Hitman With A Badass System

Chapter 1295 Testing the new armor in the Demons Grave

Chapter 1295  Testing the new armor in the Demons Grave

Michael's gaze shifted upwards, observing how the usual blood-red sky of the Demon's Grave mingled with unnerving darkness, which reminded him of Noah's death. "With Noah gone, this whole damn universe feels off," he muttered, the eerie mix casting unsettling shadows across the rugged terrain.

In the distance, his attention was caught by a chaotic spectacle. A group of giant bats, emboldened perhaps by the darkness, were aggressively swooping down on a pack of enraged creatures. These beasts had the majestic heads of lions and sinister, slithering snake tails.

"Shit, everything's gone mad since Noah kicked the bucket," Michael observed, squinting to get a better look at the violent interaction. The creatures on both sides displayed heightened aggression, their movements more frantic and desperate than the usual predatory fights common to the Demon's Grave.

It seemed Noah's death had repercussions beyond the mere vanishing of light, stirring a primal ferocity in the creatures of this realm. "Looks like the balance is all kinds of fucked up," he said, watching the battle.

Positioning himself on a rocky outcrop, Michael watched the scene intently. The lion-headed creatures clashed with the bats, their roars and hisses slicing through the air, filled with rage and fear. Each snake tail lashed out with lethal precision, trying to strike the bats out of the sky, while the bats retaliated with swift dives, their talons aimed at the vulnerable eyes of their foes.

"Nature's going haywire without the light to keep it in check," he growled. The thought of venturing into the fray crossed his mind, but Michael decided to observe a little longer, intrigued by the natural order unraveling so dramatically.

"Maybe this chaos is the new order of things," he pondered, feeling thrilled at the prospect of an unhinged world. "Let's see how deep this rabbit hole goes," Michael decided, his fingers itching to draw his swords and join the fray, yet he restrained himself for the moment, choosing instead to learn more from the ongoing melee.

As Michael watched the chaos unfold below, his mind couldn't help but drift back to his own turmoils, his anger simmering as he thought of Andohr's trap and Eve's tragic death. "Fucking Andohr," he hissed under his breath. The fact that Andohr had taken Diana, his mother, only added to the knot of frustrations. Although he had never felt any deep affection for Diana, the news of Noah's death and Rowena's disappearance tightened the noose of responsibility around his neck. "Poor Sabrina, just a damn kid in this fucked-up world," he muttered, clenching his fists.

The weight of his family's plight gnawed at him, pulling at his resolve. Despite everything, he realized rushing into a confrontation with Andohr would be foolish. He knew too well that Andohr wouldn't kill Diana outright but would likely keep her as a hostage in his cruel game.

"Can't go head-to-head with that bastard yet," Michael acknowledged, forcing himself to take a deep, steadying breath. The reality was bitter, but rushing in without a plan would only serve Andohr's interests.

He looked back at the battling creatures, their wild ferocity a mirror to his inner turmoil. "And if that fucker tortures her, the system can wipe those memories clean," he mused aloud, the idea bringing a cold comfort. It was a small reassurance but steeled him against the helplessness that threatened to overwhelm his thoughts.

"I'll get her back, one way or another," Michael vowed quietly to himself. He knew the road ahead was fraught with danger, but his resolve hardened like the metal of his new armor. "And when I do, Andohr will pay dearly for every fucking second he's held her," With a final glance at the wild scene before him, Michael shook off the last of his hesitation. His heart was heavy with loss and anger, but his mind was clear. "Time to plan, not to mourn," he decided, turning away from the overlook.

Then, Michael cracked his neck as he looked at the armor encasing him, its sleek design more than just a shell but a weapon in its own right.

"Time to let off some steam, and what better way than to kick the shit out of these ugly fucks?" he mused, a grim smile pulling at the edges of his lips. "Let's see what this bad boy can really do."

With a deep breath that filled the metallic confines of his mask, Michael crouched slightly, feeling the responsive armor flex along with him, as intuitive as a second skin. Without another thought, he leapt gracefully from the rock, landing with a calculated thud on the ground below. The impact sent a small cloud of dust swirling around him, the red eyes of his skull mask glowing ominously through the haze.

