How to survive in the Romance Fantasy Game

Chapter 210: A New Semester A New Evaluation.

Chapter 210: A New Semester A New Evaluation.

To his ever-revered holiness,

Hello, Grandfather.

You might be wondering why I'm sending a letter so early on in my journey, but please, don't worry or panic-everything is going well and smoothly.

Although traveling in secrecy was a bit rough at first (Anna and Amon complained a lot, hehe), they've been doing an amazing job.

They've protected me this entire time, prioritizing my safety above all else.

So, once again, please don't overreact to anything I'm about to say in this letter. This is just an update, as we promised-remember, no sending of the templars, okay? It's my first time traveling openly like this, and I was honestly very nervous at the start. The freedom felt strange, almost surreal, but now, I'm really glad you allowed me to experience it.

It honestly felt odd, interacting with people who didn't recognize me.

For so long, I've been shielded from the world outside the Holy City, always seen as something divine, but just as you said, it's been refreshing.

There's this unique wonder about meeting people who don't know anything about me or my title and position.

If I had stayed within the confines of the Holy City, I would never have had the chance to experience this kind of fun or meet the people I've encountered so far.

I'll admit, at times, I find myself missing the comfort of the temple-the familiar faces, the quiet reverence of the city-but being out here, in the world, has opened my eyes.

I'm starting to understand why you encouraged me to venture out.

There's a life here beyond what I've known, a vibrancy that I'm slowly learning to appreciate.

It's almost like rediscovering who I really am, apart from the title and the responsibilities that have always been tied to me.

The unfamiliarity of the outside world was rough at first, but in due time, I quickly learned how to adapt and adjust-hehe-.

Just the other day, I even paid for my own meal at a tavern!

Yup with my own money that I earned myself!

Oh, but don't worry, the tavern we went to wasn't a shady place or anything like that.

Anna and Amon made sure it was a perfectly clean and reputable establishment, so no need to send any templars to investigate, got it?

I really liked the store owner there; she was so friendly and welcoming.

Though I have to admit, she does get a little overboard at times.

One night, she even offered me some booze while we watched a party being held for the adventurers who were staying there.

But don't panic-I didn't drink it!

Amon took care of that for me, so I wouldn't have to refuse and ruin the mood.

It was hilarious watching him try to keep up with the adventurers, only to end up puking it all out in the corner later.

I don't think he's going to live that one down anytime soon!

It's been a few weeks now since I left the Holy City, and yet, every day feels like a new adventure.

A new chapter per se?

I'm still experiencing so many new things-seeing the world with fresh eyes and gaining perspectives I never would've imagined before.

You've given me this opportunity to witness life beyond the temple walls, to broaden my horizons, and I can now see how much of a novice I truly am when it comes to understanding this vast world.

I haven't even entered the academy yet, and I'm already brimming with excitement for everything I'll learn there.

The anticipation is thrilling, and I know that my experiences will continue to shape me into someone stronger and more knowledgeable.

I can't wait to see what the future holds.

I would love to tell you all the amazing and fun stories I've experienced so far, but sadly, a piece of paper can only hold so much ink.

Besides, you probably don't want to sift through a long, bloated letter filled with every little detail, right?

Though... knowing you, perhaps you would enjoy that?


Nevertheless, I just wanted you to know that I'm doing fine and well.

I'm seriously having fun!

My time to enter the academy is just days away, and by the time this letter reaches you, I'll likely already be there, starting this exciting new chapter of my life.

A part of me has always wondered why you spoke so fondly of your time at the academy, but now, with all the buzz and excitement I've overheard in the city, I'm starting to understand.

Even the usually arrogant nobles speak highly of it, and that alone tells me just how significant it is to the lives of both commoners and the upper class alike.

That only makes me more eager to experience it for myself.

It is a little regretful that I won't be able to reveal who I truly am while I'm there, but I fully understand the necessity of keeping my identity hidden for now.

I know it's for my own protection, and I trust your judgment completely.

Oh yeah.

On the topic of the academy, I've already heard about some of the recent scandals and incidents it's been dealing with, but please, don't let that be the reason to reconsider your


I'm determined to stay, and as long as Anna and Amon are with me, I'm confident that everything will be just fine.

They've been watching over me so diligently, so please don't worry too much.

You've given me this chance, and I intend to make the most of it, safely and wisely.

Once again.

Thank you, for this opportunity, Grandfather.

I promise I won't let you down.

With all my love and respect,

Your granddaughter,

P.S. I'll write again soon-no templars, remember!


"You seem awfully happy..."

A voice interrupted the serene atmosphere of the private room, surprising the man seated behind the ornate desk.

Benedict Clement, the current Pope of the Holy Kingdom, raised his head, his brow furrowing as he eyed the intruder entering the room.

The door creaked as it swung open wider, revealing another man-slightly older, with a look remarkably similar to Benedict.

He strode in, lugging a heavy leather bag over his shoulder and dropping it unceremoniously

onto the floor.

"You're back, Gregory,"

"Sure am," Gregory replied, grunting as he straightened his back after setting down the hefty bag. "The imperial folks were quite the pain to negotiate with, as usual. But anyway, why the hell are you grinning like that, you old bastard? Did hell freeze over or something?"

