God Ash: Remnants of the fallen.

Chapter 29: Hunter (2).

What was the difference between hostility and rivalry?

Rivalry means competition, and hostility means resentment...

When Cain looked into his eyes, there was no resentment to be found. All Cain could see, was the burning embers of a competitive spirit.

The two best things one could have were a useless enemy and a competent ally.

If Cain could have him as an ally, that would make surviving in their current conditions many times more effective and efficient.

The reverse was the case when the roles were reversed. An idiotic ally and a competent enemy, are a nuisance to have around.

He saw Cain as a rival, and Cain had to admit that he didn't disappoint. Not only was he strong, strong enough to meet Cain's standards and he was also very smart.

From what Cain had observed, he knew that Hunter wasn't too hasty. He was a good observer, as well. He had almost ruined Cain's foolproof plan with a few words. That's how you measure a person's level of competence.

Running through the forest under the gradually fading illumination, Cai raised a question;

"What do you know about Hunter?

This question was directed at Vincent, but Steve chose to answer it.

"Allow me to answer, my good sir..."

"Hey! nobody was talking to-"

"He is labeled to some the ice prince, and others, the martial demon. He has standard martial arts training with several different weapons, and he is also a master at unarmed combat. This is because his family owns a big martial arts studio in the city. His name is also popular with the ladies.

Lucky bastard!"

"So he's famous? That means he must have had a good social reputation, no?" Cain asked.

"Oddly enough, that is not so true. He doesn't have any other friends apart from his one and only childhood friend, Dan..."

"Tell me more..."

"Well, it's gonna cost you!" A look of greed flashed across Steve's handsome black pupils.

"Oh? What do you have in mind?" Cain stared at the lanky black-haired young man running beside him, intrigued.

"The mana shard from the {Crimson Demon Bear}!" The look of greed and craftiness became even more pronounced.

They had all agreed beforehand, that whoever made the greatest contribution in killing a monster the entire group worked together to face, then that person would keep the spoils, but he would have to compensate the others one way or the other.

They had all decided that since Cain had been the one to kill the {Crimson Demon Bear}, he should be the one to get the blood elemental mana shard, but he would have to give the others something in return.

"I see that this piece of info is important to you. Surely, this is more important than a little piece of kidney stone, right?"

"Hahaha! You are one funny guy. It seems like your piece of info might be just a little bit too expensive for me to afford. Let's get going then."

"Eh?!" A perturbed expression surfaced on his face for a moment, before being replaced with a sly grin the next.

"Alright;! Then you owe me a favor, deal?"

'He's certainly unique, and a bit crafty as well. I need to keep an eye on him. He does have a lot of potentials.'


"Kekeke! Pleasure doing business with you, comrade!"

"As I was saying, Hunter's only friends with the quiet guy you see with him right now, Dan. Rumor has it that those who've tried to bulky him in the past, have gotten a taste of the Hunter family's infamous fish-bashing techniques. Kekeke!"

"He's a bit anti-social, but that doesn't stop his popularity from increasing one bit. Weird world we live in, and right?"

"And what about you?" Cain asked, the thoughts going through his mind unknown.

"Hm? Kekeke!"

"Well... Every bit of extra info is going to cost you, comrade..." Steve said with a wink.

"I'll pass..." Cain said with a light chuckle. He quickly picked up the pace, leaving Steve behind.

"Huh? Don't be like that, comrade Cain! My rates aren't that expensive!"


Traversing through the forest back to the department building didn't take very long...

After a few minutes of running at average speed, they finally arrived back at the building.

They strolled into the courtyard, and they were not surprised to see that it was still the same as they had left it.

"Everyone, hurry in," David said as he held the door open for everyone to go in.

They all rushed through the open doors.

As soon as he stepped through the doors, that sticky sensation of being watched completely disappeared.

"So what are we going to do now?"

"It's still going to be a while before nightfall.

"Let's all get some rest, then meet up in the main hall by midnight," David said to the rest.

'Guess everyone has secrets of their own, huh?'

In reality, this brief period was created by David for them to settle their business. To have the ability to last this long in such conditions, the ability to survive, a properly guarded secret or two was essential.


"What is it, Dan?"


"Whatever you want to say, just say it. No need to hesitate."

"I was just thinking..."


"What's with all the recent hostility?!"

