Hisshou Dungeon Unei Houhou

Chapter 40

side : Lutz

After we had heard that Herge-sama talked with Lulu-sama, Labiris-chan and myself went back to onii-sans room together.

(Lutz)As you planned, Onii-san. We made her fall on purpose then Herge-sama came to heal her wound and had that particular talk with her.

(Labiris) Yuki, was it needed to work in a hurry? Lulu-sama has yet to rest her mind since coming here. Whats more, anyone hearing her complaints would want to throw up. Yuki, you only had to say one word, and I would have cut her neck

As for me, I was thinking the same that he rushed it.

Lulu-sama was only here for one week. And she fled from her country only to receive this treatment.

(Yuki)That would be okay if she was of nobility or a simple girl.

It wasnt like onii-san to drink alcohol.

Maybe its because he was never able to reach a state of drunkenness. The more you drink it, the more you will get attacked by nausea the next time.

So far, I didnt know if it was true or not.

(Lutz))Regardless, that one condition from Millies party is simply absurd. We are stalling for time as much as we can but she has yet to steady her mind, and it has to originate from herself. Id like to have a convincing explanation. I want to hear it from you because I cannot help but think that youre blind in this case.

I asked onii-san about an explanation concerning Lulu-samas treatment.

(Yuki) If you have those intentions about Lulu. Then you can as well go to the Holy Country Ritea and turn everything back to how it was before. Because the deadline is near, I cant afford to take my time and wait that everything settles by itself.


(Labiris)Are you serious Yuki!?

Not to mention my surprise, even Labiris-chan let out a roaring voice.

Thats impossible! I would have sent her to a place where she had high chances to die, not somewhere like bringing her back to home.

(Yuki)In the end, what awaits her is death, whether she stay here or not. Because when you say to someone that he is poor, then he will tend to go into misery. The same applies to her. Firstly with their boundless request. Then with Lulu own misery. Afterward, only two options remain to her. To be kicked out or suicide. If she was to live for the sake of her children, its good. But to make children for the interests of living is horrible. I dont want my kid to be bothered by a thought likeI was born purposely for my mothers survivalor My mother killed herself after she had to give birth forcedly

Onii-san, what you said made sense.

When I was an adventurer, I participated in a quest which was requiring to destroy a bandits hideout.

Every time, I saw a lot of women violated and used as tools.

Roughly one month after we saved them, nearly half of them chose to suicide.

After that, only children with ties of blood remained.

I asked the women who survived because I wanted to understand.

(Lutz)Why did they chose to commit suicide? And why you didnt?.

She gave birth to a child just after she was saved, and while holding him in her arms, she answered my awkward question.

(Woman)For me, I dont quite understand the reason for their suicide. But I think they certainly couldnt compromise amidst their hearts. I was also teased by men and ended up receiving this child. When I look at him, I just cant abandon him. The people who passed away because they couldnt bear it, they leave their children behind. However I find it disgusting to leave behind another child. Although he was not the desired child, he was still born in the end. This little one is the only warmth remaining for me. This is because I have this child that I try to live.

After all, the livings have a will to live. Those who die didnt have the will to live.

After enduring great troubles and giving birth to children, they can only go forwards if they are strong willed. After that, if everything advances without accident, they can only hold their unhappiness within themselves.

(Lutz) Lulu-sama was provoked, but it turned that she avoided suicide. But why do you want her to return at Ritea?

(Yuki)As I said earlier, we had no problem if she was a nobles daughter or a simple girl. Can you remember what was Lulus standpoint?

(Lutz)Lulu-sama was the former number one of the Holy Country Ritea.

(Yuki)Thats right, so dont you think that she is a weight too heavy for our little Dungeon to carry?

(Lutz)I think so. However, cant she live quietly if its just a facade?

(Yuki)Is she was to live quietly it wouldnt matter. But she negotiated and not in a way someone without any power would. First by taking information to sell to us. Secondly by intervening in the Management of our Dungeon. Do you know what I mean by this?

(Lutz) Huh? Is Lulu-sama trying to act like a ruler!??

(Yuki)Thats right. Lulu has yet to forgot her pride as the Holy Woman of Ritea. At first, I was a bit unconscious about it. However, its different now. The distraught in the earlier meeting made me this way for a while. If she wanted to help in the first place, she wouldnt take a position as a martyr. Because of her, no conflicts will happen. It seems that Millie and the others are already reflecting about it

Finally I Understood. If Lulu-sama wanted to liver here, she shouldnt be telling any opinion as a ruler.

Lulu-sama has a lot of skill. She will play her hand to temper the Dungeon without showing anything in public.

Risks were very likely to exist for this Dungeon.

This is a result that everyone of us should avoid. Thats why Millie had this particular reaction.

(Lutz)However, Lulu with the pretext of being a Holy Woman participated in the Management. This isnt a problem because this is a Dungeon, and thanks to the Gai and Roshuru countries, even the houses will end free

(Yuki) Now that an alliance with Ritea has been formed, the country which is sheltering Lulu has to send her back immediately or when asked should handle the matter of the assassination appropriately. For a country, the profit is likely to be high. Whereas she was setting priority to the topic about the homes of the commoners, it proves how simple-minded she acted. She tried to help them without hiding her identity.

With my selfish motives, it might destroy this village, but I want to cooperate with her further. Thats about all I had to say.

While onii-san had answered my questions, I started to feel dizziness

Initially, no matter where she was going, actions that are already familiar with her real identity can not be taken.

Although she is intelligent, she didnt understand it.

