Heavy Metal [ A Monster Evolution LitRPG ]

Chapter 72 – First Battle In A Party.

Chapter 72 – First Battle In A Party.

“Can you get it over with before the day is over? Some people need to earn coin to survive.”

“Don’t scare the newbie's idiot, let’s just go get a mug of ale and come back tomorrow.”

A small commotion was unfolding at the entrance of the E-Rank dungeon, something many had grown accustomed to. A large group of people walked through a fenced-off area, while other adventurers were denied entry. The adventurer test was underway, and to ensure its legitimacy, the dungeon had been sealed off to prevent others from entering.

Something like this didn’t go too well with other E and D-rank adventurers who used this place as a hunting ground. Their livelihood depended on getting monster parts and chests from within this place. Rusty could hear the grumbling from the disgruntled adventurers as his group neared the dungeon entrance. Despite the complaints, the small party’s of four didn’t care; they were far too busy being tense. 

They passed the checkpoint, guarded by a small squadron of guards similar to those at the F-Rank dungeon. However, the people here were of a higher level, and their equipment was noticeably better. Rusty glanced up at the large arch he was passing through, which was connected to a sturdy fence. Unlike before, there was no tunnel of trees forming a pathway - just an empty road leading toward a massive rock structure, reminiscent of a mountain but not quite.

"I remember this... If I’m not mistaken, this dungeon is a giant maze with only a few floors, much larger than the one you came from, Rusty."

Alexander's claim was quickly confirmed when the officials lined up the participants and handed each team a map, detailing the route they were expected to follow. It was just a snippet of the first floor, but even that was enormous. Large portions of the map were missing, and several red markings indicated strictly off-limits areas. It became clear that this dungeon was far more dangerous, and encountering monsters of various levels on the very first floor was a real possibility.

“Listen up, don’t wander around, only follow the route specified by the guild, the dungeon is a treacherous place and you will lose your life if you aren’t careful.” 

Garren's voice boomed again, ensuring everyone understood the gravity of the test. 

“Stick to the marked paths, stay with your team, and remember: this is not just a hunt for monsters. You’re here to prove you can think, plan, and survive as a team.”

The weight of those words hung over Rusty's group as they moved closer to the dungeon entrance. Norkas, their self-appointed leader, furrowed his brows as he studied the map, muttering something to himself. Layla leaned in to get a better look, while Odelette, the halfling, was practically bouncing on her feet, too full of energy to stand still.

“You’ll be entering in order of your teams, use this time to examine the maps and check your supplies, you might need them.”

“The Guild has given us a few low-quality potions, at least this is better than nothing.”

Layla commented as she rummaged through the small pouch handed to their group. Inside were a few basic health potions, barely enough to sustain them if they faced prolonged combat. Rusty watched her distribute them, handing each member one. He took the potion and examined it closely, the liquid sloshing inside the glass vial. His sturdy form didn’t rely on potions at all as he used metal ingots to restore his parts. However, it was better to pocket it to keep up his disguise. 

"Alright, team. This is the route we’re supposed to take." 

Norkas was done studying the map and he pointed to a section near the entrance. His finger traced a path to something that looked like a larger chamber. 

"It looks like a straight shot at first, but once we reach this fork, we’ll need to veer left. There’s probably a checkpoint here, and that’s where we’ll likely encounter our first challenge. It could be a puzzle or maybe some monsters. Either way, we’ll need to be prepared."

Layla nodded in agreement, her gaze drifting from the map to the distant entrance. There she could see some of the adventurers going in, their formations giving her an idea about how they should proceed. 

"I’ve heard this dungeon is full of traps. Perhaps, we should let Odelette take the lead once we’re inside."

The halfling beamed at the mention of her name. 

"You got it! I’ll make sure we don’t step on any nasty surprises. Just watch my back, big guy!"

Rusty felt a gentle smack to his thigh that came from the small person. She smirked at him in a strange fashion that he didn’t understand. He wondered if this was some type of attack and if he should retaliate but considering that the other adventurers were just smiling, everything had to be fine.

“Alright, leave it to me?”

He responded in an awkward tone, something the other party members quickly noticed. Fortunately, despite realizing he wasn’t much of a talker, they didn’t shy away from asking questions and working to strategize. Norkas brought up an important issue early on, asking about everyone’s skills and directing the first question to Rusty.

"Albert, right? Can I ask you something?"

