God Ash: Remnants of the fallen.

Chapter 10: Metal Creation skill.

Name: {Cain Lenosi}

Level: 8.

Strength: 57(10).

Agility: 65(15).

Stamina: 31/44.

Vitality: 25.

Defense: 17.

Control: 3.3.

Perception: 0.3.

HP: 900/2,500.

MP: 500/850.

Magic: 17.

Skills: Golden blood, Mana Blade, Lightening Edge, Blade Mastery Lvl. 1, Burst Step, Metal Creation Lvl.1

Titles: Nil

Free attribute points: 3.

System points: 230.

{Inventory}. {Shop}

{Golden blood lvl.1}: Upon activation, multiplies all physical stats by 2. Consumes 100 MP, and costs 1 point of stamina per second to maintain. Puts the body of user at great strain. (100/10000 SP).

This is an internal skill, hence, it can be upgraded.

{Mana Blade}: Coat the surface of your blade with destructive mana to deal an extra 200% damage when attacking. Consumes 5MP per second to sustain. Note:This is an external active skill, and cannot be upgraded.

{Lightening Edge: Increase attack speed by 100%. Critical rate increases by 5% when skill is used. Cost 100MP to activate.

Cooldown: 1 minute.

{Blade Mastery} (passive): Increases attack power and speed with bladed weapons by 10%. Increases critical chance and rate by 1%. (100/5,000SP).

{Burst Step}: Expell mana from beneath the feet, creating propulsion that allows the host to change trajectory abruptly when in motion. Increases movement speed by 30%.

Costs 5MP per activation. No cooldown.}

{Metal Creation Lvl 1.}: Gather the Metal elemental attribute mana to create constructs of metal. The effects of the skill are influenced by the host's magic and control stats, as well as imagination. (0/5,000SP).


Cain sucked in a deep breath, trying to hold in the pain.

Although he had killed the {Mutant Spiked Beast}, the last desperate attack of the beast had also done a number on him. He had been pierced by the sharp needles in his left shoulder and thigh.

Although he had tried his best to avoid them, it was near impossible to avoid all of them at point blank range.

'If I hadn't activated {Lightening Edge} on time, I most likely would be dead by now.'

Cain shivered at the thought of his close shave with death. He was beginning to see and appreciate the usefulness of his skills.

He grunted in pain as he pulled the metal needles out. They had traveled all the way through his body, and we're sticking out of his back. He heaved as sigh as he dropped them to the ground. Just those two attacks had taken 10% of his total HP.

He took out a HP regen potion from his inventory and downed it all in one go. The wounds sizzled as the potion began to work it's magic. He sat down under the shade of a large tree, trying to put his thoughts together.

From what he could gather so far, this so called God Ash had influenced the world in unprecedented ways.

It had brought those scary alien monsters to Urbus, it caused the lifeforms on the planet to mutate in strange ways, and it somehow gave humans the ability to grow stronger by slaughtering these monsters and mutant creatures.

Cain was confused, but he was also excited to see what the future held for him. If he was right, the world had just become a very frightening, but interesting place.


In the dense foliage ahead, a few pairs of menacing red glowing eyes peered at Cain from the shadows. He stared back into the darkness brought about by the canopy of trees.

When the figures in the dark noticed that Cain had no intentions of moving, they slowly walked out from the shadows, revealing themselves.

{Mutant Wolves} Lvl. 10.(normal)

Strength: 40.

Agility: 60.

Defense: 10.

Magic: 5.

Skills: Rendering bite, Lunge.

The mutant Wolves numbered a bit more than 10. They were abnormally huge, almost the size of a normal human adult. They all stared at Cain with bloodlust in their eyes, drool dropping from their slightly open jaws.

They had been attracted by the scent of blood from the corpse of the enemy Cain had just killed.

'No rest for the wicked, huh?' Cain drew his sword once again as he faced the pack of wolves. These wolves were certainly going to be tough to deal with, but he was more than happy to face them. The desire to battle manifested itself like an aura enveloping his entire body.

