Global Awakening: Only I Can Respawn

Chapter 29: [Bonus Chapter] Resolve

He thought with Gina and Skullee things would be easy, but that wasn't the case. For once, he couldn't cheat the scenario before him. Defeating the monarch truly required everyone's participation.

But how could he team up with those he hated with every fiber of his being? Besides, will they even work with him?

YuWon was thinking all that while Gina looked at him strangely. Maybe it was because the confident look on his face had vanished.

Just then, they heard rushing footsteps. YuWon turned, expecting to see goblins, but was surprised to see the students and the professors rushing out of the auditorium, brandishing their weapons.

Yeji was leading them and stopped when she saw YuWon there. The others stopped too, but not because of YuWon. Gina was staring daggers at them, as if ready to kill them all.

Meanwhile, YuWon smiled internally, as it was an opportunity he couldn't miss.

"Quite brave of you to leave the comfort of the safe zone," YuWon smiled, staring at Hoon. "Is your shoulder okay?"

"It's none of your damn business!" Hoon yelled.

"Bad move," YuWon clicked his tongue and Gina unveiled her claws at Hoon.

Scared, Hoon forgot all his bravado and stepped back. The only people who weren't afraid were Yeji, Soo-Ah, and Min-Joon. Soo-Ah and Min-Joon's reactions didn't surprise YuWon, but Yeji's reaction did.

Why isn't she afraid of Gina? Does she think I'll stop Gina from hurting her?

Not wanting to know the answers to his questions, YuWon patted Gina's head, and she happily retreated.

"I guess you heard about the region boss?" Yeji asked, with no sign of timidness she had before.

"I did."

"...will you help us, then?" Yeji asked.

As soon as those words left her mouth, Hoon grabbed her by the shoulders.

"Have you gone mad?" he yelled. "You want that bastard and that monster to help us? Didn't you see what he did to me before? He is a danger to all of us!"

There were murmurs to support Hoon, but the voices were much lesser than before. As for the others, they didn't say a thing, but YuWon could read them like an open book.

"You fear me," YuWon smirked. "I get it. But if you think you can handle the region boss on your own, go ahead. I'm not stopping you."

Hoon glared at him, but before he could say anything, Yeji spoke up.

"Yes, I saw what he did to you," she said, addressing Hoon. "How could I not when I'm the one who healed your wounds?"

"Then why are you—" he began but got interrupted again.

"But I also heard what you said to him," Yeji continued. "If someone talked about me like that, what would you do?"

"...beat the shit out of them," Hoon mumbled, glaring at YuWon.

"Then you know you got what you deserved."

Yeji's words shocked not only Hoon, but also everyone else. They had never seen Yeji talk back to Hoon publicly. Even if he did something wrong, she'd always wait to correct him in private, but not this time.

"Yeji is right, Hoon," the professor from before interrupted. "This isn't about a few of us. It's about our collective survival and as things stand, we need all the help we can get."

Hoon hesitated, clearly wanting to argue, but he wasn't a fool. He knew anything he said could land him in trouble and if YuWon revealed the truth about Yeji's pictures... then he'd lose everything he worked for.

Meanwhile, YuWon looked at Yeji with confusion. He didn't believe for a moment that she had suddenly changed her opinion of him.

She is doing it to win me over and get me to help. I don't mind it. At least in this arrangement, both of us will use the other.

YuWon smiled and shook his head. Of course, she only wanted his help. Why else would she, someone who filled his mother's ears, would take his side?

"Fine, I'll work with you," YuWon said. "But we'll do this my way. Anything I say you'll do without hesitation. If you argue, you're on your own. Is that clear?"

"Agreed." Yeji nodded, relieved.

Despite leading the team, Yeji knew she wasn't the right person for the job. She was a healer, so while she could manage the organizational side, but anything related to monsters was unknown to her.

That's why she had made Hoon the leader, while in truth she was the one everyone followed. But with YuWon, she didn't need to give the role to Hoon. So, she quickly agreed to YuWon's terms.

YuWon smiled. He had plenty of ideas to test her resolve. Unfortunately, it wasn't the right time. But that didn't mean he couldn't play with them.

"Are you speaking for yourself or everyone here?" YuWon asked.

"Everyone..." she mumbled.

Hoon looked like he wanted to protest, but he finally relented. Everyone else did the same. YuWon looked at them silently. These people... all of them had treated him so poorly, but watching them act like lost puppies was indeed amusing.

"Fine," he said. "If that's what you all want. But first there's something I need to do. In the meantime, I have a task for you."

With a smirk, he turned towards Hoon and gestured for him to step forward. Although Yeji had healed his wound, Hoon still remembered the pain YuWon gave him and was hesitant to approach him.


Yeji's response made him relent, and he walked towards YuWon, who welcomed him with a smile before turning to the crowd.

"Soo-Ah, Min-Joon," YuWon called next, and they approached him. Ignoring Hoon, YuWon announced. "There's something we need to do inside. While we are gone, I want everyone to show their strength."

Everyone looked at YuWon, confused as to what he meant.

"I'm thankful that Hoon has volunteered for the task."

Hoon's expression darkened when he heard that. But there was no time to react.

"One by one, you all will approach Hoon and hit him, wherever you please," YuWon said, continuing to smile. "Just think of him as a goblin and do your worst. After all, Miss Yeji can always heal him. So let's start with..."

YuWon made a show out of randomly picking someone from the crowd before pointing at Yeji.

"Come on, Miss Yeji, show us your strength."

YuWon clapped as if it was an auspicious occasion. But Hoon interrupted him.

"Keep dreaming, you bastard!" he said, walking off. "Like hell, I'm going to be everyone's punching bag."

Hoon left and Yeji didn't move either. It was obvious they wouldn't follow his demand. It was a shame, but he couldn't manipulate them into it, could he?

YuWon took a deep breath and turned to leave. But not before taking another jab.

"It was a test of your commitment," he shrugged, playing the role of a saddened benefactor. "But if you can't even do this simple thing, then how can I expect you to kill the goblins? It's a pity, but you'll have to fight the boss yourselves—"


YuWon was in the middle of speaking when Yeji slapped Hoon so hard it made his lips bleed.

"Are you happy now?" Yeji asked, digging her fingers into her palm.

" missed the point," YuWon sighed, shaking his head. "I asked you to show your strength. Unfortunately, I didn't see you slap him."

Yeji looked at YuWon with hatred in her eyes, and YuWon smiled.

That's the Yeji he remembered. It was those eyes with which she always looked down at him while Hoon and his gang beat him. But this time, her hatred towards him was even more than before.

And here I thought she couldn't hate me more. My poor sister. I'd feel sad if she wasn't such a bitch.

"I'm sorry..." Yeji whispered, turning towards Hoon again and slapping him harder than before.

"That's the spirit!" YuWon cheered loudly before heading inside the building. "Everyone form a line and continue hitting him till I'm back. All the best! Don't disappoint me!"

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