God Ash: Remnants of the fallen.

Chapter 4: Battle with monsters...


There were screams of horror, pain, and agony coming from outside the classroom. The sound of people running and screaming at the top of their lungs in rushed panic, as well as the occasional shriek of anguish, resounded within the building.

The monsters had begun to feast...

"Help me!"

"Run! Everyone, run!"

"Jane! That monster got Jane!"

"We're all gonna die!"

Meanwhile, Cain was already weighing out his options, 'It's probably too dangerous to go out now. Those monsters are on a killing spree. I'll let the initial storm blow over before taking any action.'

The entire school was in chaos, and strange alien creatures had invaded the entire planet.

Cain chuckled to himself as he observed all these things play out.

'The beginning of the end, huh? I didn't think I'd get to witness this in my lifetime.'

A lot of people tried escaping from the building. The monsters chased after the desperate humans, dismembering them as they tried to reach safety. Like hunters letting their prey back into the wild, giving it a bit of false hope that it still had a chance at life, before cruelly snatching it away.

Cain sat down on his seat, fresh blood still dripping from his hair and clothes as he tried to come to terms with the situation he was in.

'What was it called again? Hmmm... Aha!

Armageddon!" Cain's thoughts were still as straight and fluid as every normal day. He was barely shaken up by the way the events of this special day had turned out.

The others in the class stared at him as though they were staring directly at one of the nightmarish creatures.

They watched him kill the monster that had taken the lives of several classmates of theirs in the blink of an eye, while they hid in a corner. Not only was it traumatizing, but it was also embarrassing...

Cain on the other hand, had other things occupying his mind as he observed the holographic display before him.


Name: {Cain Lenosi}

Level: 3

Strength: 13.

Agility: 13.

Stamina: 13/13.

Vitality: 4.

Defense: 3.

Control: 0.3.

HP: 400/400.

MP: 250/250.

Magic: 4.

Skills: Golden blood.

Titles: Nil

Free attribute points: 13.

System points 10.

{Inventory}. {Shop}

'What the hell are these writings?'

{Replying to host, these are the standard metrics assigned to every human on this planet as soon as the inception of God Ash takes place}.

'Oh... That explains a lot... Wait a minute...'

His mind ran through the last few seconds trying to process what had happened.

"Did any one of you say something?" Cain pointed the still-bloody crowbar at his cowering classmates to which all of them responded by vigorously shaking their heads in denial.

'Then who the hell was that?'

He was shocked to hear a strange voice answering his innermost thoughts.

'This has to be considered a huge breach of privacy...'

{Replying to host; I am the system created by the Nomad to regulate the activities and functions of all sentient entities in his domain that have been influenced by the arcane energy, mana.}

Cain was left surprised, but since this wasn't the most insane thing he had witnessed in less than 24 hours, he let it slide.

He analyzed the menu, trying to draw out a reasonable conclusion.

'Ok then. Can I at least get an in-depth explanation? What do all these metrics represent?'

{Replying to host; Of course, you can. Please wait a moment while I retrieve the necessary information...}

Cain didn't have to wait long, as a few seconds later...

{Basic Beginner Stat info:

Strength: Metric for quantifying the physical strength possessed by the host. Will be increased by a value of 1 with every level up. Can also be increased with free attribute points with a 1/1 ratio.

Agility: Metric for quantifying the dexterity, movement, and attack speed, as well as processing power of the five senses possessed by the host. Will be increased by a value of one with every level up. Can also be increased with free attribute points with a 1/1 ratio.

Stamina: Metric for quantifying the level of physical endurance possessed by the host. Will increase by a value of 1 with every level up. Can also be increased with free attribute points with a 1/1 ratio.

Vitality: Metric for quantifying the number of health points possessed by the host. Vitality represents the amount of life energy possessed by the host and roughly corresponds to the HP of the host. An increase in vitality will lead to an increase in HP.

