Global Awakening: Only I Can Respawn

Chapter 23: Seeds Of Mistrust (1)

YuWon sighed, standing outside the auditorium, and touched his neck. The last time he was there, Gina had severed his head. It was a memory that still sent a shiver down his spine, but now, things were different.

Instead of being hostile, Gina stood by his side. It was a strange feeling to have the one who killed you be by your side like a protector.

Things are sure different now.

With that thought, he reached out to open the door, but felt Gina tug at his tracksuit. YuWon paused and turned around, only to see Gina staring at him.

"Is something wrong?" he asked her, wondering if she was nervous at the thought of being around humans.

"There's a barrier," she replied, touching the air before her. "I can't join you inside."

But unlike YuWon, who felt nothing, Gina's hand stopped like she was touching a wall. He nodded before lowering her hand.

YuWon had thought since Soo-Ah could bring her skeletons inside, it should be the same for Gina. But he was wrong. Unlike with Soo-Ah's skeleton, the system didn't recognize Gina as his summon. So she wasn't allowed inside.

YuWon had expected it. After all, the auditorium was a safe zone, and Gina was still a monster in the eyes of the system. So she wasn't allowed to enter a place meant to protect humans.

Watching her sad expression, YuWon smiled and patted her head.

"I'll be back soon," he said reassuringly. "Just hide somewhere while I'm in there, okay?"

But Gina didn't let go of his tracksuit. Her grip only tightened as she looked at YuWon, worried about his safety. She had treated him like a princess, so it was natural for her to think YuWon was in danger without her protection.

But there was something else. YuWon saw a strange fear in her eyes.

Could it be—?

YuWon was wondering when Gina whispered.

"Why do you have to be with humans?"

He looked at her and wanted to laugh. Gina's expression was like a lost child, and he knew she was feeling insecure. She thought he might see her as just a monster and nothing more, and that's why he wanted to leave her and be with humans.

YuWon sighed, realizing she wouldn't let him go, and he wasn't strong enough to free himself from her. Just then, an idea struck him.

It was odd and uncharacteristic for him, but he knew it would work on someone like Gina, as he had seen it before in dramas and stuff.

While Gina stared at him, YuWon gently placed his hand on her lips. Before she knew what was happening, he leaned in and kissed the back of his hand, right where it covered her lips.

Gina's eyes widened in surprise as she blushed. She touched her lips, flustered as if YuWon had kissed her and not his hand.

Taking advantage of her moment of distraction, YuWon patted her head once more and stepped inside the barrier before turning around.

"I'll be right back," he said, opening the doors to go forth with his plan.

The atmosphere of the place was just like he expected. As soon as YuWon stepped in, all eyes turned to him, and just like before, none of them looked pleased to see him there.

Everyone got busy whispering while staring at him with disdain. However, YuWon wasn't there to fight... yet.

Ignoring the hostile stares, YuWon scanned the room until he found Min-Joon and Soo-Ah standing near the back. Both of them looked relieved to see him, but there was also a hint of shock in Min-Joon's expression.

YuWon, however, wasn't interested in them. He hurried past them and headed straight towards Mickey and pulled a sword from the palm of his hand before giving it to the skeleton.

He then lifted his hand and Mickey, with no hesitation, gave him his arm. YuWon smiled, wondering if the skeletons returned the memory about his respawns before he took the hand and turned to leave.

"YuWon wait—" Soo-Ah opened her mouth to say something, but before she could, someone clapping stopped her.

YuWon didn't need to turn around to know who it was. Hoon, along with his lackeys and Yeji.

"Who let the pervert in?" Hoon mocked before looking around. "Girls, cover yourselves properly. We wouldn't want him getting any ideas, now would we?"

Everyone in the room laughed, with a few exceptions. However, YuWon knew what Hoon was doing. But he would not give them the satisfaction of a reaction, not yet.

Ignoring the comments, and began walking away. He had accomplished what he came for—to let everyone know he was alive and no longer the weak, limping man they all thought he was. It was more like a warning to them.

But Hoon would not let him leave that easily. As YuWon turned to go, Hoon rushed towards him. Yeji followed him closely behind as she wanted to ask YuWon not to leave the safe zone.

Unfortunately, Hoon had different ideas and wanted to bully his favorite prey. From his posture, it looked like YuWon had forgotten about the beating he received in the morning and Hoon was about to remind him of that.

Just as Hoon swung at him, YuWon blocked the attack with ease. The sight left everyone shocked.

They had grown so used to Hoon bullying YuWon and seeing him cower that they never expected YuWon to defend himself, let alone stop the punch. But he did.

Seeing matters escalate, Soo-Ah took a step, but was pulled back by Min-Joon.

"Don't," he whispered. "Don't go against Hoon. Everyone here is with him and going against him would make us the target."

"Some friend you are," Soo-Ah commented with disgust. "No wonder you ran with tails between your legs and dragged me along instead of fighting the hobgoblin together."

Min-Joon didn't respond. He wanted to, but the words were stuck in his throat. It was true that YuWon had saved them and helped him level up. It was obvious one would call them friends. But if that was the case, then why didn't Min-Joon take a step to help him?

As the two of them argued, the sound of a loud snap echoed in the hall. They turned to see YuWon standing over Hoon, who was on the floor, clutching his face in shock.

"Don't you dare take his name with that disgusting mouth of yours!" YuWon yelled, his eyes blood red.

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