Global Awakening: Only I Can Respawn

Chapter 20: Princess Treatment (1)

"Gina, wait!"

However, his timing couldn't have been worse, as instead of grabbing her shoulders, his hand ended up on her breast. YuWon's face turned red realizing what had happened, and he froze, unsure of what to do.

I fucked up...

YuWon thought Gina would get angry, like any other woman. However, her reaction was far from what he expected. Instead of getting angry, she smiled and grabbed his wrists.

"I'm glad you find me attractive," she said teasingly. "Your eagerness is... appreciated more than you know, my love."

"W-What? No, I didn't mean to—"

YuWon tried to explain, but before he could finish, Gina wrapped her arms around him. A moment later, she slammed him on the ground and climbed on top of him.

YuWon panicked as Gina's soft hands traveled to his nether regions. This was not how things were supposed to go in his marriage!

"W-Wait, what are you doing?!" YuWon exclaimed, grabbing her arm to stop her, but to no avail. "This… this isn't appropriate!"

"Isn't appropriate?" Gina looked at him, tilting her head.

"I'm merely following tradition. Tradition can't be inappropriate," she continued, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

YuWon raised an eyebrow, confused about the weird traditions Gina was talking about.

"Tradition?" he asked, forcing himself up on his elbows. "What tradition?"

Gina's expression softened, and she blushed. For a moment, YuWon's heart skipped a beat, and he wondered why it did. However, Gina's reply made his heart stop beating entirely.

"We have to consummate our marriage under the open sky, where the gods can see us enjoying the gift of procreation."

"W-What?! No, no, no!" YuWon's face turned bright red as he stammered. "This isn't the right time or place for that!"

"Why not? It's our tradition." Gina tilted her head again, clearly confused. "Father told me it's our tradition that when we find a mate, we should procreate with no delay. And the sky is open here. It's perfect."

"It's just… it's not special enough," he blurted out, trying his best to dissuade her from forcing herself onto him. "Our first time should be special, right?"

"Special? Why does it need to be special?" Gina frowned in confusion.

YuWon tried to think of an explanation that would make sense to her. After all, as beautiful as she was, he wasn't keen on having her hawk tuah the shit out of him.

"Because… because there are monsters everywhere," he blurted. "We should find a way out of this mess first, you know? Then we can… mate somewhere safe."

Gina seemed to consider his words for a moment, then shook her head.

"There's no need to be afraid. The goblins wouldn't dare approach us. And if they do…" A fierce look crossed Gina's face. "I'll kill them all for interrupting my intimate time with my precious husband."

YuWon's heart pounded in his chest. He was running out of excuses, and Gina didn't seem to take the hint. Besides, the more he didn't want her to turn into a yandere, the more she was nearing the edge.

"It's not just about that," he said, grabbing her by her shoulders. "I'm human, remember? We have our own traditions too, and we can't just… you know, have intimacy out of nowhere."

Gina's expression darkened, and for a moment as his, she was going to stab the shit out of him. YuWon feared she would snap and turn into a full-on yandere, carrying his severed head or dick with her.

"J-Just think of it like this!" YuWon made a last-ditch effort to stop her. "First let me kill the goblins, then we can do whatever you want!"

Gina kept staring at him and YuWon wanted her to say something, anything. Instead, she grabbed him by the crotch, her grip firm but not painful.

"I'll respect your wishes," she whispered in his ears. "But I won't be able to hold back my desires for too long. I'm already struggling too much because of it."

YuWon swallowed hard, feeling a wave of panic as Gina let go of him and started getting dressed again. He was relieved that she had stopped, but the intensity of her desire was more than a little overwhelming.

...I'm toast, aren't I?

Despite his worries, YuWon was glad he got some time off. There had to be thousands of goblins inside the campus, and it would take days to kill them all. He had to think of a way to get his dick off her mind during that time.

But fate had other plans.

Gina finished tying her clothes back into place, then turned to face him with a smile and it wasn't a cheerful smile, but a crazy one.

"If you're worried about the goblins, then we should find and kill the Goblin Monarch of this region," she said. "Killing him would scare the goblins into running away or kill each other to become the new monarch."

YuWon's eyes widened in surprise. For a moment, he forgot about their deal and instead realized that the goblin monarch could be the final boss, and killing it might end the tutorial, allowing him to get his revenge by himself.

"The Goblin Monarch? You know who that is?" he asked.

"Oh, I know," she mumbled. "And if we take down the Goblin Monarch, no goblin will ever dare challenge us, giving us all the time to receive the blessing of the gods."

YuWon's heart raced as he considered her words. Never in his life has someone desired him so much and at first it was flattering, but now her lustful expression was creeping the hell out of him.

He knew he'd have to be more careful with his words around her. Or else she might just jump his bones in a street filled with monsters.

I can think about it later... for now, let's just focus on this monarch and end the tutorial.

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