Grand Ducal Couple’s After Marriage Love story

Chapter 22

Where did this come from? Erna thought shed only selected books about the human body, but in the book, there was also a short description of the experience of intercourse. Perhaps because it was an academic book, the explanation was written in complicated words that seemed quite similar to the books Erna usually read to gain knowledge, so luckily she didnt struggle to read it. Before s*xual intercourse, foreplay, such as caressing, is one of the ways to reduce pain. Her eyes narrowed while reading the sentence and she reread it to be certain, before closing the book.

So, rather than just inserting it right away, its best to touch the other persons body and create sexual excitement to reduce pain.

In the past, Erna wouldnt have cared less. She wouldve been indifferent and wouldve said that she didnt see the point in spending time on all of this when the experience itself was already painstaking. But after seeing the size of Kalions p*nis, her mind changed completely! A successor was important, but she was more important.I dont want to feel pain!

Erna felt it was unfair that she had to do it in the first place and the thought of feeling pain made the situation worse. However, that didnt mean she wanted pleasure either. To her, that seemed worse.

She recalled the last time shed seen Kalion. After slapping him on the cheek, shed noticed that his hazy eyes had returned to normal instantly and his face had looked shocked.If he did those actions out of respect for meIt made no sense that she slapped him then since he was only trying his best to make the experience more pleasurable for her. However, it had hurt when hed grabbed her chest.What was the point of grabbing my chest as if he was grabbing a loaf of bread?

Ernas mind was getting more and more befuddled when she heard the knock at the door.

Are you in there?

It was the voice of the librarian. Since Erna had told the librarian to leave her alone, she knew it must be urgent so she hurriedly unlocked the door and went outside.

Whats going on?

The librarian looked back with a troubled face to where people in parliamentary robes stood.

Chairman Vanessa is urgently requesting to visit with you.


Vanessa! Erna almost ran into the parliament conference room, bursting through the open door. Youre here!

Not only Vanessa, who was sitting but also the other lawmakers who were talking with her, quickly rose to show their respect.

I heard it on my way here. There are mystical creatures in Haldis? Erna said, waiting for confirmation.

Haldis was a small city not too far from the capital and it took about five hours by carriage to get there. Surrounded by large lakes and several smaller ones, it was also a beautiful place for people in the capital to enjoy during the holidays.

Yes, they appeared at Lake Haldis, but fortunately, the security guards noticed something odd happening in the lake and were able to quickly evacuate the people. However Vanessa led Erna to the map on the table, the creatures appeared here, and there, at the same time, so not just in one lake. Currently, the middle of the city is surrounded by these creatures. As you know, the water in the lake flows through Haldis. As the creatures also move along the water, we dont think it will be easy to get the people out.

While listening to Vanessas explanation, Erna became calmer, How many people are trapped?

Its estimated that there are about three thousand people now.

How many people that are there can fight the creatures?

Some of the security guards remain inside. They say the number is about a hundred.

Thats not enough. Do you have any information on the characteristics of the creatures?

With the collected information we have received so far, they seem to appear only where theres water. It says they dont come on to the land. However, there is a possibility that that will change as time goes by. And it is presumed that they are poisonous. Its also been said that the fish in the lake have died since the creatures appeared.

That does sound like a difficult situation, most likely, all the drinking water in the city is also contaminated.

We think so too. Fortunately, the security guards have banned the use of lake water after noticing this and they somehow managed to save some water for the public to use. Butits a massive outbreak of creatures and although they are small they seem to be multiplying rapidly.

We better hurry then, Erna replied.

Erna bit her lip at the words massive outbreak. The ongoing problem in Hessenguard was that these magical creatures constantly appeared in large numbers.

When the previous Grand Duke was alive, Hessenguard was one of the most stable lands in the Kingdom. Compared to other kingdoms, the number of creatures appearing and the number of places these creatures appeared, had been significantly less. But now, it had become one of the most notorious places in the kingdom for creatures.

