Hunter Academy: Revenge of the Weakest

Chapter 599  133.1 - Kieran

Chapter 599  133.1 - Kieran

As they stepped out of the clothing store, the bustle of the city streets greeted them once again, the energy of Ardmont pulsing around them. The sky was clear, the sun hanging high above as they made their way through the elegant district.

Astron glanced at Maya, his violet eyes catching the way the sunlight seemed to dance in her hair. "Will your dress for the banquet also be made by Eliran?"

Maya's lips curved into a smile as she met his gaze. "Of course," she replied. "Eliran has been designing my dresses for years. He understands my style better than anyone." Her smile widened slightly, a touch of playfulness in her tone as she added, "Though I'm sure you'll be more impressed with the final result when you see it at the banquet."

Astron raised an eyebrow, not entirely surprised by her confidence but intrigued by the hint of mystery in her words. "If his work for you is anything like the suit he's crafting for me, I'm sure it will be impressive."

Maya chuckled softly. She couldn't help but feel a flicker of excitement at the thought of seeing his reaction when she revealed her dress at the event.

As they walked through the streets, the energy of Ardmont pulsing around them, Maya glanced at Astron, her curiosity piqued.

"Do you have any other things that you want to buy?" she asked, her voice casual but with a note of genuine interest.

Astron shook his head, a small, almost imperceptible smile tugging at the corner of his lips. "No, I have everything covered," he replied, his tone composed as usual. "Besides, I'm not familiar enough with the structure of this city to wander around effectively for what I need."

Maya couldn't help but chuckle softly at his response, a glint of amusement in her eyes. "Well, now that I'm here, that part is covered," she said with a warm smile. She gestured ahead. "Come on, I'll take you to the Awakened City Center. It's where the elite gather, and they have everything an Awakened could need. You might find something interesting."

Astron gave a slight nod, his expression remaining calm, though there was a subtle shift in his demeanor as if he appreciated her guidance. He allowed Maya to lead the way again, the soft rhythm of their footsteps blending with the vibrant sounds of the city.

As they approached the Awakened City Center, the atmosphere began to change. The bustling market squares and tree-lined avenues gave way to towering buildings, sleek and modern, designed with an elegance that spoke of wealth and power. The streets here were wider, the air filled with a quiet hum of activity as Awakened individuals and merchants moved about, each with an aura of importance.

Then they stepped into the Awakened City Center and the atmosphere shifted even further. Inside, the grand halls were filled with rows of shops, each more extravagant than the last. Glittering displays of weapons, armor, and accessories, all imbued with mana, lined the walls, while high-end merchants conversed with customers in low, respectful tones. The air was cool, tinged with a faint energy that hummed through the place, making the mana in the atmosphere feel palpable.

Maya led the way, her steps confident as she navigated the bustling aisles. She glanced at Astron, her eyes catching the subtle glint of curiosity in his gaze as he took in the grandeur around them.

"This place brings back memories," Maya said, her tone light and nostalgic. "I bought my first piece of equipment here." She smiled, the memory clearly a fond one. "I even haggled a lot back then, hiding my identity the entire time."

Astron's eyebrow raised slightly at that, his expression calm but curious. "You did it for fun?" he asked, his voice carrying a note of subtle amusement.

Maya chuckled softly, her eyes gleaming. "Partly for fun, yes. But also to improve my skills at reading people. You'd be surprised how much you can learn about someone during a negotiation." She gave him a playful smile. "Besides, it was a way to keep myself sharp. When you're hiding who you are, you need to stay on your toes."

Astron nodded thoughtfully, his gaze scanning the surrounding shops. "I see. It sounds like you used the opportunity to train more than just your combat skills."

"Exactly," Maya agreed, her voice carrying a hint of pride. "Sometimes the most valuable lessons aren't about physical strength but learning to navigate situations and people. It's all part of surviving and thriving in a world like ours."

Astron gave a small nod, understanding her point. His eyes briefly lingered on a display of finely crafted swords, their edges gleaming with an ethereal light. The shopkeeper behind the counter glanced at them, clearly recognizing the prestige that surrounded the two Awakened, but Astron gave the swords only a passing glance before returning his attention to Maya.

They continued walking through the bustling Awakened City Center, the atmosphere alive with the hum of activity. The energy in the air was palpable, a mix of mana and ambition, as Awakened individuals from all walks of life moved between shops. Astron's gaze flicked from one storefront to another, taking in the wide variety of items on display—blades, armor, enchanted trinkets, all meticulously crafted and pulsing with mana. But despite the impressive array of weapons, his interest remained passive. He already had his weapon, one that had served him well.