Will increase by a value of 1 with every level up. Can also be increased with free attribute points with a 1/1 ratio.

Defense: Metric for quantifying the level of defense against all sorts of attacks possessed by the host. Will be increased by a value of 1 with every level up. Can also be increased with free attribute points with a 1/1 ratio.

Control: Metric for quantifying the level of coordination and power application possessed by the host. Will be increased by a value of 0.1 with every level up. Can also be increased with free attribute points with a 1/10 ratio.

HP: Measures the number of health points the host currently possesses. If it ever falls to the zero value, that means that the host is beyond critically injured. It means death. Will be increased by a value of 100 with every level up.

Can also be increased with free attribute points with a 100/1 ratio.

MP: Measures the amount of mana points the host currently possesses. This represents the quantity of magic power of the host. Will be increased by a value of 50 with every level up. Can also be increased with free attribute points with a 50/1 ratio.

Magic: Refers to the strength and quality of the magic power of the host. Influences magic damage, cooldown reduction as well as spell and skill effects. Will be increased by a value of 1 with every level up. Can also be increased with free attribute points with a 1/1 ratio.

Skills: Refers to all internal, external, passive, or active skills that the host currently possesses.

Title: Boons awarded to the host as a result of unique actions and or achievements.

Inventory: Isolated space attached to the system. It is used to store objects and materials within a limited space.

Shop: Information, weapons, and others can be bought here in exchange for system points. System points can only be obtained by killing other lifeforms.

Free attribute points: With every level up, the host obtains 1 free attribute points that can be distributed as the host pleases to any of his stats. Free attribute points can also be gotten from slain enemies.

Whilst Cain got himself busy, the initial shock factor and the fear-inducing noises outside had cleared up a bit, so they began putting heads together, discussing their survival. They conversed in hushed voices;

"I think we should stay put. I'm sure help is on the way!"

"I agree. There is no way we can face those things."

"Yeah. I highly doubt martial arts are going to be of any use."

"What of Cain? Wasn't he able to defeat that monster with his martial arts?"

"Yeah, but that's Cain we are talking about. Anyone else would be toast."

"It could also be that he was just lucky. I don't want to take such chances with my life. I think I'll stay behind to wait for help."

Help wasn't on its way...

Artificial peace created weak hearts and wills.

Unknown to these poor souls, at this point, nobody could save them, nobody except themselves.

At some point during the discussion, Cain simply stood up from his chair and began walking towards the classroom door.

"Wait a minute, Cain. Where are you going?" Susan, the class monitor called out to him in a shakey distraught voice. She was probably still shaken by the series of events that had unfolded not too long ago.

"I'm leaving. I don't think it's a good idea to wait for help that might never come."

"But what of those monsters?! The entire school is most likely filled with them. If you go out now, you'll die! It's too dangerous, so I can't let you leave.

We have all decided to stay and wait for help!"

Cain rolled his eyes at her, "I might die, but compared to staying cooped up like mold inside this classroom like you guys, I think I'll take my chances and go out there."

Before she could say anything else, Cain slipped out of the classroom and into the hallways. He walked a bit further away and was relieved that no one decided to follow after him.

'Less baggage, I guess...'

'System, I'd like to distribute my free attribute points to my stats. How do I do that?'

{Replying to host; By giving out a mental command, the points will be distributed automatically according to your wishes}.

'Alright then..'

He split his free points between magic, strength, agility, and control. At this point, he was playing it by the ear.

He didn't have any thing to work with other than what he had learned in front of the system, so he decided to experiment a bit.

He pulled the weapon he had received after he had killed the {Bladed Devil} out of his inventory.

Drawing it from its sheath, he admired the beautiful engravings that let off a subtle crimson glow, dimly illuminating the hallways he walked through.

The ground was littered with debris. Blood stains stained the walls and ceilings as he walked along cautiously.

Many light bulbs had been shattered, so there was little to no light available. He was extremely vigilant, his blade drawn and held up in anticipation of any attacks.

