Harry Potter: Dimensional Wizard

Chapter 637: Avengers' Training: Black Widow

Chapter 637: Avengers' Training: Black Widow

"This is going to be unpleasant," Edward warned before transforming his mana into Chakra. Then, to Hawkeye's horror, he casually removed his eyeballs. The worst part is that Clint was so shocked that he could not react. So, Edward continued this life-threatening operation as if he were dealing with bolts.

Edward put Hanuman's eyes into Hawkeye's socket before crushing his original pair of eyes, turning them into motes of light that fused with the artifact.

"Done," he exclaimed. "Now, try them out."

It took Hawkeye a moment to regain his bearing. Then, he used his former training to use these new eyes. "Amazing. I can see Tony from here. Here is Cap, Fury, and Nat. Is she playing with a booger? Hahaha, I will never let her live this one down. Fascinating. I can even see a pimple on my wife's face."

"It's good you adapt so quickly," Edward praised. "Now, focus on the sun. Can you see it?"

"I can."

"Zoom in. What do you see?"

"I see, hmm, are those atoms? No, maybe smaller."

"Good. Now zoom out and observe the galaxy."

"Can I do that? Well, it seems I can," Hawkeye commented. "Are those aliens? Why do so many of them look like humans?"

"Focus. Zoom out until the entire universe is in your eyes."

"It's beautiful," Hawkeye commented. He saw so many galaxies, black holes, and other cosmic wonders. "What are these weird dark spots with strange aura?"

"Places with powerful entities that you should not look at," Edward explained.

"I see."

"Now, keep zooming out. What do you see?"

"Bubbles? It's like we are large bubbles, but other bubbles are attached to us. I don't know, but that's the best way I can explain."

"The Dimension Sea," Edward explained.

"So, those are other dimensions? So many dark spots."

"Try to zoom out further. What do you see?"

"It's like thousands of Earths are next to each other but separated by an invisible film."

"An interesting way to visualize the multiverse," Edward commented. "Now, I need you to focus on one of the Earths with a very weak aura. Concentrate and try to fire an arrow." Edward handed him the other two artifacts.

"Fire an arrow? I guess that's fine, but where is the arrow?" When his words finished, the quiver released a purple light, and an arrow appeared. Hawkeye was slightly surprised but followed the command.

The bow felt perfectly suited to him, and he could sense the terrifying power contained in the arrow. He controlled his breathing, focused on the weak Earth he detected, and fired the arrow.

The thing flew from his bow to a portal that appeared before it. Then, Hawkeye watched as the Earth he was observing suddenly vanished in a fiery purple explosion.

"Wait, did I just destroy a universe?" he asked.

"You did."

"I…" He did not know how to feel about that. In just a moment, he ended trillions of lives.

"You should get used to this, as you will be doing this a lot more often from now on."


Hawkeye suddenly fell to the floor and twitched with a severe seizure. Blood dripped from all the orifices of his body.

"His soul is collapsing, and his Mana Core cracked," Morgana stated. "Even though the artifacts did most of the work, he's still too weak to use them without repercussions."

"I was correct in my initial assessment that he would need at least Tier 6," Edward calmly said. "However, his displayed talent is enough for me to be cautious." He was more than satisfied with Hawkeye's result. The fact he could use the Hanuman's Eyes to such an effect immediately after acquiring them was proof of his overwhelming talent.

He summoned the Soul Stone to heal Hawkeye, which should take some time. Once he's completely recovered, Edward will give him a break by sending him to his family. He did not waste time and summoned the next avenger: Black Widow.

"How did things go with Clint?" Natasha asked.

"Better than I could imagine."

"That's good, I guess."

"Stand before this orb and do as it's instructed," Edward said, and a few hours later, he got the result.

"Just like him: abnormal results," Morgana commented.

"What happened to the sorcerers we tested?"

"Their talent was much higher than originally, but they were not nearly as outlandish as this one."

"Did you check Wong's results?"

"He's on a mission."

Edward nodded. It appeared that his theory that explains this situation was close to being verified.

"Well?" Natasha asked, waking him from his thoughts.

"Decent-level Charming Ability, hidden Metamorphmagus Ability, and an absurd affinity with Shadow Magic that is comparable to even the best Shadow Elemental Creature

"You're saying many words, but not many of them make sense."

"In simple terms, you're the ultimate assassin/spy."

"I guess that fits," Natasha commented.

"The question now is what to do with you," Edward added. "Becoming a standard Arcanist that uses mana might be a waste for you, given your affinity with Shadow Magic. So, the best option would probably be to use Shadow Energy as your primary energy, then learn Energy Conversion to use mana or other powers when necessary.

"Shadow is a pretty malleable element, so it will go well with your metamorphmagus talent. However, not necessarily with your Charm. Should I give you a Succubus Bloodline? No, elevating your Charming Talent too much might destroy the balance of all your other top talents, so it's probably best to find another way.

"So, the focus should be on Shadow Magic," Edward rumbled on to himself. "I know what to do with you."

"And what is that?"

"Don't worry about it. Let's start with the first step: train your body and [Aura] to Tier 4 while also learning as much as possible about Shadow Magic/Sorcery." Edward created another clone to train. Then, he left the room.

"What are you thinking?" Morgana asked.

"Wasn't there a low Demon God with a shadow dimension?"

"You're thinking of Morag? Do you want to take his dimension for her to use?" Morgana asked.

"Better yet, I want Natasha to fuse with Morag before fusing with the shadow dimension."

"Slow down a little," Morgana said. "Even with your help, do you think it's possible for a Tier 4 Shadow Arcanist to fuse with a Tier 10 Demon God?"

"You remember the research from Nick Morton's unique body?"

"The one from the Mummy World we visited? The one who seals Set inside his body to use his divine power?"

"That's right."

"I see. If we use the research from his unique body and the sealing method used in Naruto for the Nine-Tails, we might be able to seal Morag in Natasha's body for her to use his power," Morgana explained. "But it is still too risky."

"In the Library of Cagliostro, a unique spell allows Strange to absorb countless dimensional entities until he becomes at least Tier 9. If we add that one, with Natasha's high affinity with Morag's power, it's not impossible for her to swallow him."

"If we wait until her soul reaches Tier 6, no, Tier 7, the chances of success would be much higher," Morgana analyzed. "However, even if she succeeds, what about the Dimension Fusion? All our previous experiments failed."

"Now that I'm Tier 10 and have better understanding and control of my Space-Time Law, I'm more confident. However, our odds should increase if I also acquired Life Law," Edward explained.

"Is it really necessary to go this far? As long as she absorbs Morag, she can draw infinite power from the shadow dimension. We have a lot of work waiting for us."

"No, this experiment is crucial," Edward replied.

"How so?"

"Do you remember how Merlin said we skipped too many steps when we tried to develop our own internal law? I think I know what is missing, and this experiment will point us in the right direction."

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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