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Humans were adaptable and many had become vigilant and managed to somehow protect themselves, but when creatures appeared in large numbers, it became too much to handle.

We ask you to send your wizards, Vanessa requested desperately.

Erna nodded her head, Ill send them right away. And, Ill go with them.

Thank you. Vanessa who wouldve normally said that Erna didnt have to step into the situation, unusually bowed her head in deep respect. Judging by Vanessas gesture, Erna realized that the situation in Haldis was very serious.

Then Ill get ready and leave immediately. Tell Haldis that the wizards are coming soon!

Ill send word right away, Vanessa replied with a smile of relief.

The members of the parliament moved quickly at Ernas command. She then rushed out of the conference room and headed to the wizards quarters, thinking about what needed to be prepared. She also wondered if there was any work she had to finish before leaving.

Come to think of it, itll take me a few days to get to Haldis and clean up the mess.This logically meant that Erna didnt have to see Kalion for the next few days. Theyd promised to be together almost every day, but performing official duties had been an exception.Erna felt relieved and walked with a light heart. She felt good that she didnt have to worry about the situation with Kalion for a while because it was driving her nuts.

Eight hours later she arrived at her destination and promptly nearly lost her mind!Why in the world is he here?Erna was face to face with Kalion, whod been looking down at Haldis from a hill.

Am I seeing things?Looking at Kalion who was staring down at the city, Erna seriously worried for a moment if her intelligence had diminished. This was a massive outbreak of magical creatures. In addition, the number of people trapped was high and the situation needed to be resolved as soon as possible.

In such circumstances, Vanessa would not have sought help only from wizards. No, Vanessa would have contacted the knights first, before asking help from the wizards, since the knights had been guarding Hessenguard for a long time.I wouldnt have expected him to come in person though.The moment Erna saw Kalion standing in front of the knights her disposition had changed to one of irritation. And it seemed that Kalion felt the same way, otherwise, the moment he saw her, his face wouldnt have become so stiff.

As much as Erna was baffled, Kalion also stood in disbelief.I thought we wouldnt have to meet if I came here.

Kalion was now afraid because Monday was approaching. It was ridiculous for him to even think that way. Hed never been afraid of confronting a house-sized demon nor a million creatures, yet he was currently afraid of just one small human. To make things worse, hed been afraid of meeting this person face to face.Well, I guess that technically it was my fault.

While Kalion had been thinking about an excuse to give to Erna, to avoid having to spend time with her, Vanessa had reached out for help. Thus, under her request, Kalion had led his knights to Haldis. It was nothing special to him. It was something hed been doing for the past ten years.

Throughout their journey to Haldis, Kalions head had been full of thoughts about Erna, as opposed to thinking about the creatures.

It may take a week, maybe two to resolve this situation so we may not meet anytime soon.Kalion was glad he had a good excuse to avoid seeing Erna. He even promised himself that hed take as much time as possible to delay his return date to Hessenguard. But not long after hed arrived, he was soon faced with a group of people.

Whats going on?

The Grand Duchess Erna is here. She is leading the wizards herself, one of the people in the crowd announced.

What? Surprised, Kalion looked back and saw Erna riding on a white horse, approaching fast. When the carriage arrived, wizards whod turned white due to motion sickness, lined up outside of it. After theyd come to their senses, theyd stood apart from the knights, at arms length.

The relationship between the knights and the wizards was neither too bad nor too good. They rarely ran into each other enough to be on bad terms. Not long ago though, there was a complaint among the knights that the wizards had stolen the limelight and had accepted the peoples gratitude for work that the knights had done. But it wasnt enough of an issue to show hostility.

As they faced each other awkwardly, a man dressed in a security guards uniform raced up the hill. He seemed truly pleased to see the knights and the wizards and soon found Erna and Kalion. He stood in front of Erna, captivated by her beauty. Kalions expression changed and he made a disapproving sound, which was frequently made by his knights as well.

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