Hisshou Dungeon Unei Houhou

Chapter 168

Side: Jessica

After I finished the Zilba Empire-related talk with Yuki, I went to a certain place.


Oya, welcome-ssu. Im busy right now, so please sit down and have some tea yourself-ssu

Right now Im in the room of Steve, the goblin general who had been given an unreasonable task by Yuki.

Then Ill help myself

As usual, I put water from the faucet in the magic kettle that boils water, press the switch and boil the water.

Though its easy to remember, at first, I used to say theres no way I could do that, confused by the reality of what I saw.

In fact, that water came out of the faucet itself was even a surprise to me. The theory is simple, but even I wouldnt be able to come out with something like that.

This kind of thing makes convincing the fact that Yuki came from a different world.

From our point of view, he certainly is thinking about the day after tomorrow, a means of enriching peoples lives.

So, what can I do for you-ssu?

Oops, now it isnt the time to be doing a general review of Yuki.

I wanted to talk to Steve.

Yes, Ive come to talk to you

I put down the tea I was drinking and look around Steves room once.

This room is in the center of the ruins and its the mercenaries group Wrong, we are currently on Weed, where private rooms and training grounds for the officers were built in a blink of an eye.

And one of those is this room where general Steve is.

It looks simple to them, but to us, its an unbelievable mass of technology.

The kettle that boils the water I mentioned earlier, the faucet, electric lights as bright as day even at night, good quality paper, ballpoint pens, etc.

The most surprising part is that this room is used by goblins.

Whats more, they dont trash the room, they sit in a chair with a desk, paper, and materials to work on.

Ah, its weird that we are working like this-ssu?

I dont know if Steve thinks hes weird, but he sees my expression and says that.

No, I think its only natural for a general to perform its duty

As general, eh-ssu? Then, how about a goblin sitting on a desk like this-ssu?

With all due respect, Ive never seen it before. The goblins I know are

Are lowly creatures, naked or wears a straw skirt and that attacks humans with crude weapons and impregnates women-ssu?

I wont go so far No, our common goblins are like that. But if I were to add something, we keep them as war tools

Well, around that extent, eh-ssu?

Steve doesnt seem to be offended by my opinion and continues to fill out the paperwork.

But I realize that the goblins led by Yuki are completely different. Of course, Steve too

Im grateful if you think like that-ssu. But I wonder how you can talk normally to us after being beaten to a pulp by me-ssu

It happened in a battle. We will never have peace if we always bring in grudges

That part of you is adult-like-ssu. But around here is different. Weve all been well accepted by Weed. Even now, newcomers and adventurers are still scared and try to fight us because we are goblins-ssu


Its not easy to abandon the values you had all your life.

Even though Steve and the others are different from the other goblins out there, to the uninformed, they are nothing but lowly monsters.

Thats why, the general is always giving us reckless orders as public stance-ssu


That way, theyll feel like we are being pushed around-ssu. And we will be seen as obedient goblins. Furthermore, were given unreasonable orders, and we can complete them well-ssu. Thats why we are so appreciated in Weed just like Jessica-nee-san-ssu

If you talk like that, doesnt it sound like Yuki is calculating and doing it on purpose?

Thats obvious-ssu. Goblins are purposely trying to fit into society-ssu. Its the same for the other monsters-ssu. Were the ones who get this kind of work first since we are one of the most despised among all the monsters

I wonder what in the world is Yuki thinking?

Hmm? Didnt Jessica hear about the magic depletion problem-ssu?

I know that, but what does it have to do with improving the status of the goblins?

Ah, that? Normally, Id stop thinking right there-ssu. The general is also thinking in the event that some monster could have knowledge of the magic deletion problem-ssu


A monster is the cause of the magic depletion problem?

There are monsters that eat magic power. Rather, in places where magic power gathers, a monster is born.

Its surprising that we couldnt reach that answer by ourselves. I wonder why did I think that it was a good idea to subjugate them?

After all, I can even talk to Steve like this.

If you cant solve the problem by killing them, then its better to have a conversation with them as much as possible-ssu. And then, if we can hold a conversation, people may not attack us in the future-ssu. And that connection will make

Goblins trusted by the people Especially, Steve and the other, eh?

Well, something like that-ssu. Surakichi-san and Mino-chan were also candidates, but Surakichi-san cant stay there for a long time because of the magic power depletion problem, and Mino-chan is a legendary monster. So, we were the only ones-ssu

Im now convinced.

Steves treatment, too, was all because of the magic depletion problem.

No, Im sure the status of the goblins will also rise in the future.

Yuki might be an amazing person as a politician.

I thanked him and went back to Yukis lab.

I guess hes doing something unpredictable again.

Side: Steve

Fuu, at last Jessica-nee-san is gone.

Even though I was given such an unreasonable request, all the paperwork is almost done

Im going to allocate the budget that the general has prepared for me to whatever is needed for the next operation.

Should I say how naive is she? Actually, the reason for our existence has another meaning-ssu

One person murmurs at the door where Jessica-nee-san has left.

We, monsters, have a role to play in stopping the general from going mad, including killing him if necessary

Its the most annoying task that I have been forced to do-ssu.

Even if the general goes really mad, all the sisters who protect him will have to do something about it, and Im sure even princess Asurin will become his enemy-ssu.

First, lets start by undoing the slavery command, shall we-ssu?

If we dont do something about the magic of absolute obedience that the general cast upon us, I cannot even fight him.

If you cant do something like that, you wont be able to kill me

So I was told-ssu.

Thats a must, but as expected, isnt it still unreasonable!?

Today, too, I spent five minutes trying to find a way to release the generals absolute obedience, and then I dozed off.

Ill finish the paperwork later.

Im not slacking off, you know-ssu? My mind just needs a break-ssu.

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