Mangled, broken corpses littered the ground, staring at the ground or ceiling with lifeless eyes. Their deaths were unpleasant, and a majority of them had their eyes wide open in terror, and their mouths spread as though they were perpetually screaming for salvation even in their demise.

For those with even half a heart, this scene would stir even a bit of emotion in them, but Cain barely even registered the corpses to his sides as he continued onwards.

Luckily or unluckily for Cain, he didn't come across any monsters on his way out of the building. The building had a very simplistic layout, so he quickly arrived at his destination.

The front doors...

Unlike the inside of the building that looked more or less like no-man's-land, the courtyard had turned into a battlefield.

It was filled with all sorts of monsters and the students who had escaped were now trying their best to fight the monsters.

It was absolute chaos...

The monsters tore into groups of students with absolute savagery. Most of them were slaughtered like chickens, but some of them, as well as some staff, managed to coordinate with each other to push back the monsters with their newly found powers.

Most of them fought back with system-acquired weapons and all sorts of unique skills.

Cain's eyes roamed across the courtyard and he soon realized that if he didn't do anything to help, the majority of humans would perish.

But he didn't care about the people risking life and limb to survive. When he looked at the blood-soaked field, all he could see, was a field full of targets.

The influx of power is what he cared about. He dived into the thick of the battle, his blade drawn, thirsty for fresh blood.

He clashed with a monster and found out it was indeed stronger than the one he had encountered and defeated in his classroom.

{Blade Devil}: Level 5. (elite)

Strength: 50

Agility: 30

Defense: 0

HP: 500/500

MP: 50/50

Skills: Body strengthening level. 1.


It swung its bladed forearms at him at crazy speeds he was barely able to follow the trajectory of the blades. With his high agility and control, he was able to maximize his physical stats.

With less amount of strength, he was able to parry the attacks of the stronger monster. Higher control enabled him to use his agility and strength many times more efficiently.


This thought passed through his mind, as he ducked beneath the swift blades, trying to get closer to the monster.

The damned thing kept swinging at him, always going for his neck to sever his head. His concentration had to be at hundred, or he was going to lose his head. Holding his blade up vertically, he blocked a powerful swing, and with his superior control, managed to divert some of the force away.

He was able to hold his ground, although his hand was trembling from the huge force of the attack. He swiftly slid his blade across the surface of the bladed forelimb and swung at its head as a counter.

In response, it shifted back a step, immediately lifting its blades high in an attempt to impale him from the top.

Rather than retreating, Cain took the opportunity to sidestep the approaching blades, and with a light kick on the ground, catapulted into its personal space without giving it time to react. He dragged his blade diagonally, leaving a deep wound.

The passive skill of the {Bloody Katana} kicked in immediately, and the monster began losing blood like a fountain. The immense pain made it cry out, but before it could get itself, Cain had already brought his blade down upon it a second time.

{Level Up!!}

{Congratulations on reaching level 4...}

From Cain's point of view, the fight seemed to take a long time, but in actuality, it was concluded in a few seconds, as they moved at extremely high speeds. What was done in mere seconds felt like it took minutes to accomplish.

The experience he had killing this monster enabled him to cut the rest down at a much faster pace.

Soon, he was able to kill a decent number of the monsters present, while the rest were killed by the others.

Looking at the corpses of the fallen monsters, he saw two strange-looking items which he decided to keep in his inventory for later inspection.

He then walked up to what was left of the entire group of students and staff. The ones that seemed to be leading the defense against the monsters numbered three. One was a teacher holding onto a shield and a short axe.

The other two were male students, one holding a crossbow, while the other one held a spear.

"We were nearly overpowered by these things. Thank you very much, Cain." The teacher, David, approached Cain, and extended his hand for a handshake, his face wearing a sad smile. He was saddened by the number of lives lost.

