly into Zharokath. Her breath caught, and panic flared in her chest. 'No…'

Before she could collide with him, a hand shot out with lightning speed, catching her just as she began to fall. The touch was steady, firm, and familiar.

It was Astron.

He had appeared between them in an instant, his arm wrapping around Maya's waist to support her, his other hand gently steadying her. The sharp contrast between the cool composure of Astron's presence and the chaotic surge of demonic energy that had briefly flared in Maya was unmistakable. To Zharokath, it must have appeared as if her internal conflict with the demonic energy had momentarily overwhelmed her.

Zharokath raised an eyebrow but remained calm, his smile still lingering on his lips. 'It seems the energy within her is more volatile than I thought,' he mused, but the smirk in his eyes didn't fade. In his mind, this was only further proof that Maya was slowly succumbing to his influence.

"Careful, Lady Evergreen," Zharokath said, his voice smooth as silk, though his eyes glinted with a hint of amusement. "It seems the evening is taking more of a toll on you than you realized."

Maya, still in Astron's arms, managed to offer a weak smile, playing along with the act. "I'm terribly sorry," she murmured, her voice breathy and fragile. "It just… caught me off guard."

Zharokath nodded graciously, completely oblivious to the deeper meaning behind her stumble. In his eyes, the brief lapse in control was nothing more than the demonic energy inside her reacting to his influence—a momentary display of power that she couldn't yet manage.

Astron, however, showed no outward reaction. He merely stood protectively beside her, his expression calm as ever, though there was a subtle tension in his stance that only Maya could sense. His timing had been flawless, and the danger had passed without Zharokath suspecting anything.

Or so it seemed.

Since when Zharokath was observing the demonic energy in Maya, something small and deliberate happened in the blink of an eye.

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