A vein throbbed visibly on Benedict's forehead. His brother's sharp tongue, as always, hit its mark. Even after all these years, Gregory hadn't mellowed.

Despite their age-both well into the later years of their lives-Gregory remained as foul- mouthed and irreverent as ever.

Benedict, though he bore the title of Pope, had grown used to it, even if it tested his patience

time and time again.

Swallowing his annoyance, Benedict composed himself and quietly tucked away the letter and

envelope he'd been reading, his fingers lingering for a moment on the parchment before

sliding it into his desk drawer.

Of course, Gregory's keen eyes had already caught sight of it.

"A letter from Emilia, huh? That explains a lot. How's she doing?" "Yes, it seems her travels went smoothly. No trouble has arisen, thank the heavens."

Benedict's tone was calm, but there was something deeper beneath his words.

His aged eyes, filled with the wisdom of decades, lingered on the closed drawer where the

letter now rested.

Though the news from his beloved granddaughter brought joy-she had been away from home for nearly a month now-a trace of concern still lingered in his heart. Emilia's journey had been one of discovery and freedom, yes-but that didn't stop the nagging anxiety that came with the responsibility of being her protector.

The world outside the Holy City was vast and unpredictable, and though she was accompanied

by trusted guardians, Benedict couldn't shake the sense of unease gnawing at him.

"Gregory, call in a Templar"

"Tsk...this paranoid geezer.... I'm surprised you're not best buddies with the emperor yet"


Arkein City.

The Mage's Association Tower stood tall and imposing, a beacon of magical innovation and


Amidst the bustling activity below, one section of the tower offered a breathtaking view of

the city's most astonishing feature-the floating shipyards.

"W-wow, look! Look, Amon, it's a floating ship!!!"

A young woman, dressed in the distinguished academy uniform, stood at the edge of the viewing platform, her wide eyes sparkling with childlike wonder.

Her breath caught as she marveled at the sight before her: dozens of magical flying ships, suspended effortlessly in the air, gracefully landing at their designated hangar stations.

The ships, sleek and magnificent, glided through the sky like birds in formation, their magical

engines humming in the wind.

As each vessel descended, mages, scholars, and travelers from all races and nations poured out, moving seamlessly between arrivals and departures.

Despite the sheer number of people and the apparent complexity of coordinating such a

massive operation, there was no chaos.

Everything flowed in perfect harmony, each movement orchestrated with an almost

supernatural precision.

"Can you believe this, Amon?" she exclaimed, her voice full of awe. "The Empire truly are the

pioneers of technology and innovation. Look at how smoothly everything runs!"

"It's mostly because of the high density of mages born here...."

Her companion, Amon, stood a few paces behind, his gaze scanning the platform, ever


Though tall and imposing, with a stern expression, he couldn't help but soften at her


He had seen this sight many times, but for Emilia it was a new experience, one that rekindled

his own appreciation for the empire's wonders.

"Sainte- I mean, Lady Emilia, please stand back," Amon said, his voice tinged with concern.

"You're going to fall if you lean any further."

The young woman turned, a playful smile curling her lips. "Fufu, you still got it wrong,

Amon," she teased, giggling. "It's Enna now, right?"

With a lighthearted laugh, she jumped back from the edge, her dark hair swirling in the gusts

of wind generated by the ships' massive magical generators.

The wind, cool and tinged with the scent of magic, made her heart race with exhilaration.

Everything about this place was new and exciting.

Even after all the travel and training, she could hardly contain her enthusiasm for another

wonder in the world she was discovering.

"You two-how many times have I told you to stay put?" A tired, sighing voice came from

behind, and a woman with bright orange hair approached, carrying a bag filled with freshly baked bread.

"Ah, Anna, you're back,"

"Lady Enna, please don't cause any trouble. We haven't even arrived at the academy yet."

"But I'm not causing any trouble,"

"Not yet, you mean..." Anna replied, raising a brow. "And besides, why are you out here in the

first place? Look at your hair-it's all fluffed up from the wind. Our ship isn't scheduled to arrive for another hour, so let's head back inside, shall we?"

Enna pouted but quickly gave in, her playful nature always present even when caught off

guard. "Okay~," she said with a sing-song voice"

"And you, Amon," Anna continued, her gaze now shifting toward him. "I told you to keep an

eye on her."

Amon, who had been standing quietly shook slightly under his sister's glare.

"But she was the one-"

Seeing the heated glare from his sister, Amon wisely chose not to finish the sentence, knowing it would be futile.

He sighed and raised his arms, conceding defeat.

"Hahaha..... please don't be too hard on him, Anna. I was the one who suggested we come out


"Is that so?"

Anna then turned and began leading them back inside the bustling station, Enna obediently

following suit with a mischievous bounce in her step.

Once inside, they found a cluster of unoccupied chairs near the waiting area and settled down

to rest.

The faint hum of magical engines from the distant ships filled the air, but the station itself

was warm and welcoming.

