Grand Voyage : Surviving on a Ghost Ship

Chapter 4 - Waterlogged Treasure Chest

After over an hour of fishing, the sky began to darken. The first night was approaching.

Yang Yi’s stomach growled, and the long-legged sardines scattered nearby started to look appetising. However, eating them would likely cost him some sanity. Unless it were absolutely necessary, he wouldn’t eat them. Besides, there was no stove on the ship, so he’d have to eat them raw. Nuh-uh.

Just then, the bobber started to twitch, and Yang Yi’s spirits lifted. With a strong pull, he reeled in a black fish. This time, the fish didn’t have long legs; instead, it was covered in spikes, and its slimy, swollen body oozed black, foul-smelling pus as it hit the deck.

【This fish is disgusting, your sanity decreases by 2.】

Before Yang Yi could even stab it with his spear, the fish died on its own.

Name: Cystic Spiny Pufferfish】

Type: Food】

Description: A deep-sea fish whose bodily fluids are highly toxic. No one would eat this unless they have a death wish.】


Yang Yi didn’t dare touch it directly, so he skewered it with his spear and tossed it into the ship’s hold. He also made sure to stab it a few more times until the tip of the spear was coated in black, turning it into a poisonous wooden spear.

The sky was getting darker, with less than an hour left before nightfall. The system had emphasised that night would be dangerous, so Yang Yi didn’t plan on fishing after dark.

But just as he was putting away his fishing rod and preparing to head to the captain’s quarters, a peculiar object floated by on the sea. It was a chest — to be precise, a treasure chest about the size of a briefcase — drifting past the side of the Nightmare ship.

Yang Yi’s heart skipped a beat, and he immediately went to the helm, turning the ship around to chase after the chest. This was an opportunity that couldn’t be missed!

He manoeuvred the ship’s grappling hook to snatch the chest. It almost seemed alive, as it was slippery and constantly dodged his attempts. After much effort, he finally managed to grab it and rushed into the hold to inspect it.

Name: Waterlogged Rotten Wood Chest】

Type: Treasure Chest】

Description: This may not be the kind of treasure chest you were hoping for.】

Yang Yi was cautious, holding his flintlock pistol in one hand and using his spear to pry open the chest.

Inside was...a severed head. It was bald and sported greyish-blue skin, seemingly covered in a layer of slime. As soon as the chest opened, the head reacted, its murky eyes opening as it spoke.

“Good evening. Could I trouble you for a few minutes to introduce you to the all-knowing and all-powerful Lord?”

【You cannot comprehend its words, your sanity decreases by 5.】

Yang Yi’s scalp tingled, his body trembling slightly.

“Good evening. Could I...”

In the next moment, the head leaped out, revealing its true form — a squid with a human head.

It lunged at Yang Yi, extending his mass of writhing tentacles, and revealed a beak-like mouth filled with sharp teeth, ready to bite him. But before it could, it was met with a...


The gun didn’t misfire this time. The gunshot rang out, muffled and heavy, like the growl of a monster.

The squid exploded into pieces, reduced to a heap of flesh.

【Hearing the strange gunshot, your sanity decreases by 3.】

Yang Yi felt a surge of frustration and nausea but quickly checked his status.

Sanity: 88/100

Energy: 62/100

Health: 100/100

It seemed that losing sanity could mess with one’s mind. Fortunately, Yang Yi’s mental strength was incredibly high, his willpower as tough as steel. He quickly regained his composure and examined the remains of the creature.

Name: Human-Headed Octopus】

Type: Food/Material】

Description: A deep-sea species. Do not attempt to understand its words; they are merely a distraction to catch you off guard. But if you do understand it…well, good luck.

Edible, can be used as material, mildly toxic. Eating it temporarily increases Strength by +1, Constitution by +1, Spirit -1, Sanity -20.】

Note: Cannot exceed the mortal limit for attributes, which is 10.】

This thing still had some value.

Yang Yi gathered the pieces of flesh and continued to inspect the inside of the chest. There were some corroded coins, one of which he took out. It had a shell engraved on one side and a cartoonish octopus head on the other.

“You’ve obtained 100 shell coins.”

Aside from these, the chest was empty.

What about the freshwater? Shell coins couldn’t be drunk!

Night was falling fast. Yang Yi tossed the captain’s remains into the hold and returned to the captain’s quarters. He had no intention of fishing or catching anything during the night. The system had warned that the night would be dangerous, and he didn’t want to take unnecessary risks right at the start.

As for water, he would try again tomorrow. Foodwise, he didn’t mind eating the long-legged sardines if it came down to it!

To survive, Yang Yi was willing to eat some strange things, as long as they provided protein and energy.

He had never been one to give up easily.

Not before, and certainly not now!

He lied on the old, musty bed, tossing and turning. It was damp and smelt of mildew, making it uncomfortable. He had no other choice.

Night had fully fallen. Only the faint light of the moon shone through. Apart from the sound of the waves and the wind, there was nothing else.

Yang Yi wasn’t sleepy, so he opened the world channel.

"Grappling hooks can catch treasure chests," he posted.

This information wasn’t really that valuable, as anyone who saw a treasure chest would surely try to catch it. But sharing it could earn him goodwill and more information.

“It’s true. I also caught a wooden resource chest and got 1 unit of steel, 20 units of wood, and 20 units of cloth.”

“Wow, you’re close to upgrading your ship; lucky you!”

“Heh heh... I caught a bronze equipment chest and got a treasure!”

Name: A bloodstained pearl necklace】

Type: Relic】

Quality: Good】

Description: It was once a bride’s dowry...her soul is still searching for it.

Wearing it increases Agility +1, Spirit -1, and lowers Sanity cap by 5.】

“Uh...I don’t think that’s really a treasure...”

“You’re just jealous!”

“It’s so dark, my ship doesn’t have lights — I probably need to upgrade it.”

“No blankets either; I’m freezing!”

“I can’t sleep!”

“Have you noticed the waves getting bigger on the surface?”

“The rougher the waves, the more expensive the fish. Let’s go fishing, brothers!”

“Night fishing +1.”



“Has anyone else heard singing? It’s really beautiful.”

“No, don’t scare me. Where would the singing be coming from in the middle of the ocean?”

“I see her, it’s a beautiful woman singing… So sexy. She’s waving at me!”

“Dude, check your sanity! That’s a siren, oh crap!”

“She’s so beautiful, she’s swimming towards me!”

“Bro, get into the captain’s quarters and lock the door!”

“It’s over; he’s already been charmed.”


“Dude, are you still there? It’s late, don’t scare us like this!”


No more messages came from that user...

Yang Yi frowned. The system’s warnings were not baseless. He listened closely, but heard no singing. He got up and cautiously opened the door to the captain’s quarters.

The door of this ghost ship was old and decayed, with a broken lock that was just for show.

He cracked the door open and carefully observed the outside, bathed by the moonlight.

After a few minutes, as there were no signs of movement, he dashed out, heading to the bow of the ship, and adjusted the speed to ten knots. Slowing down the speed could reduce the chance of encountering monsters. If something were to happen while he was asleep, he would be defenceless!

But staying in place wasn’t a good option either. Yang Yi believed that a speed of ten knots was just right. It kept a safe distance from the black fog behind him.

After setting everything up, he returned to the captain’s quarters, placing the flintlock pistol on the bedside table and leaning the spear against the wall.

He watched the chat channel for a while longer before finally drifting off to sleep with faint whispers echoing in his ears.

His brow furrowed, and sweat beaded on his forehead. Was he trapped in a nightmare?

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