Harem Developing Villain

Chapter 38: Another Visit to Xia Family Manor

Amidst the whirlwind of rumors and whispers surrounding his survival, Wang Li and his cousin Wang Xiangyi found themselves ensconced in a secluded corner of their hideout, deep in conversation.

"Li, you know as well as I do that now that everyone knows you're alive, they'll be gunning for you," Xiangyi remarked, her voice tinged with concern. "And they'll use the women of our family as bait to lure you out."

Wang Li nodded solemnly, his brow furrowed with worry. "I've been thinking the same thing, Xiangyi," he replied, his tone grave.

Xiangyi's eyes widened with alarm at the realization. "But we can't just leave them to their fate," she protested, her voice tinged with urgency. "We have to save them."

Wang Li sighed, his expression troubled. "I know, Xiangyi, but we have to be cautious," he cautioned, his tone grave. "Those elusive cultivators and powerful families have them under their control. We can't risk an open confrontation right now."

As they continued to discuss their predicament, another concern weighed heavily on their minds. The fate of the forty women they had rescued from slavery, now living in the Jade Lotus Palace, hung in the balance.

"I worry about those women," Xiangyi admitted, her voice laced with concern. "The disciples of the Jade Lotus Palace might mistreat them."

Wang Li nodded solemnly, his gaze distant. "It's a risk we have to take," he replied, his tone resigned. "For now, we can only hope they endure."

With a heavy heart, Wang Li turned to his cousin, his expression determined. "Xiangyi, I need you to go and meet with Ning Yue," he instructed, his voice firm. "Give her the resources we've gathered and ask for her assistance."

Xiangyi nodded in understanding, her eyes shining with determination. "Consider it done," she replied, her voice resolute.

"And don't forget to reveal our true identities to Ning Yue," Wang Li added, his tone serious. "She shares our hatred for Ye Fan, and her assistance could prove invaluable."

With their plans set in motion, Wang Li informed Xiangyi that he would be heading to the Xia Family Manor to treat Madam Xia Bingling.

Xiangyi placed a reassuring hand on his arm, her eyes filled with determination. "Be careful, Li. And come back to me in one piece."

Wang Li smiled, grateful for his cousin's support. "Don't worry, Xiangyi. I'll be back before you know it."

With a final nod, Wang Li set off on his journey.

As Wang Li made his way toward the Xia Family Manor, his mind was consumed with thoughts of how to secure Madam Xia Bingling's support. He knew it wouldn't be easy, but he was determined to do whatever it took to convince her.

'Convincing Madam Xia to support us won't be simple,' Wang Li mused to himself, his brow furrowed in concentration. 'Even if I heal her illness, she may not be willing to help.'

He pondered various strategies, but none seemed quite effective enough to guarantee her cooperation.

'If only I weren't bound by some sense of morality,' Wang Li thought bitterly, his frustration growing. 'I could coerce her into doing what I want.'

But as he dwelled on this thought, another realization dawned on him. Madam Xia Bingling's ruthless actions had nearly cost him and Xiangyi their lives. Why should he feel obligated to be morally upright with someone who had shown them no mercy?

A cold determination settled in Wang Li's eyes as he contemplated his next move.

'If Madam Xia Bingling refuses to support us, I won't let her off so easily,' he vowed silently, his jaw set with resolve. 'Even if she is Xia Qingwu's mother, I won't hesitate to take action.'

As he flew towards the Xia Family Manor, Wang Li's thoughts churned with uncertainty. He didn't know what he would do if Madam Xia Bingling rejected his request, but he decided to cross the bridge when it comes to it.

As Wang Li approached the gates of the Xia Family Manor, he felt a twinge of nervousness despite his outward calm demeanor. He adjusted his disguise—a simple mask, bamboo hat, and dark robe—ensuring that his true identity remained hidden.

'Just a little longer,' he reminded himself, his heart pounding in anticipation. 'Once I'm inside, I can begin my plan.'

As he neared the entrance, his disguise drawing curious glances from the guards, Wang Li prepared himself for the inevitable scrutiny.

But before the guards could question him, a familiar voice sounded from above. Wang Li glanced up to see Xia Qingwu descending the steps, her presence a welcome relief.