"Mmm... sure?"

"Do you have any taunting skills, by chance?"

Rusty paused for a moment, thinking about his abilities. He didn’t have anything that fit the description. In his previous experiences with Gleam, he usually attracted monsters by engaging them directly, while his ant companion preferred to hide in holes to avoid being targeted. In this party, however, he would need to keep monsters away from the two ranged adventurers and the thief - something he had never done before.

“No, I don’t…”

“Ah… that’s a shame but how about this.”

The man had his own spatial satchel and took out a small pouch. The moment he did, the two girls from the party scrunched up their noses at the pungent smell.

“W-what is that smell?”

“Egh… keep that away!”

“Haha, you’re overreacting.”

Norkas shook his head as he handed the pouch to Rusty, who lacked a sense of smell. Poison and disease didn’t affect him, so a pouch that reeked of rotten fish wouldn’t be much of an issue. Still, after taking the pouch and inspecting it, Rusty wasn’t sure what it was for.

"This is...?"

"It’s a special mixture of herbs and monster parts. It should attract the monsters in the dungeon to you. Sorry about the smell but I’m sure you’ll get used to it..."


Smelly Pouch




A pouch filled with an alchemical concoction that attracts monsters. The effect will linger for a few hours unless washed thoroughly. 

‘Hah, this guy came prepared for the occasion, luckily you don’t have a nose.’

Alexander didn’t know what to say, it was a useful item for the occasion but it made Rusty smell like a dead goblin and caused the other adventurers to keep their distance.

"Sure, no problem..."

Rusty was about to tie the pouch to his waist when Layla and Odelette quickly intervened.

"W-why don’t you put it in your spatial bag for now, and take it out once we’re inside the dungeon?"

"Y-yeah, that would be better!"

"Mmm… sure?"

Rusty wasn’t sure what this was about but nodded and stored the pouch in his spatial satchel. The stench lingered for a few minutes before finally dissipating. Once the smell faded, the group visibly relaxed, though they kept a wary eye on Rusty’s spatial satchel as if fearing the pouch might somehow escape. Norkas, ever the tactician, spoke up again, this time more confident now that everyone had shared their role.

"Alright, with Albert up front, Odelette will take point when we encounter traps, and Layla and I will provide cover from a distance. We’ll stick together, avoid unnecessary risks, and stay sharp. How does that sound?"

Layla and Odelette both nodded in agreement. Odelette, bouncing slightly on her toes, seemed excited about the challenge. Layla, on the other hand, appeared more reserved, her earlier discomfort still evident. Rusty nodded as well, adjusting his helmet, trying to appear natural. His acting had been steadily improving, and by now, he felt confident in his role as a human.

Eventually, every other team entered into the grand maze and it was finally their turn. Rusty’s group stepped forward, the entrance loomed ahead, a dark maw cut into the rock, the faint echoes of previous teams already lost inside. Garren stood by the threshold, giving each team a stern nod as they passed. 

"Good luck, group eleven. Make sure you come out in one piece."

Garren spoke, his voice gruff but laced with genuine concern. The team began entering the dungeon but paused briefly when they noticed Rusty hesitating. A strange feeling washed over him just as he was about to take his first step inside. It was eerily similar to the sensation he had experienced in the old dungeon, and unsettling fears floated through his mind.

“Is everything okay, Albert?” 

Asked Layla.

“Ah… sure, let’s go...” 

Rusty replied. Alexander and Aburdon had reassured him that no other dungeon heart could trap him again, but the fear still clung to him. Rusty had once been enslaved to a dungeon and feared it might happen again. Still, after a brief hesitation, he steeled himself and stepped forward into the maze, gripping a shield in his left hand and a longsword in his right.

The air immediately felt cooler, the sounds of the outside world fading into the distance as the stone walls of the maze surrounded them. The light from outside grew dimmer, and soon the only source of illumination came from the glowstones embedded into the walls, casting an eerie, pale light that barely revealed the path ahead.

Rusty took the lead, gripping his shield tightly as the others fell into formation behind him. Odelette darted forward to examine the ground, her sharp eyes scanning for any hidden traps. Layla and Norkas, bows at the ready, kept their arrows loosely nocked, prepared for anything.

