God's Eyes

Chapter 1021 Annihilated race

Chapter 1021 Annihilated race

More than an hour passed before Jason was done reading through the memories of the Myöldra at the Mid Specta stage.

However, his face bore no signs of relief at having found the information he had been looking for, and he could only frown.

His mind was filled with all kinds of questions, but there was simply no answer to any of them.

As such, he turned toward Jennifer with a forced smile on his lips before sighing deeply.

"Jen…let's leave. There is nobody left for me to take revenge on…"

Earlier, he had believed that the Agran might have had a different intent behind killing the higher ups of the Myöldra race's military.

But it was just like Miroq, the Myöldra, whose memories he had read, said.

The Agran had killed the Myöldras that were responsible for the Great Argos war.

And that was not all Jason got to know as one of the most important pieces of information was something he had yet to digest.

"What do you mean? Jason, speak with me, and don't leave me hanging like this!" Jennifer was confused, which was only obvious.

Jennifer noticed that his mood was bad, and based on the way he emphasized on 'leaving' meant that they should leave not only the planet but also abandon their plan on taking revenge.

Though he had not said it out loud, Jennifer sensed something and took a guess that was proven to be correct only a few moments later.

"I am pretty sure that I saw Agran in his memories and not one…but two. Miroq was present when they arrived, but he was not able to perceive a lot because everything happened so quickly.

If I'm not completely wrong, their strength was even higher than the Queen's…"

After saying this, he halted for a moment, allowing Jennifer to process his words, before continuing.

"If you were to ask me, the two might have held back, as well…

Their appearance resembles old humans, but I sincerely doubt that they were older than 500 years…

However, that is not the important point.

Far more important is the fact that they've already eradicated the Burane race.

Apparently, the Burane race didn't want to reveal the name of the perpetrator who was responsible for the attack on Argos, which was why they had fought the Agran…and died!

One planet was destroyed, and the remaining five planets the Burane race inhabited were annihilated, wiping out every single being of their race!"

The more Jason told her about Miroq's memories, the weirder he felt.

He was not exactly sorry for the Burane race because they had killed his late masters, and assassinated them cruelly.

However, even then, he felt odd while recalling the memories of Miroq in his mind.

It was as if something was telling him that the Old pair of Agran was not only extremely powerful, but someone he might have to keep an eye on.

Their appearance had barely been perceived by Miroq, but Jason was still able to detect a few things that attracted his interest.

"One of them, the old man, had golden eyes, and the old woman had silver eyes…"

This made him feel very weird and he was not sure why but the sheer thought about their eyes made his skin crawl.

"So you mean they were Agrans with similar eyes as you have, mutated ones?"

Jennifer didn't know how the situation at hand could have changed so drastically.

First of all, Jason's revenge seemed to have ended before it had begun.

This was something neither Jennifer nor Jason had expected to happen.

Instead, they had already been prepared to encounter numerous dangers while fighting against the strongest individuals of their respective races.

Because of that, Jason felt momentarily lost, while Jennifer was simply stunned while trying to digest the flow of information she was provided with.

"So…do you mean that could have been your grandparents?" Jennifer asked carefully before adding,

"I mean, you told me that your grandfather had golden eyes and that your grandmother had silver eyes…so it shouldn't be impossible for them to be the two humans from Argos you just talked about.

Of course, I have no idea if its even possible for them to be the same two Agrans, but based on everything you have told me so far, in addition to what I saw as well, it should be impossible for Agran Demi-Gods to exist!"

Jason just nodded his head, unsure of how to respond.

It took him quite some time to digest all the information he received by reading Miroq's memories.

However, after a while passed, Jason felt that he had found an answer, even if it was not a satisfying one.

"Well, maybe they're just humans belonging to other races as well, but it is weird that the entire Burane race was annihilated, but only those Myöldra that were responsible for the mess in the Great Argos war had been killed.

That means…it could be my grandparents? But I am not sure…"

Jason was uncertain about the truth.

At the end of the day, he had never met his grandparents and had only heard things about them.

However, what he was pretty sure of was the fact that their strength shouldn't be on par with Demi-Gods.

This was pretty unlikely, and even the support of a superior race might not be enough to provide them with enough resources to turn them into Demi-Gods or higher existences.

After all, humans from Argos weren't that talented, if Jason were to be entirely honest!

'Am I missing something? Perhaps, a small piece that prevents me from seeing the bigger picture?'

Scratching the back of his head, Jason didn't even realize that Miroq was just hovering in the air in front of him.

He noticed that Jason had discarded his initial plans to take revenge on those that had attempted to conquer Argos.

As such, he had visibly calmed down, before picking out the messenger he could use on Brigad, sending out a notification.

[Cancel Code Red, Change it to Green! He doesn't seem to pose any threat to us!]

Ignoring the fact that Jason had killed one of his comrades, Miroq simply sent out the alert, knowing that his brethren had attacked Jason first.

Thus, it was not exactly Jason's fault for making an example out of the powerhouse, to show that he was not to be taken lightly.

And even if it would have been the fault of the young man, Miroq was sure that no being of his race would be able to cope with the aftermath of offending him.

With that in mind, he tried to keep his calm and discard his earlier frustration with Jason's way of extracting information from him.

His memories had just been looked at and sifted through, without his consent and by a complete stranger at that.

However, even if Miroq was angry, he was fully aware that a single wrong move would mean his death.

So he kept quiet, and prevented himself from venting out as he heard Jennifer saying,

"If you are not sure about it, how about we try to search for the Chaos Emperor now? To reach the required cultivation base we might need some time but as we already discussed, we could start our research, right?"

Jennifer was obviously correct, and it would be the easiest to ask the Chaos Emperor to get a glimpse of his grandparents.

It was frustrating that he couldn't take his revenge, not the way he had planned and hoped for, but the thought that everyone who was responsible for his agony was dead was comforting enough.

This lifted a huge weight from his heart, giving him the necessary energy to focus on something else other than taking revenge.

"For me to learn rune inscription, forging, and more about technology…it would be best to consult someone from a race that is known for its proficiency in all of these topics… I heard High Dwarf were the best in this regard.

Their knowledge over other topics should be vast as well."

Jennifer didn't know many other races, and she just nodded her head, simply agreeing to him.

Jason knew best what and how they were supposed to solve their problems.

That was something Jennifer was confident about.

Thus, she was able to calmly wait for him to arrive at a decision.

She was by no means avoiding taking any responsibility, but Jennifer had simply no idea about other races, and would have just visited a few libraries on different planets to figure out the things she wanted.

However, Jason's plan was much better.

Yet, when he took out the Log of Races while starting to read, Jennifer quickly noticed that something was off about Jason as his expression changed, and his eyes began to flash in bloody red and greenish-purple colors.

"What is wrong Jason?" She thus asked, only to see him smiling faintly as he answered,

"The Twin Dragons are about to hatch!!"


[A/N Both of my WSA entrances [Undying Warlord] and [Odyssey of the Blind God] have a special privilege offer for -June-.

For only 2 Coins you can read 15 ahead of release with a 99% for the entire month!]

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