How to survive in the Romance Fantasy Game

Chapter 213: A New Semester A New Evaluation 4

Chapter 213: A New Semester A New Evaluation 4

After a brief welcome and tour of the academy led by the staff and assigned seniors from the student council, the incoming freshmen were prepared for the real challenge: the written exams, which would take place the very next day.

To the surprise of many, the exams were held at Killian Hall—an unexpected and prestigious location.

Killian Hall was known to be a place of exclusivity, reserved only for the top 10 students in each grade across their respective departments.

Whether this choice of location was deliberate or not, it certainly gave the freshmen a glimpse of the privileges they could enjoy if they rose to the top of the academy.

The mere sight of Killian Hall, with its luxurious architecture and high-end facilities, left a lasting impression on all who entered.

Its gleaming hallways, state-of-the-art equipment, and air of sophistication painted a clear picture of the rewards awaiting the elite.

For those who dreamed of academic or combat excellence, the allure of the hall's prestige and the generous allowances that came with it were enough to light a fire in their hearts.

The honor of being among the top students of the academy wasn't just about status-it was a gateway to real power, wealth, and recognition in the world.

For Enna, however, the exam experience was a different story.

As she walked out of the examination room, her legs trembled beneath her, barely able to hold her up.

She felt as though the weight of the world had been dropped on her shoulders.

Every question from the exam replayed in her mind like a nightmare.

The formulas, historical events, and complex magical theories swirled in her head, making her dizzy all over again.

Her earlier excitement had evaporated, replaced by a crushing sense of inadequacy.

She glanced around, noticing the calm, confident faces of her peers.

They walked out of the exam hall with ease, some even chatting as if they hadn't just taken one of the most difficult exams of their lives.

Enna's heart sank even further.

She had entered the academy with excitement and ambition, but now, she felt small and uncertain.

Had she truly prepared enough? Could she really survive in a place this competitive? "Reina..."


"I think I might not be able to enter the academy after all..." Enna's voice cracked as tears welled up in her eyes.

She clung to Reina's arm, her body trembling slightly with frustration and embarrassment.

Earlier, she had acted so confident, even excited, before the exam began, but now it felt like all her confidence had been shattered into pieces.

How embarrassing!

She couldn't help but feel ashamed.

Here she was, hugging Reina's arm like a helpless child, while Reina, with her usual composed and calm demeanor, stood there unaffected by the ordeal they had just gone through.

In a twisted way, Enna found herself jealous of Reina. How could she remain so aloof and unfazed, even after that exam?

"I studied really hard; you know?" Enna continued, her voice growing more emotional as she vented her frustrations.

"But what was up with those questions? Those weren't meant for a mere student to answer! I mean-who even knows that much?!"

"I'm sure you did well enough to pass."

Enna's eyes widened in disbelief.

"Easy for you to say! You still have the practical exams to save you. But for students in the general department like me, written exams are everything!"

She squeezed Reina's arm tighter, her frustration clear in her voice.

"If I fail this, there's nothing left to fall back on..."

Reina opened her mouth to respond but found herself at a loss for words.

She understood Enna's stress-she really did-but comforting others wasn't exactly her strong suit.

Letting out a small sigh, Reina reached out and gently patted Enna's back in an attempt to console her.

"You'll be fine..." she said softly, even though she wasn't sure if her words were enough. "Huhu~ what was even the point of all that hard work-" Enna mumbled, her shoulders slumping under the weight of her exhaustion and frustration.

Her mind was still swimming in the aftermath of the brutal exam, and she was starting to spiral into self-pity.

Before she could lament any further, a familiar voice broke through her thoughts, casual and almost mocking.

"Sup. Did you guys pass?"

Enna's eyes widened as she recognized the voice, while Reina's expression instantly

darkened, reflecting a mix of annoyance and disgust.

Both turned to see Flamme standing there with her usual smug grin.

"Flamme! You're here as well!"

Enna exclaimed, a spark of excitement lighting up her face as she rushed over to grab

Flamme's hand eagerly.

"Hm? I don't know how much the exam rattled your brain, but you should really only choose

one sickness."

Enna blinked in confusion.

"What do you mean?"n/o/vel/b//in dot c//om

Flamme flicked her forehead lightly, her smirk widening.

"Being dumb or stupid-you should seriously pick one, Enna."

"T-That's mean!" Enna's eyes immediately welled up with more tears, her sensitive heart

unable to handle Flamme's sharp words.

Seeing her reaction, Flamme snickered and reached out to pinch Enna's cheeks.

"Kuku, you're too cute when you cry-" she teased, tugging at Enna's soft cheeks like she was

playing with a doll.

"Shtapp~" Enna mumbled through squished cheeks, trying to resist but finding it strangely comforting at the same time.

Despite the mean-spirited teasing, there was something oddly warm about Flamme's touch, like she was being cared for in her own strange way.

Reina, however, wasn't having any of it. Her eyes flared with anger as she watched the scene


Without a second thought, she strode over and pulled Enna away from Flamme's grasp,

glaring at her with cold intensity.

"What are you doing here?" Reina's voice was sharp, clearly not in the mood for games.

Flamme chuckled, completely unfazed by Reina's hostile tone. "Hm- Aggressive as ever. Still mad about what happened on the ship? And here I thought we were all friends now."

"Silence," Reina snapped, her eyes narrowing. "I don't remember befriending you."

Flamme's grin only widened at that.

"Oh? But Enna might, right?" She turned her attention to the confused girl, who was still rubbing her cheeks from Flamme's earlier pinch.

