God's Eyes

Chapter 1026 You're not?

Chapter 1026 You're not?

The moment the first bullet hit Jason, Jennifer flinched as she dreaded that his blood would splatter through the surroundings.

Even if Jason was powerful, it was hard to imagine that it was possible for him to evade the bullets, let alone block them.

Jennifer was already shocked that he had been able to save her, which was already an extraordinary achievement.

However, this caused her to worry even more, as she noticed that Jason's appearance had undergone a drastic transformation, making him look completely different from what he looked before.

His original appearance had disappeared and was replaced by a mixture of three different scales covering his body.

These scales didn't even have the slightest gap between them as silver twinkling feathers occupied every single inch of his skin.

Meanwhile, silver feathered wings spread out from his back, followed by two tiny wings that were blood-red and greenish-purple in color respectively.

Originally, the mutated Eradica Dragons appeared a lot like eastern dragons.

Nonetheless, they had tiny spots where something that resembled wings protruded out of their bodies.

But even then the tiny wings could attract no attention owing to the numerous changes in Jason's appearance.

A ten-meter-long tail grew out of his coccyx, his fingers took the shape of multicolored claws, two silver horns protruded out of his head, and his hair color was slowly changing to a deep crimson red.

His eyes had narrowed to resemble that of reptiles that changed their colors numerous times, only to turn into a mixture of the colors that represented his soulbonds.

Meanwhile, the God's Halo on his back had begun to glow brightly while Moonlight divine energy coursed through it, and his body.

There was not a single being around them that didn't fear Jason's current appearance.

It was simply too intimidating, and this got only worse when everybody stared in shock when six magma bullets impacted Jason's body.

Piercing through Solaris' flames, the mixed, compressed aura that had already weakened tremendously, only to issue a thunderous sound of metal colliding as they reached the four merged layers of his scales and feathers.

Each of his scales was infused with the purest moonlight divine energy, and Jason didn't even move an inch as a shockwave erupted upon impact.

Several more shockwaves followed suit, only for Jason's cold eyes to continue staring at the dwarf, whose eyes widened.

When his eyes flitted to his chest for a mere second, Jason saw fine lines of cracks appearing on his armor.

Yet, he simply brushed his hands over the cracks they seemed to disappear at once, leaving no sign of the attack behind.

His nonchalant behavior caused everyone to look at him for several seconds, gobsmacked and in utter disbelief.

But even then, the moment the powerless bullets separated from Jason's body, and were released from the aura that held it in the air, everyone's eyes simply followed the trajectory of the falling bullet as if it bewitched them.

The moment the bullets fell to the ground, the leader of the dwarf unit couldn't help but stare at Jason in shock.

His current appearance was not even close to anything ordinary Primordials could look like.

In fact, not even Primal humans could be considered unique enough to become like Jason.

After all, they didn't have a God's Halo, or the Celestia aura as it was the case for Jason!

And Jason's aura changed in accordance with the influence of his Soul fused soulbonds.

This was simply crazy and unheard of, strengthening Jason to the extent that even the magma bullets had been easily deflected.

The energy provided was accumulated more than enough to kill most being at the Mid ranks of the Mecynar stage!!

Being able to simply block these attacks while being at the Low Specta stage was not only exceptional but also something not even the dwarves dared to do.

As such, everyone stared at Jason in shock, including Jennifer, whose eyes were literally popping out of her eye sockets as she wondered how much more trumps he was hiding.

After all, there was still the unique energy suctioning ability of the God's Halo, and a few more things that Jason was capable of doing.

Jennifer knew of those things. Yet, she believed that there were still things Jason hadn't told her.

Or maybe she could just sense that there was something more about Jason that even he was missing out on and oblivious to.

But it was just at that moment that the dwarf leader emitted a weird sound.

"You're not a Primord-...." The Dwarf leader began while scratching his chin with a confused expression, only to be unable to end his sentence as Jason disappeared from his earlier spot.

A moment later, Jason reemerged above the dwarf, his clawed hand tightly grasping the dwarf's helmet.

Using some force, while releasing his moonlight divine energy, and the Frozen double lightning flames, Jason's claws pierced through the helmet.

With a simple flick of his wrist, he simply tore off the helmet, revealing the face of the dwarf, and several bloody scratches all over his body and face.

His eyes were filled with fear, understanding that he had offended someone, whose capabilities were greater than any kind of Specta stage cultivator he had ever come across.

Even the Primordials who had killed his family when he was just a little youngster had not been as frightening as Jason, whose eyes stared deep into his soul, spreading the fear of death within him.

Jason's Divine eyes were ice-cold, a subtle, and nearly untraceable crimson ring outlining his irises as he asked.

"What did you just say???"

In Jason's opinion, he was quite a reasonable character most of the time, but deep down, he also accepted the truth- he was someone who acted emotionally.

And this was apparently the worst that could happen to Celestias, even if their strength increased according to their released emotions.

The excitement and exhilaration to fight and defeating his opponents allowed Jason to enter a fully focused state to fight against just about anyone who would dare cross the line.

However, it was his wrath and sheer anger that fed his strength, providing him with more strength than he usually had.

But, at the end of the day, it was also wrath and uncontrolled bloodlust that turned Celestias into Infernal Celestias.

They would lose their rationale and reasoning while gaining the necessary strength to defeat everyone, even if their opponents were manifold stronger than them.

As such, it was great for Jason to be able to speak and ask a question.

That meant he still had his sanity in check, giving her enough hope that anything truly bad might happen.

Yet, when Jason noticed that the dwarf didn't say a single word, his eyes turned even colder, if that was even possible, to begin with.

Taking a deep breath, Jason tried to control himself and not to kill the dwarf at this very moment.

Based on what he had sensed earlier, the weapons, devices, and armors that the dwarfs were wearing were made out of cheap materials.

However, they seemed to have exceptional value owing to the manufacturing techniques and runes that had been used.

Because of that, Jason was fully aware of the fact that he had finally found one of the ancient races he wanted to learn some things from.

But it was still impossible for him to get his emotions in check owing to the dwarf, who had insulted his mother in the worst way possible.

That was not something Jason would accept, even if the dwarf was just realizing that he was anything but an ordinary Primordial.

The Dwarf leader knew that he had made a mistake.

As such, while trying to overcome the immense pressure of Jason's aura and moonlight divine energy, he could only try to say,

"I…am s…." But before he could finish his sentence, a thunderous sound issued from behind them as violent tremors could be felt on the ground beneath their feet.

The ground burst open as huge pincers protruded out of the ground, followed by the body of a ginormous beast.

It was only a moment later that one of the dwarves blurted out in shock,

"Fuck…Devil Calivra Centipede…and a Demi God at that!!"

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