"It's all good. No need to thank me, Mr. David"

"Yeah, bro! You saved our asses. I'm Vincent from Class 2B by the way... No need to introduce yourself, I already know who you are!" One of the male students, a chubby guy with kind, but sly eyes said to Cain excitedly.

"Oh? You know me?" Cain was curious as he had seen the fatty a few times, but didn't care to know anything more about him.

"Of course I do. You kinda have a 'reputation' in the tech department of our year." The fatty said with a chuckle.

"I don't think this is the time to be having this conversation. I suggest we gather those that are still alive, as well as the injured."

The other guy said, his brows frowning, as he looked at the state of the courtyard, clearly angry at the site of so many people dead. He walked off towards those barely still alive and injured.

"He's Blaze, the same year as us," Vincent whispered to him. He guessed from Cain's character that he wouldn't know who he was.

Cain wasn't interested in him, so he turned his attention elsewhere. He looked around...

It wasn't a pretty sight at all. Since the courtyard was fairly spacious, the sight of a few people standing amid numerous dead bodies was in a way,

heartbreaking, not that he knew how that felt. To him, the weak belonged exactly where they were now.

"Well... let's just say things aren't looking pretty for us."

David said as he turned to look at Vincent and Cain.

"Tell me about it. One of them nearly sliced my ass off!" Vincent, the guy with the crossbow said sorrowfully. He was a bit fat, so when he spoke, he was a little comical, his chubby cheeks jiggling with emotions, as he recalled how he was so close to never being able to sit down again...

'His expressions change quickly.' Cain made a mental note, as he acknowledged that there was more to the fatty than what was on the surface. Anyone who could survive this far was not ordinary...

"The real issue is how we move on from here. We need to go back into the building to check for survivors." Blaze who at some point, had come back, said to them.

"I see... Let's go then. We don't want to waste any more time, now do we."

In reality, Cain didn't care about the fate of the injured. At this point, all sorts of thoughts ran through his mind. His mind was geared only towards one direction right now. Survival...

From what he could observe, Cain concluded that their present state was a reasonable outcome. Cain's school was the only university in a city containing tens of millions, it was extremely large and could even house dormitories for boarding students.

Luckily, the area where Cain's class was located was not very populated, and not too many monsters dropped around there, so the students were relatively safer compared to other places around the school.

From his peripheral vision, Cain was able to notice his classmates who were still alive had decided to come to the courtyard. They all walked out of the building and into the courtyard.

The class monitor, Susan, spotted him from afar and began throwing looks that could kill him, obviously angry at his decision to leave them all in the class. She didn't say anything, but Cain could tell from the venom in her gaze that she wanted to yell her frustrations at him.

As Cain and his new acquaintances went around to gather those who were injured, they heard loud footsteps. They could feel its blitsustits' terrifying aura without even seeing it.

"Shit! Everyone, prepare yourselves!" Cain yelled at the trio beside him.

Whatever the source, it was approaching fast.

Within a second, the creature appeared before them. Gazing up at the monster, their instincts warned them of the terror of the monster that now stood before them.

{Devil fighter} lvl. 10. (elite)

Strength: 70.

Agility: 50.

Defense: 10.

HP: 2000/2000


Skills: Body strengthening level. 2, Instant acceleration level. 1.

"All those who can't fight, get back into the building, now!" Cain managed to shout at the top of his lungs, as the monster rushed at them with neck-breaking speed. After all, having those who were useless around would serve only as distractions when faced with a powerful enemy.

As there was still some time before it could reach them, the others who did not possess any power to fight back at the monster took the opportunity to run back into the building.

"We have three melee fighters, let's try splitting this thing's attention by attacking from all sides at once so that fatty over here can poke some holes into it. We can grind away at its health like that."

"That thing isn't dumb you know. It can easily ignore you guys and kill me first, picking you guys apart later." replied the fatty. Cain agreed with him. These monsters had previously shown signs of intelligence.

They weren't stupid...

"Well, I don't think we have much of a choice. No time for words anymore!"

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