God's Eyes

Chapter 1009 Hot and Dirty

Chapter 1009 Hot and Dirty

Using the fact that he was able to see everything, and his knowledge to his advantage, Jason tweaked the coordinates of the world bridge for a few hours.

"The world bridge will be altered for half a day. I don't think anyone would use it, but you never know. So, I think, someone should keep an eye on it."

Jason was confident that the Sacred Elvyr had no problem in encountering any of the three races he was about to take revenge on.

Nevertheless, it was better to be on the safe side, rather than doing a stupid mistake.

Kiat nodded his head upon hearing Jason's warning before bidding him farewell,

"It was nice getting to know you, Celestia Jas….no, not Celestia, just Jason! It was nice getting to know you. You are a kind man, and I hope your path will be a glorious one! Let your name be written in golden letters in the pages of the universe's history!"

The entire farewell speech of the Sacred Elvyr was rather peculiar, but Jason just smiled before wishing Kiat a bit of luck in future endeavors.

Meanwhile, Jennifer and Kiat didn't exchange many words and merely wished each other a great life.

After everything was done, the couple jumped through the world bridge without any hesitation, leaving behind Linarium, the Sacred Elvyrs, and the period of peace!

They had spent more than a century on the planet together to refine their entire being, to cultivate while cleansing Lyina, and had awoken their True Soul, without being forced to flee or fight life-and-death battles against entire races.

However, the moment they jumped through the portals, both knew that their time of peace and rest was over, and that bloody massacres would be a constant companion on their path once again.

Jason was not sure how long it took them to cross the world bridge, but while intently observing the stars and planets he was able to see while traveling, he could clearly see their destination.

Sensing the mana currents of the reddish-brown planet, Jason could only smile dryly.

'I understand why other races acted like the mana on Argos was scrap…having been spoiled with the dense and rich cultivation energies on Linarium, Lyina, or even Manyr, their planet seems to be a piece of scrap in comparison now…'

Yet, even if he was able to understand the mindset of the races that had infiltrated Argos in terms of their feelings about the surrounding mana that didn't mean he supported anything else.

He was not planning to kidnap anyone, let alone allow innocent people to die needlessly.

The only thing Jason wanted was to hold the responsible authorities accountable for what they did to him, his race, and those close to him.

With that in mind, he observed the planet that was dotted with an abundance of volcanoes, lava lakes, and had a searing hot temperature.

His focus was on the area with the strongest mana currents because that was where the big fishes would be located.

Thus, comparing the place he seemed to be landing in to the direction he would have to go, Jason was ready to finish taking his revenge in a matter of a few days.

There was no need to waste more time than necessary on insignificant beings.

And if Jason were to be honest he had questioned himself in the recent past if it would even make any sense to take revenge more than a century after everything had happened.

After all, Scorpio had finally returned to him, and everything else was a matter of the past.

But that was not how Jason could think.

Too many humans had suffered because of the infiltration of the foreign races, including him.

Not just that but he had also lost his masters and suffered greatly because of some stupid powerplay.

Knowing the above, his heart and head would only be at ease after he took revenge on the responsible authorities.

Still, wasting his precious time on a mana scarce planet was certainly not what he wanted to do.

And Jennifer felt exactly the same.

Without any primordial energy or spirit force, she was not even able to cultivate properly and managed to absorb only some mana.

Thus, she was reluctant to use any of her cultivation energies from the moment they emerged from the world bridge as she wanted to preserve them.

"Finally!!" Jennifer said before taking a few deep breaths.

However, it was only a moment that she began to cough before curses escaped her lips.

"What the hell is this…ash?! And mana drenched with impurities….and it's soo hot…great!!"

Jason just smiled at her complaints, knowing that she was just messing with him.

This was even more obvious when he saw that Jennifer threw glances at him with a glint of joy in her eyes.

She had always wanted to travel around and visit other planets and mysterious places.

As such, it was quite interesting to have seen the Kinad beast realm, Linarium, Myriad, Lyina, and now Iriga, the origin planet of the Ifrytor race.

Jason had already done his research on the Ifrytor race and decided to take revenge on them first.

However, he couldn't find much information about the common race.

Thus, Jason had decided to search for the strongest of them before nicely 'asking' a few questions.

Killing the leader of a race would be hisr doom, so holding back was quite important.

After all, the strongest existence in the rows of the Ifrytor race was at the Mid Specta stage with only two or three more Specta stage powerhouses by his side.

With that in mind, Jason ascended into the air, taking a good look of his surroundings before spotting a few similarities to pinpoint locations that he had seen from the space.

"Are you ready? We will reach the center of the Ifrytor race's settlement in a few minutes!" He asked, only to notice that Jennifer hadn't followed him.

This caused him to roll his eyes before he threw a portion of Solaris' flame toward her.

Solaris' flame was able to isolate Jennifer from the surrounding heat, forming a protective layer around her that burned the impurities, preventing her from getting dirty, or breathing in impurities.

Following that, Jason did the same and manifested Solaris' flame with a tiny trace of mana.

But, in the end, he only enveloped his nose and mouth with Solaris' flames that went rigid, turning into a solidified mask…or so it seemed from outside.

Afterward, he used teleportation, the technique Jason had copied from Kiat, before appearing next to Jennifer.

Holding her waist with firm hands, Jason pulled her alongwith himself and used the teleportation technique several times in succession.

Jennifer might say that she wanted to travel around and explore the myriads of the universe, but that was not what Jason noticed.

What Jennifer wanted but didn't say explicitly was that she wanted to travel around in a place with pure energies, where no dirt and searing heat would annoy her.

Jason might be wrong about this, but his observation had never failed him after his True Soul awakening.

Thus, upon appearing right above the Capital of Iriga, Jason stretched his arms wide open,

"Dear, we have arrived at the Capital, what kind of beautiful place do you want to visit?"

He was exaggerating and inviting her to share her opinion about the planet's capital, or the city, which Jason presumed to be the capital.

Yet, looking down at the city, he could only tilt his head.

'Three Specta stage powerhouses, and a few dozens at the peak of the Ascendion stage…well that's not too bad for a common race…I guess!'

He merely swept a glance through the entire city and could clearly sense every single living being.

However, they were able to sense his arrival too.

After all, he hadn't even thought about concealing his Celestia aura, let alone the stigma or mana fluctuations!


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