Global Awakening: Only I Can Respawn

Chapter 34: [Bonus Chapter] Rewards And Retribution (1)

Although the angel addressed everyone present there, her eyes remained on YuWon. Gina was the first one to notice it and immediately grabbed YuWon's arm, puffing her chest out as if marking her territory.

Meanwhile, the woman's beauty had everyone in a trance. The men couldn't tear their eyes off her glowing figure. As for Min-Joon, he was so captivated by her; he forgot to breathe.

It wasn't until Mickey poked him that Min-Joon snapped out of his dream-like state. He shook his head, regaining his senses. But he wasn't the only one who reacted like that.

Even the women had similar reaction and Soo-Ah was no exception. She wasn't one to admire others, but even she was spellbound by her radiant beauty.

"I appreciate your silent admiration," the angel chuckled, elegantly covering her mouth. "But I'm here to congratulate all of you for clearing the tutorial."

She continued when no one replied. "Since you are the first ones to clear it, you will all receive bonus rewards for your efforts."

YuWon couldn't help but roll his eyes when he heard her talking about rewards. Hoon immediately popped back into his head. Since the fucker had stolen the last kill, he would get more rewards than the rest, or so he thought.

But before the angel could distribute the rewards, someone laughed. They turned around to see it was one of their professors, who appeared to have lost his marbles.

"This is it, huh?" he laughed. "Rewards? REWARDS!? Most of us died because of those monsters and this bitch comes up and offers us REWARDS!?"

While no one dared to speak in such a tone, most of them had the same thought. What was happening suddenly? They wanted an explanation but didn't dare ask.

The man continued yelling, but the angel's smile didn't falter. She turned towards the man and snapped her fingers. A second later, the angel teleported the man before her.

"Ah," she said. "You want an explanation?"

No one dared to say a word, not even the rowdy professor. While YuWon could have interrupted her, he didn't. The reason was simple. The angel wasn't anything like the monster he had faced.

There's no guarantee she can't strip me of my powers.

That was YuWon's biggest fear. He thought he had received the powers from the angel and, as the one who gave him the strength, she could just as easily take them away without a second thought.

"You are but mere pawns," the angel finally spoke, as if talking about the weather. "Pawns for the gods' entertainment. The only purpose of your existence is to entertain them."

The smile on her face that was once been radiant turned menacing when she saw the shock on the humans' faces. The crowd shifted uneasily, talking amongst themselves.

Just then, one of Hoon's lackeys jumped in and shouted, "The Gods want entertainment. Yeah, right! How can you morons believe a word she says?"

What a fool.

YuWon shook his head. It appeared Hoon's lackeys weren't as cunning as their boss. Just for the sake of acting like a hero, the boy was endangering his life.

As YuWon predicted, the lackey barely got the time to regret his words. As he spoke, the angel's smile disappeared and a split second later, lightning struck the boy from the sky.

People closed their eyes and covered their ears. And when they looked back, the boy had disappeared, leaving nothing but his bones behind.

"Is there anyone else who wishes to slander my creators?" the angel smiled again, regaining her warm and polite demeanor.

Everyone stared at the angel with fear but didn't say a word. After all, none of them wanted to end up like the guy before. A moment later, the angel continued speaking like nothing happened.

"As I was saying," she said with fake warmth. "The status of your planet has been deemed unfit for continued existence."

"If you desire to live a long life, you'll have to face the challenges the gods throw your way. That's the only explanation lowly creatures like yourselves deserve."

After saying so, she scanned the crowd. But no one dared to talk, move, or do anything, fearing they would lose their lives if they did. Satisfied by their response, she continued.

"As reward for completing the tutorial, each of you will receive a subclass and an item," the angel continued, before staring at YuWon. "Except for you."

YuWon, who had been quiet all this time, couldn't hold back anymore. As far as he remembered, he had done nothing to warrant the angel's anger. Then why was he being excluded from receiving rewards?

"Have I done something wrong?" he asked.

"Oh no, not at all," the angel said, floating around him. "It's because you had the highest contribution toward clearing the tutorial. As a reward, you will receive two subclasses instead of one."

She flew away from YuWon and continued, "You'll receive a special reward as well. As requested by your sponsor."

However, before she could reveal the reward, their local Pinocchio inserted his nose into YuWon's business yet again.

"Wait a minute! I killed the boss, not him!" Hoon yelled, despite Yeji telling him not to. "If anyone here deserves a bonus reward, it's me!"

"So you're saying my decision is wrong?" She asked, floating over to Hoon's position. "You stole a sponsored awakener's kill. If anything, you should be thankful you're still alive."

Colors drained from Hoon's face when he heard those words. But before he could say anything, the angel waved her hand, striking Hoon across the face.

The slap was so hard it made Hoon puke blood and stumble around like he was drunk. But that slap was just the start of it.

"Shameless monkeys like you deserve nothing," she commented. "All rewards you have received until this point will be revoked with immediate effect."

Hoon couldn't believe it and fell flat on his ass. Everything he had gathered by engaging in immoral acts, including indirectly killing others, all of it was gone just like that.

YuWon couldn't help but smile, watching Hoon tremble in shock. It was then he noticed the angel smiling at him. Gina's possessiveness kicked in and her grip around his arm got tighter, but even then YuWon only had one thought.

That Angel is crazy, but she isn't that bad.

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