The two had been friends since they were little, so there was no filter between them. One would hide nothing from the other, and secrets were a foreign term in their relationship. That was why...

"What do you mean by recent hostility? I'm always hostile."

"You son of a"

"That being said..."

The blond-haired, fish-eyed young man turned around to face his friend, wearing his infamous deadpan expression.

"No slacking."

"What do you-"

"Exactly what I said."

"Eh?! When have I ever slacked off?"

"I didn't say you are slacking, I'm saying you shouldn't."

"Tch. Whatever! You emotionless freak!" Dan said with a pout. He was many times more emotional when speaking to Hunter as opposed to his usual shy character.

"He's strong," Hunter said, his expression becoming a bit more serious, as the lines on his face hardened a little.

"I know."Dan wore a serious expression as well.

"It was like I was staring into the eyes of a beast, a predator. If we want to deal with monsters like that guy."

He continued;

"It's imperative we get stronger. We grasp our fates by the strengths of our hands. Only those who have strong will be able to survive, not to talk of living comfortably in the current world."

"Yeah. I know."

A gust of cold air circled the interior of the classroom they were in, causing icicles to appear around his palms.

"I know..." The icy glint in his eyes was complemented by the one on his hands.

"As long as you know..."

"Back to topic..."

As fast as a chameleon changes colors, Dan's facial expression took a full 180° turn.

"You have been so hostile lately. Learn to loosen up a bit. You'll get all wrinkly when you get old-"


Cain walked back towards his classroom alongside Susan.

Everyone else had also divided to spend their time in a familiar environment because they might never be able to, come tomorrow. Their life and death were even more uncertain...

The dried-up blood stains on the ceiling, floor, and windows remained there, their rusty color making the room seem even filthy than it was. The smell of blood still lingered in the air from the events that had transpired in the classroom that day.

Susan found a chair to sit on before she turned to stare at Cain who in turn, was staring at the Tome of Akasha (I) given to him by Ashur. He became engrossed in the contents of the book, gradually losing his sense of time...

Two hours later...

"Is anything bothering you?"

Suddenly, the former class monitor began a conversation with Cain.

"Not really. Why'd you ask?" Cain replied, his focus still on the book in his hands.

"I've noticed it for a while, but you look like you've been searching for something," Susan said with narrowed eyes.

"Oh?" He swiftly placed the tome back into his inventory, then turned to face his former class monitor...

'She's observant...'

"And why do you think that?"

"Well, for starters, I know for a fact that you didn't want us to get out of the forest because the night was approaching."

"From what I could tell, you were being watchful of something. Something had you on your guard, something mysterious enough for someone like you to possess uncertainty in his heart."

'Correction... Dangerously observant.'

The fact she had been able to notice all those things spoke of her abilities. The school Cain went to was prestigious, and to be appointed as a class monitor spoke at least, a little bit of her capability.

"Something was watching us in the forest. I don't know what it is yet, but I'm going to find out. You don't need to worry."

"Is that so? I guess I was right, huh?" Susan said with a proud smirk on her face.

"I also have a question for you..."

"Hm? What is it?"

"You were watching me?"


The question caught Susan off guard...

Cain who had been staring out the window all this time, turned around, making eye contact with Susan who now had a bit of rosiness on her cheeks.

"For you to be able to notice all these things, that means you have been watching me, and you seem pretty good at it too."

A little smirk appeared on Cain's face as he teased his former class monitor.

"W-what do you mean by that?! I wasn't watching y-you at all! I just happened to notice all these things, that's all! Don't get it all twisted, you idiot."

The flustered girl couldn't hide her emotions well. When she noticed Cain still staring at her with a playful smirk on his face, she only got more embarrassed.

"Hmph! I'm leaving for the restroom! Don't think of anything stupid, you hear me?" The aggressively blushing Susan stood up to exit the classroom due to her burning embarrassment, hoping to cool off in the bathroom.

"Will do, Miss. Class monitor."


With a slam of the door, she was gone.

"Now then..."

The playful smirk on his face disappeared so quickly, one would think it was just a mere illusion.

"I don't have a lot of time. I have to make this as quick as possible."

Cain opened the window of the classroom and jumped out into the twilight, the cold wind blowing onto his face.

As soon as his legs hit the ground, with the agility of a cat, he landed like a feather and was off like a bullet the next moment...

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