"Who is this?" one of the guards inquired, eyeing Wang Li suspiciously.

"It's alright," Xia Qingwu assured them, flashing Wang Li a quick, knowing smile. "My mother requested for this cultivator's presence. He is here to provide medical assistance."

Wang Li breathed a sigh of relief, grateful for Xia Qingwu's quick thinking. Despite knowing his true identity, she had tactfully avoided mentioning his name—a gesture he appreciated more than he could express.

"Very well," the guard nodded, stepping aside to allow them entry. "Please proceed."

With a nod of thanks to Xia Qingwu, Wang Li followed her into the Xia Family Manor, his mind already strategizing his next move.

As Wang Li and Xia Qingwu soon entered Xia Bingling's chamber, a heavy atmosphere hung in the air, thick with tension and anticipation. Xia Bingling's condition had worsened significantly since Wang Li's last visit, and the gravity of the situation weighed heavily on them both.

Once Xia Qingwu had departed at her mother's request, leaving them alone, Xia Bingling fixed Wang Li with a penetrating stare, her expression unreadable.

"Are you truly Wang Li?" she questioned, her tone laced with skepticism.

Wang Li wasted no time in responding, swiftly removing his mask and setting aside his bamboo hat. "Yes, Madam Xia," he confirmed, meeting her gaze with unwavering determination.

A faint trace of annoyance flickered across Xia Bingling's features, though she made no comment on it. Instead, she cut straight to the chase, her tone tinged with a subtle threat.

"Can you truly treat my illness?" she demanded, her eyes narrowing with suspicion. "If you cannot, you may find yourself facing dire consequences."

Wang Li felt a surge of irritation at Xia Bingling's thinly veiled threat, his patience wearing thin. But he pushed aside his emotions, focusing instead on the task at hand. With a cool, confident demeanor, he nodded in affirmation.

"I assure you, Madam Xia, I am just as skilled as my master when it comes to treating illnesses such as yours," he stated firmly, his voice unwavering.

Despite his assurances, Xia Bingling remained unconvinced, her gaze piercing as she studied him intently. Wang Li met her scrutiny with a steely resolve.

As Wang Li stood before Xia Bingling, he knew that he had to prove his abilities beyond any doubt to earn her trust and cooperation. With a determined expression, he extended his hands towards her, his movements deliberate and precise.

"Just relax, Madam Xia," he reassured her, his voice calm and reassuring. "I'm going to give you a demonstration of my skills."

With practiced ease, Wang Li gently took Xia Bingling's hand in his own, his touch light yet purposeful. As their skin made contact, he focused his energy, channeling the potent forces of Yin and Yang to soothe her nerves and ease her discomfort.

Within moments, Xia Bingling felt a warm, comforting sensation spreading through her hand, the tension in her muscles melting away under the gentle influence of Wang Li's healing touch. A sense of relief washed over her, and she couldn't help but let out a sigh of contentment.

"Remarkable," she murmured, her voice tinged with surprise and admiration. "I can feel the effects already."

Wang Li nodded in satisfaction, a small smile tugging at the corners of his lips. He had succeeded in demonstrating his abilities, and Xia Bingling's newfound confidence in him was a testament to his skill.

Encouraged by her response, Wang Li guided Xia Bingling to lie face down on the bed, positioning herself for the next phase of the treatment. As she settled into position, he couldn't help but admire her alluring form, his gaze lingering on the curves of her body.

Suppressing any distracting thoughts, Wang Li focused on the task at hand, gently parting Xia Bingling's clothing to expose her smooth, milky skin. With practiced hands, he began to massage her back, his movements fluid and deliberate as he worked to alleviate the symptoms of her illness.

Drawing upon the power of the Yin-Yang Cultivation Ability once more, Wang Li infused each touch with bursts of Yin-Yang energy, targeting the root of Xia Bingling's ailment with precision. As he worked, he could sense the subtle shifts in Xia Bingling's energy, a sign that his treatment was having the desired effect.

With each passing moment, Xia Bingling's tension began to melt away, replaced by a sense of relaxation and relief. Wang Li continued his ministrations, his focus unwavering as he poured all of his skill and expertise into the task of healing her.

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