The dungeon’s oppressive silence was broken only by the soft footsteps of the party and the occasional distant drip of water. The path seemed straightforward at first, just as the map had indicated, but tension hung thick in the air. The walls were smooth, almost unnaturally and quite different to the layout Rusty was familiar with. No destroyed temples were anywhere, just flat stones with strange carvings he did not understand.

‘Are all dungeons different?’

While moving forward he posed a question to Alexander.

‘There are a few types, this one is a grand maze. When you reach the middle a boss will probably be waiting before you can proceed into the lower levels.’

‘I see…’

This was quite a fascinating discovery - there was more to dungeons than Rusty had originally assumed. He would soon come to realize that dungeons produced more than just undead creatures and magical beings. As the team rounded the corner and arrived at the area Norkas had mentioned earlier, they encountered their first enemies: creatures walking on two feet but with the appearance of lizards.

The creatures ahead hissed, their reptilian forms standing between the party and their path forward. Their scales shimmered in the dim light of the dungeon, each holding crude weapons - rusted sabers and makeshift spears. Rusty stopped himself from going further into the chamber as he knew that once he was spotted, the creatures would toss themselves at his temporary party. 


Adolescent Lizardman L8 F+




Lizardmen are a humanoid type of monster usually encountered in swamps or marshlands, known for their agility and pack mentality, they are dangerous when encountered in groups. They often use weapons of various qualities.

“They’re Lizardmen.” 

Norkas whispered, his eyes narrowing as he scanned their movements. 

“The strongest is only around level eight and still at F-rank, but they can be tricky if they surround us.”

Odelette grinned, already crouching low, ready to sneak ahead. 

“Let me scout ahead, I can flank them from the shadows and pick off the stragglers.”

Norkas shook his head at the proposition and pointed to all the light sources within the room. 

“That might be a bad idea, we should let Albert go in first and get their attention instead, if one of them spots you, it will be troublesome. Instead, use the chance to sneak up behind them, and go for that archer first. These monsters like to run and call for help, can you do that?”


“Layla, we’ll support Albert while he attracts the monsters.”

“Of course!”

The party was prepared for their first battle, facing a group of five lizardmen. Two wielded spears, two rusty steel sabers, and one carried a bow. Rusty's role was to make noise and draw their attention. It was also time for him to strap the smelly sack to his belt. With the sack secured, he moved forward with long strides, quickly drawing the attention of the monsters, who identified him as the enemy.

As Rusty stepped forward, the pungent stench from the pouch hit the air, and the effect was almost immediate. The lizardmen turned their heads, sniffing the air with their elongated snouts, their eyes narrowing in on the source of the smell. Their hissing grew louder, signaling to one another as they readied their weapons. The archer, perched behind the group, notched an arrow and aimed it in Rusty’s direction.

Rusty lifted his shield to block the incoming arrow and charged forward. His job was to keep the monsters occupied, but he had other plans. Though he wore lesser armor made from standard materials, he was still an E-rank monster and a special one at that. His stats were far higher than those of the lizardmen, or even many Iron-ranked adventurers. The arrow whistled through the air and clanged off his shield, harmlessly ricocheting off the stone wall beside him as he pressed his charge.

The two lizardmen wielding sabers charged at Rusty, their weapons raised. He collided with the first one, sending it flying back with a well-placed strike from his shield. The force shattered some of the creature's teeth and slammed it against the wall. The second lizardman tried to assist, but after a wild swing that Rusty easily dodged, it found his sword thrust into its side almost instantly.

His party was momentarily stunned as they saw Rusty in the disguise of Albert brutalize the monsters with minimal effort. Even when the two spear-holding lizardmen came to aid their friends, they weren’t able to do much. Rusty’s sheer strength and speed overwhelmed the lizardmen. As one of the spear-wielders thrust its weapon toward him, he sidestepped the attack with ease, twisting his body and bringing his longsword down in a swift arc. The blade backed by a skill bit deep into the lizardman’s shoulder, cutting through its scaled hide. 

It let out a sharp hiss before crumpling to the ground. The other spear-wielding lizardman didn't hesitate, attempting to plunge its weapon into Rusty's back. Instead of piercing through, the spear bent to the side, as Rusty's iron armor was too thick to penetrate. Moments later, the creature found itself struck by two arrows: one pierced the back of its head, the other its heart. The last remaining archer began to retreat, only to taste its own blood as a dagger sliced through its throat. Odelette’s blade flashed in the dim light as she darted in from the side, ending the first confrontation.

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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