Anna, ever prepared, handed them the bread she had just bought from a nearby vendor.

The aroma of the warm, freshly baked loaves wafted through the air, filling their small group

with a sense of comfort.

"Mmm, this smells amazing!"

Despite being known for her picky eating habits, Enna couldn't resist the allure of the bread.

She brought it to her nose, taking a deep inhale with a blissful expression before finally taking

a bite.

"This is delicious, Anna~!" she exclaimed with pure delight, her voice almost melodic as she

savored the warm, soft texture of the bread. Each bite seemed to melt in her mouth, filling her with warmth.

Amon took a piece as well, eating in quiet appreciation.

Anna smiled, her earlier frustration already melting away. "Glad you like it. I figured we'd need something to tide us over while we wait."

She then glanced at Enna, who was munching on her bread a little too eagerly. "Ah, but pleasen/ô/vel/b//in dot c//om

eat slowly-there's plenty of-"

Cough! Cough!

"Lady Enna!" Amon gasped, alarmed as Enna began to choke, her face turning slightly red.

"W-wa-ter..." Enna wheezed, raising a hand in desperation.

Anna sighed but quickly moved into action, rifling through her dimensional pouch to grab a


Before she could offer it, however, another beautifully designed canteen was already in Enna's hands. Someone had beaten her to it.

Enna chugged the water with gusto, relief washing over her as the cool liquid soothed her


"Huwah~" She let out a satisfied sigh before turning her head to see who had handed her the

water. Her eyes widened when she saw the young woman sitting beside her, calm and poised,

with a slight look of amusement on her face.

"Th-thank you," Enna stammered, suddenly feeling self-conscious. Her face flushed with embarrassment as she realized how silly she must have looked, choking on a simple piece of


The woman, who appeared to be just a bit older than Enna, gave a warm, reassuring smile. "It's quite alright," she said, her voice soft but clear. "Are you okay now?" "Ah-yes, thank you so much..." Her embarrassment deepened, feeling even smaller under

the stranger's calm and composed demeanor.

She couldn't help but sink slightly into herself, awkwardly holding onto the now-empty


The whole scene had been a little too much for her liking, especially in front of someone who seemed so effortlessly graceful.

Anna quickly moved to Enna's side, bowing her head slightly in front of the mysterious young woman who had helped. "Thank you. Our young lady can be a bit clumsy, you see." As she spoke, Anna noticed the state of the canteen Enna had been given-nearly empty and, to her dismay, with a few breadcrumbs from Enna's mouth now floating inside. Sighing internally, she fished out three gold coins from her pocket, holding them out as a gesture of repayment. "If it's not too much—"

But before Anna could finish, the young woman raised her hand in a gentle, yet firm, refusal. She shook her head, her expression calm and kind.

"Please, I don't need any money. A simple 'thank you' is more than enough."

"But your canteen... It's-"

"I can buy plenty more," the young woman interrupted, still smiling. "So please, be at ease."

There was something in her tone-an unspoken grace, a gentle authority that seemed to calm everyone around her.

Even Amon, who was usually aloof and unbothered by such encounters, found himself quietly admiring the stranger's poise.

It wasn't just what she said, but how she said it.

Her words carried an effortless charisma that seemed to envelop Anna, Enna, and Amon,

making them feel almost reverent in her presence.

Anna nodded, still holding the coins but realizing they were unnecessary. "I see... thank you

again," she said, more softly this time.

The woman gave a slight nod, her serene demeanor unchanged, as if such situations were

nothing out of the ordinary for her.

Enna, who had finally recovered from her earlier embarrassment, stared up at the woman with

wide, curious eyes, still feeling the lingering grace of her presence.

It was rare for someone to captivate her attention so fully, especially in such a short span of


As the young woman stood there in her blue hooded robe, the group couldn't quite make out

her features, but even from the small glimpse of her lips and chin, she appeared to be

someone both beautiful and of high status.

Enna, who had finally collected herself after the choking incident, noticed the clothing

peeking out from beneath the woman's robes-an academy uniform.

Her curiosity sparked instantly.

"Are you by any chance a student of the academy?" Enna asked excitedly, her earlier embarrassment forgotten in the rush of discovering a potential fellow student.


Without warning, Enna grabbed onto the woman's hands, her face lighting up with a huge smile as her eyes sparkled with delight.

"I'm a student as well!" Enna practically beamed; her voice filled with excitement. "I can see that?"

Caught off guard, the young woman glanced towards Enna's attendants for some form of

help, but Anna and Amon both averted their eyes.

Anna, in particular, let out a quiet sigh, the type only a tired mother figure could give after

witnessing Enna's impulsive behavior one too many times. Undeterred, Enna continued, "I'm Enna-just Enna! A soon-to-be freshman at the academy.

I'll be joining the general department! Hehe, what about you?"

Her excitement bubbled over as she leaned in closer, her face practically glowing with


The young woman chuckled nervously, backing away slightly from Enna's overly enthusiastic

approach. "My name's Vanessa..."

"Vanessa huh that's a very beautiful name, nice to meet you, Vanessa!"

"Nice to meet you as well Enna...."

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