Still, he remained observant, his sharp mind assessing the undercurrents of the market. He wasn't here for a weapon. His true purpose was to get a feel for the economy of Ardmont's Awakened society, to understand how its gears turned and what opportunities might be available to someone who paid close enough attention.

"Are you looking for anything specific?" Maya asked, her voice curious but light as they passed a blacksmith's shop. The rhythmic clang of metal being forged rang out, and the heat from the forge spilled into the streets. Inside, an Awakened blacksmith wielded his hammer with precise, practiced strikes, each blow imbued with mana that fused seamlessly into the steel.

Astron shook his head slightly, his violet eyes still scanning the shops with quiet interest. "No, I have my own weapon," he replied calmly. "I'm more interested in seeing how things work here—how the Awakened society in Ardmont operates. There's always something to learn when you observe the flow of a city's economy."

'He has his own weapon?' Maya thought to herself. While she had seen him training with daggers and bows, she had never seen him use a 'special' weapon.

'But if it is him….'

If it was him, then he must have gotten a suitable weapon already since he was not someone who would overlook such things.

'Even then….'

Maya stole a glance at Astron. There was always something about him—an air of mystery that clung to him, not in a way that was meant to charm or intrigue others intentionally, but more because he was so skilled at keeping his abilities, his true self, hidden.

It wasn't just a trait of an Awakened or a Hunter; it felt more personal, like Astron had mastered the art of concealing his strengths, always holding something back, always optimizing every aspect of himself.

She'd seen it in the way he fought, how he analyzed every situation, using misdirection and subtlety to his advantage. He didn't rely on brute strength or overwhelming power—his approach was different, more refined. If there was one thing Maya had come to understand about Astron, it was that he didn't leave anything to chance. Everything he did was calculated and precise.

'If that's the case… he must have a lot of tricks up his sleeve,' she concluded, her mind drifting back to how he moved in combat. He fought with intelligence, always using the environment, exploiting weaknesses, and turning every small detail to his advantage. Tricks and strategies were his weapons, and that made him dangerous in ways few people understood.

Breaking the silence between them, she turned to him with a playful smile. "I have a place in mind," she said, her tone light but with a hint of excitement. She gestured for him to follow her. "Come on, you'll like this."

Astron raised an eyebrow slightly, intrigued by the sudden shift in her demeanor, but he gave a small nod and fell into step beside her as they made their way deeper into the City Center. He didn't ask questions, but Maya could tell he was curious.

The streets around them grew quieter as they moved away from the bustling main square, the shops here more specialized, catering to a more discerning clientele. Maya led him through a side street that opened into a courtyard, where a small, unassuming shop sat nestled between two grander buildings. Its modest appearance stood in stark contrast to the elegant surroundings, but there was something about it—an air of authenticity—that drew the eye.

"This is the place," Maya said.

Astron's violet eyes carefully scanned the shop before him. Despite its central location in the heart of the Awakened City Center, the store appeared disorganized, almost haphazard in its presentation. Materials were scattered around without care, some half-buried under stacks of items, others leaning precariously against the walls. It was a stark contrast to the polished, pristine shops they had just passed. There was no thought put into the arrangement, no effort to make the shop visually appealing. It was as if the owner had little interest in appearances. n/ô/vel/b//jn dot c//om

That, in itself, was odd.

Astron narrowed his eyes, lowering his body to get a closer look at some of the materials. His fingers brushed lightly against the surface of a metal bar, its texture cool and smooth beneath his touch. He turned it over, noting the weight and the faint, shimmering mana trails that clung to its edges.

'This isn't just scrap,' he thought to himself. He tilted the bar slightly, watching the way the light caught its surface. "This is no ordinary metal," he murmured, speaking aloud for Maya's benefit. "It's [Kalisium]," he continued, recognizing the distinctive mana signature. A high-grade material, not something that would normally be left lying around in such a disorderly fashion. Kalisium was used for crafting exceptional weapons and armor—its durability and ability to hold mana were unparalleled. Yet here it was, sitting among a pile of other items, as if it were no more valuable than common steel.

He stood, dusting off his hands, his sharp gaze returning to the rest of the shop. The more he looked, the more the disarray made sense. It wasn't that the owner didn't care about presentation—it was that they didn't need to.

The fact that they were able to command such materials alone made it evident that the owner of the store did not lack any money.


He thought. Considering the fact that the world was vast and there were many talented people he had yet to come to know about, meeting people and making acquaintances with them was always welcome.

Maya's gaze swept the shop as she casually stepped closer to Astron.

"Kieran!" she shouted as she called to the owner of the store.

But that name was a name that Astron knew about.


Since that name was a name of a character from the game. 

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