God's Eyes

Chapter 998 Dragon Mark

Chapter 998 Dragon Mark

Even though Jason knew that he shouldn't waste his time, he wanted to spend some of it with experimenting different things.

The Dragon mother's corpse was perfect for this as it reacted to his presence.

It was not as if he wanted to dissect the corpse.

Rather, he felt a faint connection to it, which made him believe that his soul world core required it for something.

He didn't think that there would be a problem with it as the Dragon mother and the eggs of the Eradica dragon would be together, at the end of the day.

This might be a little bit far-fetched, but it was also something that eased his mind tremendously.

After the Queen had departed, Jason resumed his work and was flying above the totally destroyed continent, smiling wryly as Solaris emerged from his body.

Without having been asked to, the black origin flame had decided to get its work started.

Cleansing the last continent, and a portion of the surrounding ocean of the dark and impure energies would take a few more years.

Because of that, Solaris simply started with the cleaning, knowing that Jason had quite a few things to complete right now.

Thus, Solaris did what it had been doing for the last few decades, cleansing and purifying the surroundings while absorbing the purest mana that was released owing to its restoration of the surrounding energies!

Meanwhile, Jason took the corpse of the True Eradica dragon out of his spatial ring.

Gravity did its work, making it smash into the ground owing to its heavy weight which was far more than thousands of tons.

Descending to the ground, he touched the snout of the dragon before sighing deeply.

Without thinking twice he released a thread from the center of his soul world core instead of his soul world.

While the soul world could be considered as an accumulation of his soul, the soul world core was the purest portion of it.

Thus, the soul thread he was currently leading through his hand that touched the True Eradica dragon was of the highest possible purity.

He released it through his palm, spreading it through the head of the Eradica dragon before slowly enveloping the entire dragon.

The process took very long owing to the Dragon's overwhelming size, but Jason was in no rush.

He calmly kept weaving the thread all around the body, accepting the corpse in its entirety.

This was quite taxing but Jason didn't mind it as he accepted everything readily.

The moment he enveloped the entire, several hundred-meter long bodies, Jason couldn't help but sigh as he could feel the remnants of the dragon mother's desperation and the unconditional love she felt for her unborn offspring lingering around her corpse.

Somehow, Jason felt that it reminded him of what he had heard of his mother.

She had also been unwilling to give him up as a baby, ignoring her own well-being and safety just to give birth to him, and to provide him with the best she was capable of.

The love of a mother was just too strong and unmatched, causing Jason to smile brightly.

Owing to the joy that spread through his body, the Celestia aura was affected too as it spread through the surroundings, influencing every single living being that came in touch with it.

However, there were not many of them, to begin with.

As such, only the released soul thread was affected, causing a chain-reaction that caused something to be altered in the instinctive behavior of the soul world core.

The soul thread that was semi-translucent with silver and golden vein-like strands spreading through it began to glow.

This caused the entire dragon body to tremble lightly before the silverish-golden glow dazzled Jason, preventing him from seeing anything.

But even without being able to see anything, he was still able to sense what was going on around him and within his soul world.

However, even though he was able to sense what was happening just now, it didn't mean that he was actually understanding anything.

After all, the True Eradica dragon's corpse had fused with his soul world core and was slowly dispersing from the mortal world.

The glow that dazzled Jason disappeared in the following few minutes, leaving behind the destroyed continent, Solaris, and Jason.

Meanwhile, the ginormous dragon corpse had disappeared as well.

Jason thus instinctively glanced into his soul world, only to find that nothing had changed about it.

It would be quite easy to find the corpse of a several-hundred-meter-long beast lying in it even if his soul world was huge.

But there was nothing, neither near the area that was designated exclusively to his soulbonds nor the vast areas of multiple environmental landscapes in which more than three thousand beasts had found their new home.

Only the sudden emergence of pain that suddenly spread out of nowhere told him that something was going on.

At this moment, a brightly shimmering bolt of lightning flashed past Jason, astonishing him.

It was so sudden that he instinctively took a step back as a thunderous roar resounded from the location from which the bolt of lightning had emerged.

A few seconds later, the bolt of lightning started to ascend into the air, taking on an overly familiar form before issuing a second roar- the roar of a mighty dragon.

Every single living being inside the soul world heard this roar, causing them to instinctively freeze on the spot before they looked in the direction of the Soul world's center where the dragon-shaped lightning was located.

Even the two dragon eggs started to wriggle and twitch, knowing that the roar had been issued by someone who they had been very familiar with, the mother they would never encounter.

But even without seeing her, the dragon eggs would be fine as their mother's blessings and well wishes would always be with them, as well as the other soulbonds that had become their new family.

Thus, without any further hesitation, the dragon-shaped lightning shot towards the soul world core, hitting it only a second later.

When that happened, Jason felt a painful sting in his chest, followed by a severe burning in its center as a purplish glow emerged from the area that was burning severely.

But that was not something he realized as his conscience was still inside the soul world.

He watched in a daze as the mark of a light purplish dragon was engraved on his soul world core.

However, this mark seemed to be completely different than the other mark that was engraved on his soul world core.

The Golden mark of Scorpio, the first, and hopefully the last soulbond of his that had died in order to protect him, was glowing brightly.

Looking at the soul world core through his conscience, he observed the Dragon mark and found it to be impressive.

It was quite large, spanning over the vast majority of the Soul world core, depicting the magnificence of a real dragon.

But even then, in comparison to the mark Scorpio had left behind, the Dragon mother's mark was insignificant.

Through the course of time, the golden scorpion mark had changed and grown with Jason's soul world core.

Simultaneously, it almost looked like the scorpion mark was able to move upon taking a closer glance.

This was one of the biggest differences between the two marks.

While it was evident that the Dragon mark was something unmoving, something one could consider inanimate and dead, the feeling Jason got from Scorpio's mark was completely different.

Initially, he presumed that this was the case because he missed Scorpio, even after a century had passed and his dear soulbonds memories were still fresh.

Scorpio's death had left a gaping hole in his heart and a wound that nobody could heal.

It had affected Jason severely as Scorpio had almost been the closest of him.

As such, he sometimes spent the little free time he had in the soul world, playing around with his soulbonds, while his gaze would always be drawn to the soul world core.

Yet even then, it was impossible to bring back Scorpio, and Jason had to accept that his trusted soulbond was dead, and had left behind nothing but the little golden mark…

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