"Huh? Uh... well..." Enna stammered, caught off guard by the sudden shift. She glanced between the two of them, feeling the tension simmering in the air.

Her mind raced, trying to find something, anything, to ease the growing conflict.

"I mean... we all got along on the ship, right? Maybe we can all be friends...?"

Or at least be friendly with each other.

Reina crossed her arms, clearly unimpressed, while Flamme's grin softened into something

more mischievous.

"See? Even Enna thinks we could all be friends."

Reina shot Enna a look, but the poor girl was still too caught up in her desire for everyone to

get along, missing the underlying tension between the two.

In her mind, a bit of positivity might be the key to putting their differences aside.

Flamme stretched her arms lazily, looking like she had all the time in the world. "Well, Reina, I guess we'll just have to try harder to become friends~," Flamme said with a teasing smile that bordered on playful mockery.

She twirled a strand of her hair between her fingers, eyes gleaming with mischief. Then, with a dramatic flair, she added, "So now that we're all technically friends, why don't

we tour the academy together? I'm pretty sure the short tour we had yesterday wasn't enough to showcase all the highlights the academy has, right?"

Reina's expression remained flat, her distrust for Flamme evident in the way she crossed her arms. "You sound like you know a lot about it," she remarked coolly, her tone devoid of


"Oh, but I do~," Flamme purred, her grin widening. "Though I can't tell you the reason why, fufu~. Anyway, how about it? Why don't you two join me for a little tour?"

'Haah- how annoying' Despite her outward confidence, Flamme couldn't help but mentally wince as she recalled

Snow's angry voice and piercing gaze that had practically frozen her to her core.

She was here under strict orders, forced to apologize or make amends in some way, shape, or

form to the people she had "technically bothered."

That, unfortunately, included both Enna and Reina.

While Enna was tolerable, even cute, Reina was a different matter altogether.

Flamme's feelings toward her were laced with disdain.

Every time she looked at Reina, she felt a sense of deep disappointment.

As someone who admired power and strength above all else, Flamme found it disgusting that

someone of the same bloodline as Riley could be so... weak.

It was a bitter pill to swallow, knowing that Reina lacked the potential to rise to any

significant power.

In Flamme's eyes, this made her inferior.

Of course, Flamme had similar contempt for most weak people, but the fact that Reina was

Riley's sister only amplified her distaste.

How could someone like Riley, with his immense talent and presence, be related to someone

so mediocre?

Granted she was still technically assessing Riley's true worth at the moment.

It was still infuriating.

If it weren't for Snow's orders, Flamme would have gladly avoided Reina altogether.

But here she was, trying her best to play nice, all while biting back her true thoughts.

Enna, on the other hand, once again oblivious to the tension, had her wide eyes lighting up at the idea of exploring the academy.

Together with her so-called new friends!

She glanced between Reina and Flamme, her natural optimism getting the better of her.

"That sounds fun!" she chirped, clearly excited by the prospect.

"We didn't get to see much yesterday, and I've been dying to explore the place mor- "

"Can we join in as well?"

The excited words were abruptly interrupted by a gentle yet commanding voice that seemed

to resonate with authority, instantly grabbing the attention of the three girls.

Near the grand staircase, two figures gracefully descended from the second floor of the

examination hall.

The first, a robed girl with a slender and elegant silhouette, wore an outfit similar to Flamme's but with a sleeker design, accentuating her poised demeanor. Although her hood obscured most of her face, the visible part of her lips held a kind,

welcoming smile.

"Vanessa!" Enna's eyes lit up with recognition, and before anyone could stop her, she shot

out of Reina's arms and rushed toward Vanessa like a child reuniting with a long-lost friend. Her excitement was palpable, almost infectious.

Vanessa, slightly taken aback by the incoming ball of energy, reacted quickly, catching Enna before she could trip over her own feet.

She embraced her gently, her smile widening with warmth as she held Enna close. "Fufu,

you're still rushing into things, Enna," she teased, patting the girl's head affectionately. "Ah-hahaha," Enna laughed awkwardly, a blush spreading across her cheeks as she scratched her head, realizing how hasty she had been.

The excitement and embarrassment mixed, making her more flustered than before.

Vanessa, still gently holding Enna, turned her attention to Flamme.

Her smile was kind, but there was a subtle confidence in her eyes.

"So, how about it? Can we join as well?" she asked, though it was less of a request and more of

an invitation as if the choice had already been made.

Vanessa casually gestured toward the other figure standing just behind her. Flamme's curiosity immediately piqued as her gaze shifted from Vanessa to the woman

standing in the background.

Unlike Vanessa's soft elegance, this second figure radiated an aura of authority and power

that far surpassed that of a mere student.

She was taller, with long, flowing platinum blonde hair that shimmered like starlight in the

academy's soft lighting.

Her striking crimson eyes were sharp and deep, almost glowing with a quiet intensity.

The regal air that surrounded her left little doubt about her status-she was no ordinary


For a moment, Flamme's usually playful expression faltered, replaced by a flicker of surprise

and intrigue.

She recognized her immediately-the heir to one of the most powerful kingdoms in the

realm, a figure of immense political and magical influence.

'Stacia Alger Del Luna'

The princess was renowned not only for her beauty but also for her unmatched skills in

combat and strategy.

Why someone of her caliber was walking casually among students was a mystery in itself, but Flamme quickly reminded herself not to question the whims of royalty. Understanding the mindset of royals was often a futile endeavor, after all. Shaking her head slightly, Flamme regained her composure and flashed her usual

mischievous grin. "Sure-"

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