(Lutz) I see. She is unaware. If there is a chance, I will return her to Ritea. Thats is what Lulu-sama should expect. However, we cant neglect the current situation and act without hesitations.

How selfish.No, was it because its selfish that I unconsciously sympathized?

(Yuki)Such a thing is never a reason. However, until how long will Lulu be allowed to cross the line? Especially by further increasing the gap between her and Millies group. She might even end up suiciding.

So thats why. Because onii-san hated the ending where she suicide he used his hand to crush it as soon as he could.

Mainly thanks to the injury which led to Herge-samas sweet talking followed by a good conversation between the too.

(Lutz)Onii-san that Was the reason why you helped Lulu-sama only a pretext? When you said that we had no time Impossible!

(Yuki)Its been one week since Lulu came here. The time needed to walk by foot from the Holy Country Ritea is one month. Ten days by horses. Perhaps even less with a fast horse. In other words, even if Ritea doesnt know whether Lulu is dead or not, this news should be certified by most of the higher ups. Thats why I improved the security around to prevent those hardliners. While Lulus death isnt confirmed, even if they dont hear any report testifying her death they can still handle the situation. Also, if we take over some of Lulus belongings and we bring them somewhere, theyre most likely to believe in her death. Well, here is the problem Lutz. Why would they assassinate Lulu?

(Lutz)The possibility is high that because, as you said earlier, she had a lot of abilities and authority. She was probably a hindrance Huh!? In other words, it was something like that!? The Holy Country Ritea has different factions, and a hardliner faction who isnt following Lulu made a move!?

(Yuki)Its like that. If the hardliners grasped the full powers, then Lulu would have gone down smoothly without any problem and without raising any appeal. The reason why they had to kill her was that they wanted to gather the remaining hardliners scattered inside the multiples factions. Well, now we need to find something for Lulu to manage. Then we need to find a place for her to live in. The place shouldnt be too crowded, what would happen if someone learned about the assassination?

(Lutz)The situation suddenly took a big reversal. Those hardliners, if they didnt act, with Lulus leadership her plan to take over Ritea should work. Hence with their assassination, they wanted to dispose of her swiftly. Fortunately, Lulu-sama should possess some hardliners still following her. Because they should discern where lie loyalty and justice.

In the end, everything turned well.

For how long did you intend to instill your hand in this matter?

(Lutz) But, onii-san. Why are you going so far for Lulus sake? I think the chance of failure is high.

(Yuki)Uh? Why is everyone saying that its for the sake of Lulu? And as for whether this ends up in failure, or this ends up in success, whichever happens, will befall me. For example, let say that for worst, Lulu returns to Ritea and dies. In this way, Millies and the others anger will lighten a lot. Whereas if successful, she might or might not go back to the top of Ritea, yet it will considerably improve her position. When that happens, the assistance brought by the Dungeon is justified. And she will supposedly help the Dungeon afterwards

(Lutz)Its cruel, isnt it? Onii-san. Please stop already with your unskilled and irresponsible selfishness.

(Yuki) Really. To be frank, I really want to help Lulu.

Yes, onii-san, you just wanted to help Lulu-sama.

Even though both are fine, you didnt need to help when its so troublesome.

All you had to do was to leave it to Lulu. However, you werent going do that.

Particularly when you tried to explain some benefits when you were just selfish.

(Yuki)Well that, for the sake of helping Lulu, if we move poorly with Roshuru, it will end up a big lose for the Dungeon. Is it unreasonable to calculate the benefits and move?

(Labiris)Yeah yeah, Yuki is a scoundrel

(Lutz)Seraria-sama and Lulu-sama. You bestowed upon them protection, and yet youre still trying to act elegantly. Were you planning to suffer everything by yourself? Werent you? Onii-san. To drove that far with alcohol while we think about Lulus future, I cant let our oniisans number one brain go dull.

I said that and took onii-sans sake.

(Yuki)Ha-a, dont you know the joy of falling asleep while drinking sake? I was drinking for her sake. Therefore it was nothing

(Lutz)Truthfully, we have no time, because the hardliners are hardening their position inside the Holy Country Ritea. If Lulu-sama want to go to the battlefield immediately, do you still desire to make it as safe as possible?

(Yuki)Yes thats right. Presently, if she remains in the present state she will most likely die. I want to play my cards this time, but how to do it when the person herself is feeling helpless? Looks like this time, I can only draw Mauve out of my hand. The rest will be which items I will give to them.

(lutz)As excepted. With her state, Lulu-sama wont be able to make it. Furthermore, with us here and with Seraria-sama and Herge-sama coming from Roshuru, we cant make a move. If we do, then it might create a crack withing the internal affair of the alliance. I dont mind making the declaration later but I think now isnt the right time to intervene?

(Yuki)Thats it. As for Lulu, she will have to go through herself.

(Lutz)Lulu-sama should be made aware of her responsibilities in this matter. She has to do it and return to Ritea by her own means. We need to tell her that she must do it, from now on until forever. What do you think about it onii-san?

(Yuki)We cant move byourselves, Ritea is Lulus place after all. Im not going to help her right away. There is still three more days, and I think she will make it. If she doesnt respond by then, it will be really hard to return Ritea back to its previous state.

(Lutz)That is also Will Lulu-sama makes it in time?

(Yuki)Without using Herge as a medium, I dont know if she could.

(Lutz) Thats hard. And what Herge-sama said. Was it good? Or was it bad?

Now, Lulu-sama.

This is an answer you already had.

Please somehow, end up with the answer onii-san wanted.



This was why Yuki talked to Lulu this time.

Everything is in harmony.It is black, pitch black!!

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