Global Awakening: Only I Can Respawn

Chapter 9: Berserk

"Ah, it feels good!" Min-Joon exclaimed, stepping out of the classroom in fresh clothes. "Though a shower would have been better."

"Why settle for a shower? Just get a jacuzzi." YuWon retorted. "Come on, we got some work to do."

Min-Joon did as he was told, even though he wasn't too keen on being spotted with YuWon.

He might be a weirdo, but he is strong. Being by his side is the obvious choice.

That's what Min-Joon thought. Little did he know YuWon's plan didn't involve in Min-Joon being safe, not even for a second.

"What's your level and class?" YuWon casually asked.

Min-Joon hesitated to tell it. After all, if he talked about his class and abilities, people could learn about his strengths and weaknesses. But one glare from YuWon and he immediately spilled the beans.

"Uh, Warrior," he said. "Currently level three."

"Better than I thought," YuWon nodded. "What about skills?"

"Well, I have a skill called Berserk," Min-Joon mumbled. "But I, uh, haven't used it before."

"Don't worry," YuWon smiled eerily. "You'll be using it a lot from now on."

Min-Joon was confused. He wasn't planning on fighting those monsters, but said nothing. YuWon was crazy. Who knew how he would react if he knew Min-Joon was planning to leech off of him?

"What about your class—"

"None of your concern."

"It's not fair you know about my class—"

"Want me to throw you out? Keep talking and I'll do just that."

"I-I'm fine as is..."

The duo walked towards the stairs, but Min-Joon realized someone had made a barrier to stop the monsters from getting there. He thought YuWon wanted to check the barrier and then they'll head outside. But to his surprise, YuWon stood there as if waiting for something.

"Pull that chair," YuWon instructed, pointing at a random chair.


"Pull out or else—"

"Again with the sexual remark—"

"You got a death wish?"

"Fine! Fine! I got it..."

Shaking his head, Min-Joon walked to the barrier and pulled the chair as asked. But when he did that, the entire structure collapsed, revealing half a dozen goblins behind it, waiting to pounce on the next thing they saw.

"YuWon... sir, what is the meaning of this!?" Min-Joon yelled, jumping back.

After getting no response, Min-Joon turned around, only to see YuWon had disappeared. With no way out, he ran down the corridors, the goblins hot on his trail.

"You need to level up!" YuWon yelled, standing behind the collapsed barrier. "Go around the corridor once and get back here. I'll help you deal with those critters, then."

"Fuck you and your help!" Min-Joon yelled back, not stopping as the goblins chased after him.

"Fine by me," YuWon shrugged and pulled out his sword.

If there was anything YuWon had learned, it was the human tendency to work its best when under life-threatening situations.

He was in a worse position than Min-Joon at the beginning, but he adapted to the changes and made the most of it. That's what he hoped Min-Joon would do, too.

And if he dies, well... I can always respawn. After killing a few goblins, that is.

While Min-Joon learned about the goblins, YuWon began sharpening his blade with the best thing around him: the stair railings. While he did that, Min-Joon had completed the round around the corridor and was heading back towards the stairs.

"YuWon!" Min-Joon shouted, running towards him. "I can't keep this up forever!"

However, YuWon didn't reply. Instead, he squatted down, waiting like a predator.

"Jump!" YuWon called out.

Without thinking anything, Min-Joon jumped over YuWon, showing his athletic ability. YuWon swung his blade rapidly, severing the legs of the goblins. They toppled over each other, writhing in pain.

Min-Joon turned around to see why the goblins were howling suddenly.

"What the hell..."

Min-Joon couldn't believe his eyes as he cautiously approached YuWon, who handed him the sword.

"Here," YuWon said. "Finish them off."


"You want to level up or not?"

Min-Joon gulped his saliva. He was thinking of mooching off of YuWon without getting his hands dirty. But it didn't seem like he had any choice.

It wasn't like he hadn't killed them before. But that situation was different... he had to kill them or else they would have done the same to him.

"You're too weak," YuWon scoffed. "Move, I'll do it."

"No!" Min-Joon said, slapping himself. "I'll... do it."

Seeing the goblins in pain reminded him of how they had killed his friends and classmates. They were in pain too, just like these goblins, but they never showed mercy to humans. So why was he hesitating?

With that thought, Min-Joon raised the sword over his head and stabbed the first goblin in the chest, twisting the blade until the goblin was dead. But as he did, something inside him snapped.

He continued stabbing and slicing at the goblins that lay before him. Min-Joon laughed maniacally while wildly swinging the sword. Limbs and pieces of goblin flesh flew everywhere as he hacked away like a madman.

He had lost all sense and kept attacking the corpses. Both his clothes and the floor became covered in goblin blood. All the while, YuWon kept watching him from the sideline, smiling.

Berserk, huh? It's an apt name for such a skill.

"Enough!" YuWon called out. "We can find others for you to chop."

Unfortunately, Min-Joon's bloodlust caused him to see YuWon as an enemy. He raised the sword, ready to attack the only living thing in sight.

"Really? You're going to attack me now?" YuWon shook his head as Min-Joon charged at him.

As Min-Joon got closer, YuWon grabbed his arm and threw him over his shoulder before slamming him on the ground, using Min-Joon's momentum against him.

Not willing to give up, Min-Joon struggled, trying to get up, but YuWon pinned him down.

"Easy now," YuWon whispered. "Breathe and calm down!"

It took a while but, Min-Joon's rage slowly faded. The bloodlust in his eyes disappeared over time, replaced by confusion and exhaustion.

"What am I doing on the floor?" he asked. "And why... wait a minute. I already told you I don't swing that way! I know I have a fat ass, but that doesn't mean--"

"For fuck's sake, shut it!" YuWon yelled, getting off him. "You're the one who attacked me, remember?"

"Uh... what's going on here?"

YuWon looked up and saw the necromancer girl standing there with her skeleton soldiers.

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