Hunter Academy: Revenge of the Weakest

Chapter 607 135.5 - The Banquet

Chapter 607 135.5 - The Banquet

As the evening progressed, the buzz of the banquet increased, and the attention around Maya and Astron grew steadily. It wasn't surprising—Maya, with her elegant demeanor and her ties to the powerful Evergreen family, was naturally a magnet for those looking to strengthen their economic and political standing. Meanwhile, Astron's striking presence—his chiseled features, cold purple eyes, and composed aura—drew the eyes of more than a few of the women in attendance, many of whom were eager to find an excuse to approach him.

Vivienne, always aware of the undercurrents at play, remained nearby, subtly guiding the conversation with Maya, though her eyes often flicked toward Astron as well. "It seems you've caught the attention of many tonight, Lady Evergreen," Vivienne remarked with a knowing smile, her gaze sweeping over the guests that had gathered nearby. "You and your companion have certainly made quite the impression."

Maya, ever aware of the subtle games in motion, gave a modest smile. "It seems that way," she replied softly, her voice carefully measured. "But I'm sure the atmosphere of your wonderful event brings everyone together."

Vivienne chuckled lightly, her sharp green eyes gleaming with amusement. "How gracious of you to say, though I suspect it's more than just the atmosphere." Her eyes lingered on Astron, whose calm expression remained unreadable as he listened to their exchange. "Tell me, Mister Astron, do you enjoy these kinds of gatherings? You seem quite... composed amidst all the attention."

Before Astron could respond, another group of guests, two elegantly dressed women, and a well-groomed man, approached them with warm smiles, their interest clear. The ladies' eyes flicked to Astron almost immediately, their smiles widening as they took in his appearance.

"Oh, Lady Evergreen," one of the women began, her voice light and friendly.

They had chatted a little bit more with some pleasantries, but then her attention quickly shifted to Astron. "It's such a pleasure to meet you, but I must say, your companion is... quite the striking figure."

Maya, noticing the subtle flirtation in their gazes, maintained her own calm. 'They're trying to draw him in,' she thought, recognizing the social maneuvering at play. She had no intention of letting these flirtatious interactions derail the evening or undermine the facade she and Astron were maintaining.

The other woman leaned in slightly, her tone playful. "You must be quite the man to keep company with Lady Evergreen. Tell us, what brings you to such events? Surely, you have many stories to share."

"I'm here to ensure Lady Evergreen enjoys the evening," he replied, sidestepping the flirtation with ease.

The women giggled lightly at his answer, clearly intrigued by his quiet charm.

And to that, Maya felt a surge of frustration bubbling beneath her calm exterior as the women giggled and continued their light flirtation with Astron.

Inside, she was fuming. 'Do they really think I'm just going to stand here while they try to pull him in?' Her anger simmered, but she knew she had to maintain the role she had crafted for the evening—timid, unsure, and polite.

However, it was getting harder by the second to keep the mask in place. Her fingers tightened ever so slightly on her fan, and she could feel her expression twitch, a subtle sign of the growing tension inside her.

'I can't let them see me like this.'

Maya inhaled softly, forcing herself to remain composed even though the frustration gnawed at her. It was clear that the situation wasn't going to improve if she stayed, so she decided on her next course of action.

"I... I think I need a moment," she said softly, her voice still measured though there was a hint of strain in it. Without waiting for a response, she gave the women a brief, polite nod and turned toward the nearest exit. But as she walked away, she made sure to throw a side glance at Astron—just a flicker of her gaze that conveyed everything he needed to know.

'Follow me.'

Astron caught the look immediately. His expression remained neutral, but he understood what was happening. Without missing a beat, he smoothly excused himself from the conversation. "If you'll excuse me," he said politely, his tone giving no indication of anything amiss. The women looked slightly disappointed, but they nodded in understanding, allowing him to depart without question.

As they left the main hall, the hum of conversation and the clinking of glasses faded into the background, replaced by the quiet stillness of the dimly lit corridors.

The elegant marble floors gleamed softly beneath the glow of sconces lining the walls, casting long shadows that danced as they walked. Maya's footsteps echoed lightly in the silence, her back straight, her movements graceful but carrying an undertone of tension.

Astron followed her, his steps silent and composed, his expression as unreadable as ever. He had sensed the growing tension in Maya as they navigated the social intricacies of the banquet, but he had remained calm, playing his role perfectly.

Now, however, he could feel the weight of her emotions pressing down, simmering just beneath the surface.

Maya suddenly stopped in her tracks, her posture still poised, though the quiet energy around her had shifted.

She spread her senses, the mana within her reaching out subtly, scanning the empty corridor for any sign of onlookers or eavesdroppers.