Straightening up, he strolled towards the chaotic fray of lion-headed beasts and giant bats, his approach calm but brimming with lethal intent. "Alright, let's dance you miserable bastards," Michael muttered under his breath, unsheathing his swords with a fluid, practiced motion that mirrored the flickering of the fear toxin subtly emanating from his armor's red lines. The compound mixed with the air, its effects subtle but effective, sowing a seed of fear among the creatures as they sensed a new predator entering the fray.

As he closed the distance, one of the giant bats detected his approach, veering off from its aerial assault to swoop menacingly towards him. Michael reacted instinctively, his movements enhanced by the agility of his armor. He sidestepped the dive with ease, his left arm swinging up to let loose a burst of flame from the palm-mounted flamethrower. The fire caught the bat mid-descent, lighting up the creature with a screech of surprise and pain as it retreated back.

"Not so tough, are you?" Michael taunted, almost cheerfully, as he advanced further into the battle. His presence now fully registered, several of the lion-headed creatures turned towards him, their snake tails hissing and lashing out with venomous intent.

Michael met their charge head-on, his swords clashing against the tough, scaled skin of the beasts, sparks flying with each strike.

As Michael dove deeper into the fray, the lightweight design of his armor proved its worth, enhancing his agility and speed. Each pivot and leap felt almost effortless, allowing him to dance around the deadly lunges and strikes of his monstrous opponents with a fluid grace that belied the deadly intent behind each move. n/o/vel/b//in dot c//om

"Come on, let's see what you've got!" Michael roared as he engaged the nearest lion-headed creature. The beast's snake tail whipped forward, spraying a jet of corrosive poison in a desperate attempt to halt his advance. Michael sidestepped swiftly, feeling the hiss of the poison as it splattered against the rocky ground next to him. His armor, infused with the resilience of the Shadowforged ingots, repelled the toxic assault without a hitch, its surface remaining unmarred.

One of the giant bats, emboldened by the chaos, swooped down from above, its fanged mouth wide open aiming directly at Michael's head. With a quick roll, he dodged the attack, and as the bat passed, he swung his sword in a tight arc. The blade connected with a sickening crunch, cleaving through the bat's wing. The creature shrieked in pain, spiraling to the ground where it lay twitching.

But the fight was far from over. As one bat fell, two more took its place, diving towards Michael in a coordinated assault. With a snarl, Michael planted his feet, twin swords ready. As the first bat reached him, he used its momentum against it, twisting aside and slicing upwards. The bat barely had time to register the deadly blade before it was fatally wounded, dark blood splattering across the barren ground and Michael's armor.

The lion-headed creatures weren't deterred by the fall of their aerial allies. They charged, their roars filling the air, more aggressive and desperate. Michael met their charge head-on, his blades flashing in the dim light. He struck hard and fast, the impact of his swords against their scaled hides echoed by the crack of bone and the wet squelch of pierced flesh.

One particularly fierce lion-headed beast managed to close the distance, its snake tail flailing wildly. Michael caught the tail with one hand, the scales slippery with venom. He yanked the creature closer, bringing his other sword down in a brutal arc, severing the head cleanly. The body slumped to the ground, its tail still twitching in his grasp.

The constant onslaught was relentless, but Michael's armor turned aside fang and poison alike. Even as a bat's teeth clamped down on his shoulder, the metal held strong under the pressure, the sound of the creature's teeth grinding against the impenetrable armor was almost satisfying. Michael used the close proximity to his advantage, bringing up his knee to smash into the creature's underside, feeling ribs give way under the force.

"Is that all you've got?" Michael taunted, wiping a smear of blood from his visor. He spun around, swords extended, creating a deadly whirlwind of steel that no creature dared penetrate without consequence.

The more he killed the bats, the more badass points he received from the system. But Michael ignored the system notifications and completely used this battle as an outlet for his suppressed anger.

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