"Come!" The wolves let out loud howls as they charged at Cain. They were determined to get a piece of the spoils. The flesh of the mutant creature would be of great help to them forward their evolution.

'This is a good opportunity to test out my new skill!' Cain thought.

He tried using the {Metal Creation} skill. Controlling the mana in his body, he used his mind to picture the form he wanted the skill to take.

'It worked!'

Suddenly, the mana in the environment stirred briefly, as floating above Cain's palm, was a metallic spike resembling the ones produced by the {Mutant Spiked beast}. Cain was relieved, as using the skill wasn't as complicated as he had imagined.

He directed the spike towards one of the approaching mutants.

With a flick of his wrist, the spike whizzed across the air like a bullet, burying itself deep into the body of a charging mutant wolf, killing it in an instant.

The remaining mutant wolves became more cautious, spreading around Cain in a half circle. Their intentions was to attack him from all sides. However...

"It's futile."

With his new skills, the fate of the wolves was sealed in stone. He had already completely recovered from his injuries, hence, he was able to move around freely once again.

The wolves had thought he was still injured in the fight against the Mutant Spiked Beast. That was why they had attacked him. Unfortunately, they had made a grave error, and this error will cost them their lives.

He stood up from under the tree, his weapon drawn as he charged at the pack of wolves. As soon as he moved forward a bit, the wolves waiting at the side took this opportunity to get behind him, completing the encirclement.

I'm the blink of an eye, Cain was surrounded by the wolves, but he continued forward like he didn't have a care in the world.

With a flash of his blade, Cain brought his blade down on the leading wolf with extreme precision, courtesy of his high control stat. In the blink of an eye, he had severed it's head. The other wolves took that opportunity to attack him from all sides.

With 60 points in their agility stats, they got to Cain before he could even turn around.

They went for his ankles, throat and thighs, inorder to disable him as quickly as possible. Their sharp fangs bit into him, drawing blood...



Instead of flesh, all the mutant wolves got, was a mouthful of solid metal. Just before they could attack him, Cain had enveloped the parts of his body they attacked with metal. They let out howls of pain as they stumbled backwards.

With a sinister grin, Cain cleaned the blood of his blade, he glanced at the remaining mutant wolves like a predator, making them take even more steps back. The wolves were now frightened by Cain. They all attempted to escape, but Cain was having none of that.

"Burst Step!"

Like a bullet, Cain flashed forward...

With every step, the head of a wolf would fall to the ground, it's body following sion afterwards. The wolves tried to escape, but with his {Burst Step} skill, coupled with his high agility and control, he was able to maximize his speed. He killed every single one of them.

{Congratulations to host. You have killed 12 mutant wolves}.

{+10 to agility}

{+5 to strength}

{+1 to control}

{Level up!}

Level: 9.

Strength: 63(10).

Agility: 76(15).

Stamina: 31/45.

Vitality: 26.

Defense: 18.

Control: 3.5.

Perception: 0.4.

HP: 900/2,600.

MP: 500/900.

Magic: 18.

Free attribute points: 4.

System points: 330.

Cain let out a sigh, the heat of his body escaping in the form of a breath of white. He was covered in blood, and the entire area around him was littered in dismembered corpses.

'Maybe I over did it...'

When he was killing the wolves, all he could think of was killing. He didn't lose his senses or anything like that. It was just that the thought of killing every single one of them to the last enveloped his mind, influencing his thoughts.

He knew he wouldn't rest until they all died by his hands. Those thoughts were like the devils hidden in his heart, waiting for the day he would lose his guard to rise to the surface, dragging him down to hell in the process.

'Now is not the time to worry about that' Cain eventually decided to just bury the feeling. Nothing good will come from overthinking about it. He was slightly uncomfortable with all his clothes drenched in blood.

The smell of blood coming from the corpses was unlike regular blood. He noticed that it didn't have the same smell as blood. It didn't smell pungent and it had a strange, but pleasing aroma to it.

'I wonder if I can taste it.'

Cain used his index finger to scoop a bit of blood and placed it into his mouth...

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