Satisfied that they were alone, she turned on her heel with a sharp, fluid motion and walked straight toward him, her eyes locked on his with a fire that burned beneath the surface.

Her breath was soft but heavy, brushing against his skin as she came to a stop just inches away from him, close enough that their faces nearly touched. Her pink eyes, usually so calm and composed, now blazed with restrained anger.

Astron, standing his ground, looked down at her with the same collected expression, though his gaze sharpened slightly, recognizing the intensity of her emotions.

Maya's voice, when she spoke, was low but brimming with frustration. "What exactly were you doing back there?" she asked, her tone quiet but biting. "Standing there like nothing was happening while those women…" She trailed off, her breath hitching slightly as she clenched her fists at her sides.

"You just let them flirt with you," she continued, her voice trembling slightly with the effort of maintaining her composure. "Did you enjoy it?"

Astron remained calm, his expression unwavering as he met Maya's fiery gaze. Her frustration was palpable, her words laced with the tension that had been building all evening. He could feel the weight of her emotions pressing against him, but he didn't flinch. Instead, he looked at her with the same composed intensity he always carried.

"It's not about enjoyment," he replied evenly, his voice steady, measured. "I acted the way I needed to, nothing more."

Maya's blue eyes narrowed, and despite knowing the logic behind his words, she still wasn't satisfied. Her breath hitched again as she stared up at him, her fists trembling slightly at her sides. "But did you enjoy it?" she repeated, her voice quieter but more insistent this time.

Astron's eyes flicked over her face, the fire in her gaze unmistakable. "No. I didn't."

The tension in Maya's body seemed to relax just slightly at his response, but the simmering emotions beneath her composed exterior didn't fade entirely. She nodded once, slowly, as if accepting his answer, though there was something else in her expression—something unresolved.

And then, without warning, she moved.

In a swift, fluid motion, Maya leaned in closer, standing on her tiptoes as she closed the final inches between them, her fangs sinking into the soft skin just above his collarbone.

He remained still, his body tense but composed. Maya's grip tightened slightly, her fingers pressing into his chest as she held herself against him, her lips lingering at the point where her fangs had made contact.

Maya's breath was ragged as she pulled back slightly, her lips brushing against his skin as she whispered, "I needed to remind you…" n/o/vel/b//in dot c//om

Astron's purple eyes darkened slightly, but he remained steady, his breathing calm despite the rush of sensations that came with her bite. He understood the message she was sending—this was her way of asserting control, of grounding herself after the tumultuous emotions of the evening.

And though he didn't speak, his silence was answer enough.

Maya stepped back, her eyes flicking up to meet his again. Her anger had faded, replaced by something else—something quieter, more intense. Her lips were stained with a hint of his blood, and she wiped them with a quick sweep of her tongue.

Astron held her gaze, his expression calm, though there was a faint glimmer of something darker in his eyes as he spoke, his voice low and steady. "Satisfied?"

Maya smiled a slow, quiet smile, the intensity from before now replaced by something softer, more controlled. She gave a small nod, the corners of her lips still carrying a hint of mischief. "For now," she replied her tone light but with an undercurrent of meaning that only the two of them would understand.

Without another word, she turned, her movements fluid and graceful as she composed herself once more. Astron followed suit, his demeanor as composed as ever, though the tension from their private moment lingered faintly in the air between them. Together, they made their way back toward the banquet hall, the soft echo of their footsteps the only sound in the quiet corridor.

As they stepped back into the bustling banquet hall, the hum of conversation and laughter welcomed them once more, the vibrant energy of the evening wrapping around them like a cloak. Vivienne, ever observant, was one of the first to notice their return. Her sharp green eyes gleamed with amusement as she approached, her lips curving into a knowing smile.

"Well, that was quick," Vivienne remarked, her tone teasing as she glanced between the two of them. "I was starting to think you might have gotten lost."

Maya, ever poised, smiled softly, her expression smooth and serene. "I just needed a moment," she replied lightly, her voice carrying the perfect balance of warmth and nonchalance. "It can get a bit overwhelming with so many people around."

Vivienne chuckled softly, clearly satisfied with the answer, though there was a glint in her eyes that suggested she wasn't entirely convinced. But she didn't press further, simply nodding in understanding. "Of course," she said with a smile. "The evening can certainly be exhausting."

As Vivienne finished her sentence, the atmosphere around them seemed to shift subtly. Maya noticed it immediately—the soft murmur of conversation near them quieted, and the energy in the room felt more charged, almost as if the very air had thickened.


The vampiric instinct inside him was reacting.

She turned slightly, her instincts already alert, and that's when she saw the reason why such a thing was happening.

Silas Vayne.

The target finally took the bait.

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