He's Actually A Sexy Girl? I Erected!

Chapter 119: 【119】Don’t rush, first you need to think back properly to _1

Chapter 119: 【119】Don’t rush, first you need to think back properly to _1
An unsavory thought flickered through his mind, but Tang Feng quickly regained his clarity.

When using the needles, the foremost duty of the healer is sincerity and integrity.

One must achieve “the essence of needling, never forgetting its spirit; to truly administer the needle, one must first regulate the spirit.”

If one’s mind wanders at such a time, it will inevitably lead to “lack of focus, disordered will; the spirit not following, thus the needle’s qi fails to arrive.”

He closed his eyes to regulate his breathing for a moment, and when he reopened them, his mind was as calm as still water.

Though a breathtaking beauty lay disheveled before him, he could now maintain his composure.

Because Mao Anyi had been drugged through the wine, the drug stimulated the secretion of adrenaline and other hormones.

Therefore, to dispel the drug’s effects, he needed to apply needles to the acupoints near her stomach, kidneys, and lower abdomen.

And when needling, it was necessary to lift the clothing over the relevant areas.

But she was wearing a one-piece dress, which presented him with a problem.

To needle her, he’d have to take off her dress.

After a brief hesitation, Tang Feng muttered to himself “the healer’s heart is the parent’s heart,” and then proceeded to slip down her spaghetti strap dress, trying his best to avoid impropriety.

But he wasn’t blind, so it was impossible to see nothing.

The woman’s fairness was a bit too much, presenting a visual impact that was not ordinary.

However, he also knew time was of the essence, and it was not the time to feast his eyes.

In haste, he took up a silver needle and aimed for her Dantian Guanyuan Acupoint.

Because it was his first time needling, and Mao Anyi kept writhing, his first attempt missed its mark.

The needle went askew and even drew blood.

He had no choice but to toss that silver needle aside and take up another.

With the experience from his first attempt, and the knowledge about needling in his mind, this time he managed to insert the needle smoothly into the acupoint.

Needling was a matter of getting better with practice.

With a good start, the rest went much more smoothly.

He then needled her at various acupoints such as Shenque, Guanyuan, Qi Acupoint, Siman, and Zhongzhu.

At that moment, his phone rang again, another call from Song Lele.

He glanced at the time and saw it was past the eight o’clock they had agreed upon.

But he was at a critical juncture and couldn’t spare a moment to answer the call, so he simply let it ring and continued with his needling.

Possibly out of real urgency, Song Lele kept calling one after another.

Tang Feng completely ignored this and focused on needling.

Ten minutes later, Mao Anyi’s flat and fair lower abdomen was filled with silver needles.

After the last needle was in place, sweat covered his forehead.

He hadn’t expected that needling would be such a physically demanding task.

Throughout the process, he had to keep his spirit highly focused, which consumed a substantial amount of mental energy.

Just then, the phone on the table rang again.

He didn’t bother to rest and answered the call.

Song Lele’s anxious voice immediately came through, “Tang Feng, you finally picked up. I’ve called you so many times, why didn’t you answer? I thought you might have been hit by a car.”

Tang Feng’s expression stiffened, “Thank you,” he said wryly, “for hoping I’d get into a car accident.”

“I’m fine. I ran into an acquaintance on the way who needed a little help, so I got delayed,” he explained perfunctorily.

“Oh, as long as you’re okay. Is the matter resolved? We’ve been waiting for you for ages, hurry up and come over. If not, bring your friend with you,” Song Lele’s voice finally calmed down when she heard he was fine.

“She…” Tang Feng glanced at Mao Anyi lying on the bed, “probably won’t be able to make it. You two start eating, I’ll come over as soon as I’m done helping.”

“Well… okay, take care,” Song Lele’s voice held a note of displeasure, but she didn’t say much more.

Tang Feng tossed the phone back on the table and stood up to touch Mao Anyi’s forehead, finding it was no longer as hot as before.

Her body had also stopped writhing like before, clearly feeling much more comfortable inside.

He breathed a sigh of relief; it seemed that his acupuncture technique was quite effective.

Although many people now disparaged traditional Chinese medicine, even calling it witchcraft,

Tang Feng firmly believed in one principle: a black cat or a white cat, if it catches mice, it’s a good cat.

The debate between traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine, whether it’s about interests or ideologies, did not concern him. As long as it could cure diseases and save people, that was good medical skill.

So far, the medical skill he had exchanged from the system seemed pretty useful.

Earlier, owing to the urgency of the situation, he hadn’t had the leisure to appreciate the scenery.

Now relaxed, his eyes started to mischievously stray towards Miss Mao’s body.

At this moment, her fair skin was recovering from its flush, covered in a thin layer of sweat, gleaming under the pink light and full of allure.

An impulse involuntarily arose in him, wondering if he should touch her and try out the feel?

Hmm, just for a second.

He thought about how he had expended so much effort to save her without even charging a treatment fee, so shouldn’t he at least get some benefit?

As he considered this, he slowly stretched out his “claw,” inching closer to her.

Just as he was about to succeed with another inch forward,

Mao Anyi, who had been in a semi-conscious state, let out a soft cry with a “yīng” and slowly opened her eyes.

Tang Feng hastily withdrew his hand in a guilty reflex.

At first, her eyes were full of confusion.

When she clearly saw Tang Feng’s face and noticed that her dress had been pushed up to her waist, she first froze for a moment, and then was about to scream.

Tang Feng was quick and grabbed her mouth before she could make a noise.

If she really screamed and brought people in from outside, he would never be able to wash away the suspicion.

He had intended to rescue her with goodwill, and though he didn’t expect her to be grateful, he couldn’t afford to incriminate himself.

Mao Anyi, her mouth sealed by him and her body limp and powerless, looked at him with eyes filled with fear.

“I saved you from the bad guys. Please don’t be ungrateful. Don’t worry, take a moment to remember everything clearly, then I’ll let go,” he explained.

Hearing his explanation, the fear in Mao Anyi’s eyes gradually faded.

Clearly, she remembered something.

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