God Ash: Remnants of the fallen.

Chapter 613: Ambitious Evil.

Cain let out a deep breath as he stepped out of the temple. Clutching a small hourglass pendant with a silver chain looped through it tight, he walked down the stairs without looking back.

'Looks like I was wrong about more than a few things.'

After his 'conversation' with the Heart Ward, he had come to know, and discover a few things.

'This might be more complicated than I thought.'

As it turned out, the Council of Pilgrims was quite huge, consisting of three distinct Tiers;

The High Pilgrims, the Vicars, and the Lectors.

Most Pilgrims fell within the Lector Tier. The Lectors were the low Tier priests.

Usually, despite having been chosen by Balangol, their Blessings are nothing too crazy. The also served as the basis of Balangol's Celestial army.

As for the Vicars, they were a Tier above the Lectors. They were also appointed special titles, and held lofty positions within Valestorm. With these positions came special titles like the Heart Ward and Sky Ward titles.

The Head Priests were those that answered directly to the Champion of Balangol. They were currently five of them, according to the Heart Ward.

The Lord, the Guardian, the Songstress, the Keeper, and the Seer; these were the titles held by each of the Head Priests.

Despite there being so many Pilgrims, most of them weren't here. In fact, most of them weren't on this world much.

The reason the Pilgrims were called such, was they could travel to other worlds freely. Apparently, most of the Pilgrims weren't here because they were on an excursion led by the five Head Priests to that world.

Although he wanted to know more, the Heart Ward refused to tell him anything else and had sent him on his way.

He frowned, 'Why did she tell me all that? What is she planning? Is she, perhaps, bitter about being left behind? But that seems like too harsh of a reaction.'

He didn't want to jump to conclusions because there was a lot of information missing. Too much for him to make accurate guesses.

Either way, all he knew, was that he had, fortunately found a weak link. So long as he exploited it properly, his plans would turn out successful.

Still, just the thought of the Head Priests out him on edge.

'Despite being so strong, they can only be second rate.' Cain couldn't help but think. If there was anyone he had to be careful of, it would be them, not to talk of the Champion himself.

He quickly left the area surrounding the temple, moving back to the main street.

'I have to find Boulder and the others. But first...'

His true purpose in coming here, was to rescue Hunter and the others. Walking through the crowded streets, his mind was still filled with thoughts when a violent explosion rocked the world around him.

Everyone turned toe stare as a large dust cloud rose to the dark skies.

"What the hell?" He muttered to himself.

Just when he thought it was over, there was another explosion, this one coming from another area.

Then there was another. And another, and another...

Flames, smoke, and clouds of dust rose to the sky as the entire City fell into chaos and pandemonium.

People struggled and trampled over each other, hoping to find safety in time.

Meanwhile, Cain stood, transfixed to the spot for a few seconds before dashing towards the nearest explosion. This explosion also happened to be the first and largest of them all.

'If this is what I think it is, then those guys are insane!'

Cain wanted to laugh and cry at the same time.

His speed climbed steadily as he weaved and dove through the crowd of moving bodies, headed from where everyone was running from.

Eventually, he broke free of the ground, so he was able to sprint towards the site of the explosion. The smoke and dust got thicker The closer he got, but it was unable to block his gaze. The wave of heat that followed after the explosion was especially comforting in the cool desert night.

He was able to make out the sound of angry yells, blades clashing, and bodies dropping to the ground.

When he saw it, he was equal parts perplexed and impressed.

'Looks like we have a rebellion on our hands.'

He didn't need to think hard to know what was going on. The laborers in charge of buildings all these structures around the City seemed to have had enough, and as such, they were taking their frustrations out on the guards.

He knew from Boulder that most of these laborers didn't become that on their own accord. Instead, they were people branded as Heretics and blasphemers, sentenced to a life of hard labor.

For some reason, they had found a way to undo the restraints that limited them.

In other words, they were free.

However, to be truly free, they had to escape from the City.

