Hisshou Dungeon Unei Houhou

Chapter 12

Withthe monitor, we can the the fallen soldiers (about 100 meters underground). To be honest, I dont think they look good down there, such a pity.

Come on!? Where is your pride as a Dungeon Master?

Seraria, after coming here, said that she doesnt understand the reason. However, Im the one who dont understand what shes talking about.

Etto Can you explain? What is the pride of the Dungeon Master?

To arrange monsters, watch them as they develop, watch the war as the soldier reach this place!!

I got a headache.

Oriel, Doesnt other Dungeons have any trap?

Of course they have, and its pretty common.

Im sorry Seraria, I dont understand why the previous trap from a short while ago was bad?

The soldiers of our country are brave and fight from the front!! To put a pitfall, is to act as a coward !!!

The other party is attacking the Dungeon with a lot of manpower, is it any better?

Its !! No, its not fair!!

Seems like the talk isnt going well!?

Sorry, because Seraria-samas fighting force dont like the dark side, with their principles, they fight brillantly. They are the pride of our country, Roshuru.

After Oriel said so, a question hatched in my mind.

Your country Do you have a strategist? Or an advisor?

Huh? Whats that?

Seraria is looking doubtful, she tilted her head to the side.

The strategist is the one who plan and win the war you know?

Even if a strategist appears on the battlefield, it would be useless. You should know that everything is based from the will of the heaven. How do you win against more enemy? If the enemy is stronger than me, I cant win without getting helps from heavens luck. Even if I would use cheap tricks, its wastful, and wont improve my chance of victory.

That reminds me of the European middle ages civilization, where no Strategist or Adviser existed. This world should be the same.

The words from Seraria are a bit over the top. Even if they all clash the same way, when a strong fellow appear, you need to take measures against him. Furthermore, a lot of unknown factors exist, skills for example.

Oriel added, is a person strength defined by his level or skill? If a person level up, then hes strong. If hes strong, then he becomes an absurd entity. Do you think an incomparable character like this will appear easily? With that much, isnt a strategist unnecessary?

The virtuous and righteous one, did they always attain victory in the pasts battles? Virtue doesnt mean invincibility. I will show how you can always remain victorious in every battles

Victory within every battles What?

Theres a saying inside a book from my world, Always think about the methods bringing the less casualties. Ill explain it properly next time.

What? They already invaded the Dungeon!! And theyre on rampage!!!

At least try to understand my explanation. Shes crying right now, Seraria.

Ane-Sama dont want to win? Are you feeling bad?

Its alright Herge Oriel, did you notice?

Whats the matter?

This fellow, he didnt take any damage yet



The situation finally got noticed by Herge and Oriel. Thats right. Damage to the Dungeon, none. Damage to my followers, none. However, the injured enemies amount to around 200.

Both of them looked at me in surprise. Seems like opponent-san started to realise too. The signboard warning them that only 6 people can pass at the same time? Indeed, they found it.

The next room is a 500 meters long hallway. If the number matches 6 people, the door open, and you can enter.

I used the DP from the past 10 days to summon [Bloody Minotaur]. According to its name, its a level 95 monster.

Soldiers, for an instant, the 6 of them shook.

But they arent the royal guards for show, they started to act immediately.

On the other hand, the Minotaur didnt move an inch.

Why its not moving!? Quick, start the fight!!

Seraria becames confused and shouted at me. Its not a mistake, though.

It was an order. Dont move from here ?

Dont move?

Hey hey watch the monitor, look, look!

This room is quite wide, the Minotaur can rampage to his heart content. But There is also another meaning.

A sound echoes from the monitor.


Nuaawaaaaa !!

Kiyaaaaaaa !!

Uh..Once again? A pitfall?

The darkness from the basement spreads in front of the Minotaur.

No, Everyone!! Damned !!

Oh! Only one person remaining outside the range or the pitfall. Times to change the setting.

Dont come!!! Uhwaaaaaaaaa!!

I merely ordered the Minotaur. He did the job perfectly.

Ill let the girls stare at the monitor.

What did you think? That because it was a boss room I wouldnt put any trap? And especially this soldier, he did nothing and stayed here, watching. What were you trying to do without any aim?

Are you playing? Are you playing with the battlefield? To fight like this and mess with your opponents pride!! How is it called if its not cowardice!! All the enemies from the first pitfall were good peoples!!

Seraria is angry.

Ill destroy anyone who wants to harm this Dungeon.

So, If I aim to annihilate the foes inside the Dungeon, the Pitfalls set on locations where a lot of enemies accumulate, are the one with the best efficiency.

Look, they sent help, after knowing the amount of casualties, around 500 of them are coming from outside the Dungeon.

As an army used to fight with numbers, they always leave men in reserve. And there is no exception for the Dungeon. From the 2000 persons, half of them entered the dungeon and half of them remained on standby.

You You put a big trap at the entrance to deal a lot of damage, and then, you deal with them, small group after small group, to draw them in?! How can you do such a thing?

(TL : Seraria knows how to annoy me.)

If suddenly, 1000 people die. Would the others come? No, theyll withdraw. But if it happen a bit slowly, then they can save the face of their country.

Amazing, you even considered the opponents feeling?

[Know yourself and your enemy and you shall not lose one out of 100 battles.]

Whats the matter? Those wordsPutting that aside, were in trouble now, thanks to your pitiful tricks.

I expected them to attack. I wanted to use them as a mean of information gathering.

Data gathering? Is there a reason to consider this strange thing?

You know, I want to make them surrender to you. After all, sheltering a noisy princess like you is way too much trouble.

What did you say !?

Ano, Yuki-San, how do you want them to surrender? Theyre still number around 1000 outside

While Seraria suffered from the blow, Herge doubtfully asked a question. Naturally, its a good one.

Thinking about it should I let the followers join as well?

There is a straight line after the Dungeon entrance. The pitfall remains open. What do you think? Soldiers invading the Dungeon have been completely isolated.

By the way, the pitfall is around 300 meters long. Its impossible, in a short amount of time, to cut trees from the vicinity to build a bridge.

[Etto why would such a thing make them surrender, though?]

[Herge, what do you need in order to live?]

Its probably foods?]

In the Dungeon, there is no possibility for the soldiers to replenish food. Also, in the current situation only 6 of them can go at the same time and there is still the heartless Minotoaurs trap to beat. As long as this 2 settings exist together, Our foes cannot defeat us.]

Furthermore, there is no water inside that floor. At most, someone can live 3 days without water. On the other hand, I dont know if they took any supply like water with them.]

Herge might understand what I said a short while ago.

In order to survive, they have to surrender.

Seraria muttered with an astonished face.

Winning without taking any damage

I cant believe it.

Lets wait for our opponents to surrender.

As expected from Sun Tzus sayings. If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles.andThe supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting.

Ah, someone fell once again.

On his way to fight the Minotaur, the brave soldier fell. Im laughing at the sight of the monitor.

The person was probably serious though. But what about it? In the end, even if I laugh, I dont know how everything will end. Even if I want, theres no way I can.

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