Global Awakening: Only I Can Respawn

Chapter 39: [Bonus Chapter] Penance (2)

The next moment, Yeji brought the sword down with all the strength she could muster. However, it wasn't enough for a clean cut, and the blade got stuck in Hoon's leg.

Hoon let out a bloodcurdling scream as blood gushed out of his leg, but Yeji didn't stop. How could she when her job wasn't complete? If she wanted YuWon's forgiveness, she had to do everything perfectly.

With that thought, she yanked the sword free and raised it again. Her eyes had a certain animalistic appearance. Her hands didn't shake anymore, but her lips kept moving, chanting the same words.

"YuWon will forgive me…"

She swung the sword down again. Hoon screamed louder. The pain was unbearable, but Yeji didn't flinch. She kept hacking at his leg, over and over, until finally, with a sickening crunch, the limb was severed completely along with the bone.

Blood spurted from the stump, and Hoon, unable to take it anymore, passed out from the pain. All the while, everyone kept staring at the scene.

Some tried to flee, afraid that the same would happen to them. While others were too stunned to move. However, the angel was enjoying the show and forced everyone else from leaving, either.

They had no choice but to watch the scene in horror. But none of them were as shocked as Soo-Ah and Min-Joon. They couldn't believe YuWon was the same person who had helped them before.

As for Gina, she simply didn't care. Her husband could do anything he wanted and she would stay by his side like the dutiful wife she was.

A pool of blood soon formed around Hoon. Even then, YuWon remained unmoved, watching as Yeji stood over Hoon's body, panting, her clothes and face covered in his blood.

But YuWon wasn't done yet. It wasn't enough to soothe his thirst for revenge.

"His arm," YuWon said. "Sever his arm next."

Yeji blinked, but her crazed smile only widened as she turned her head to look at YuWon. She knew what he wanted. And without another word, she turned back to Hoon's unconscious body.

The sword felt even heavier now in her hands, but she didn't care. She raised it again, aiming for his arm this time.

"YuWon will forgive me… YuWon will forgive me…"

The blade came down. Once. Twice. Hoon's body twitched. He reacted even in unconsciousness, but Yeji didn't stop until the arm was completely severed, just like his leg.

Yeji stepped back, panting, as her entire body shook with adrenaline. She turned to look at YuWon; her face covered in blood. Even then, her crazy smile didn't fade away.

"I did a good job, didn't I?" she asked. "Brother, you will forgive me now, right?"

YuWon stared at her. His gaze was just as indifferent as before. But as he looked at her, he realized something. Yeji had snapped. She wasn't the cheerful person she had been before.

Now, she was nothing more than YuWon's puppet, a shell of her former self, broken by her need for his approval. However, he wanted to test her resolve more.

"The job's not done," YuWon said. "Heal him."

Yeji blinked, confused for a moment, before nodding eagerly. If YuWon wanted her to heal Hoon, then she would do that with no question or hesitation.

"Heal him… yes, I can heal him…"

She rushed to Hoon's side, kneeling beside his mutilated body. Her hands glowed with a soft light as she began healing him. But YuWon didn't want her to heal him completely.

"Don't reattach the limbs," he said. "Just heal that stump enough to ensure no one can ever reattach them."

Yeji nodded obediently, like a well-trained pet.

"Yes… yes, I'll do that… No one will ever be able to help him."

Slowly, her hands moved over the stumps of Hoon's leg and arm. The bright light worked its magic to seal the wounds, preventing any future attempts to restore his limbs.

When she was done, Yeji stood up. Using the sword and then her magic was too much for her, but even through her weakness, she smiled. After all, she had followed his orders to the letter.

YuWon stared at Hoon's limp body and smiled. That bastard made his life hell. Now YuWon would like to see how the bastard survived without an arm and a leg in the apocalypse?

"Brother..." Yeji mumbled, fidgeting on her spot.

"You've done your part," he said coldly.

Yeji stood there, Hoon's blood still dripping from her clothes. But despite everything, she smiled again. She had done it. She had done what YuWon wanted. And now… maybe now, he would forgive her.

But YuWon's face showed no sign of forgiveness. He simply turned away, leaving her standing there in the pool of Hoon's blood.

"Good job," YuWon smirked.

"Brother, will forgive me, right?" Yeji asked nervously.

"Keep at it and I will," he replied. "You can't forgive a year's worth of wrongdoings with one good deed."

"I see... I will keep working hard then!" Yeji's smile widened as she stepped over Hoon to get close to YuWon.

"Alright, enough of this drama." The angel clapped to get everyone's attention. "I already wasted too much time here, so let me tell you a few important things before I depart."

She began talking about things that YuWon already knew, like how the time had stopped during the tutorial, and now with the tutorial complete, the time would flow as usual and they all could move freely.

However, the only thing YuWon was interested in was how to use gold. He had over eleven thousand gold stacked and wanted to use it to get some useful things like food and water, or maybe to get weapons and other things necessary for survival.

"Certain shops have been scattered all over the planet," the angel informed. "You will know how to use them when you get close to one. That will be all. I wish you all have an entertaining death!"

The next moment, the angel disappeared. There was no grand exit like the grand entrance she did.

"Let's leave then," YuWon said, looking at Gina and Yeji.

As they walked away, the skeletons Soo-Ah had raised through Gina's mana collapsed, leaving only a handful of them behind.

For a moment, Soo-Ah and Min-Joon thought of following YuWon. But decided against it. They wanted nothing to do with someone unstable like him.

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