It was absolute chaos. Bodies and body parts flew all over the place as these men, having been captive for so long, let out their suppressed bloodlust, tearing through the guards while only losing a few of their own.

A labourer at the head of the revolting mob yelled out a battle cry as he swung his blade as he lopped off the head of a guard, stabbing it back into his neck before it could fly away.

Cain could only appreciate the scenery for a moment, as more and more guards began rushing in form every part of the City. They effectively outnumbered these rebels. They didn't do something quick, they would be driven to a corner eventually. Zeal could only do so much.

More explosions rocked the City, but Cain wasn't paying attention to anything of that. Instead, his eyes calmly observed.

Eventually, he found his targets.

A grin split across his face.

'Found you!'


Hunter stared at the dark sky absentmindedly, wondering when it would happen.

He had already laid the groundwork for today, so he was expecting things to go relatively smoothly.

'Any moment now.'

He turned to face Luke, who was sitting on a broken wall, his eyes closed. Lukas, Floki, and Manny were also here, each one with calm expressions on their faces.

They were also patiently waiting. Over time, Hunter had revealed his plan to them. It was a do or die ordeal. If they were successful, they would survive. If they didn't, they would die.

They were currently on a short break, so the guards, despite paying some attention to them, allowed them to laze a bit.

Maybe that was why Obed was able to sense the brooding tension amongst the laborers.

He was one of the many Pilgrims assigned to oversee these projects. Most of the Pilgrims, including the Head Priests, and most of the Vicars were currently not in Valestorm.

'I really wish I can go there someday.'

From what he had heard, that other world was a paradise. An untouched paradise with lots of resources and bounty to plunder.

However, it was also untamed, making it incredibly dangerous. They had barely managed to get a foothold in the place.

This was one of the reasons the Head Priests had abandoned spreading the influence of the dome for the moment. As long as they conquered more and more of that world, they would be able to defeat the Devils eventually, becoming the overlords of the City.

To become part of such a future, he had to do his job, which included making sure these wretched laborers did their jobs.

He jumped down from his spire, gently landing on the ground without stirring up a single mote of dust.

He stretched out his hand, and the sand beneath him stirred, defying gravity to reach his hand. The particles of sand began to move and contort until they became a solid sword.

All tej laborers and guards immediately became on edge, staring at the Pilgrim.

Why had he come down from his usual spot? It was unlike him at all. Did something happen?

He casually scanned the laborers before his eyes settled on a particular group of them that was acting oddly.

They also seemed rather strange. If he recalled correctly, they were the ones that had come from outside the Dome and were brought here about a week ago.

Under his mask, his face contorted into a heinous smile...

He had yet to truly show his power to these heathens, perhaps now was the time to do so.

"You lot over there," He said, pointing to one of them at random.

In as even a tone as possible, he spoke, trying his best to but as much gusto into his words as possible,

"Come here."

This was it! This was the way to show them what he could do!

In the past, he been an introvert, even more than others. He had actively avoided interaction with other humans, feeling it beneath him. However, in doing so, he greatly lacked social skills.

Now, he had power. Power to make all that null and void.

Who cares if he could talk to people? As long as he had the power, they would have no choice but to listen to him!

Suddenly his thoughts stopped. His attention moved back to the group of laborers he had pointed to.

He frowned behind the mask,

"Are you deaf, or do you simply want to die?!" He growled, pointing at him.

Hunter, on the other hand barely registered the shouting Pilgrim.

'Any moment now...'

Seeing that he was still being ignored, the Pilgrim had had enough.

His rage billowed forth and manifested, as he swung his sword. His hand drew strange glyphs into the air, mama burning at his fingertips.

Mana poured out of him like a deluge, following the path of the sword.

The sand around him gravitated towards the path, condensing until it had become a sharp sand blade, headed straight for Hunter.

If the blow connected, it would take his head off clean.

'Stupid heretic.' Obed thought to himself smugly.

Just when he was expecting to see blood petals bloom from the poor fool's neck, an explosion rocked the world, blinding him momentarily.

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