Global Awakening: Only I Can Respawn

Chapter 17: Priestess (2)

He blinked a few times and looked down at himself, only to see that he was wrapped in bandages from head to toe.

Why… am I still alive?

That was the first thought in his head. YuWon hadn't expected to survive after what had happened. The fall, coupled with the goblin's strength, should have killed him long ago.

For YuWon, the idea of dying and starting over had become almost comforting. It was better than living through the pain and misery, that was for sure. That's why he felt frustrated that he was alive and in pain.

Since no one knew about his ability to come back to life, it wasn't strange if someone helped him. But it was different. Given his reputation, he didn't expect anyone to help him.

And yet, here he was, alive and bandaged up. But why? Who had saved him, and why would they bother risking their lives for him?

Slowly YuWon noticed his surroundings and realized he wasn't alone. He was in the ground-floor auditorium, surrounded by people.

However, they weren't there to check on him or even pray for his survival. YuWon knew better than to think that. Besides, their expressions did little to hide their true feelings, as it didn't seem like any of them were happy to see him.

Well, YuWon didn't care. He felt the same way. Being pitied by people who hated him was the last thing he wanted. At that moment, getting out of there was the only thought in his head.

Gritting his teeth, YuWon tried to stand, but the pain was too much and he collapsed back onto the ground, groaning in pain. Suddenly, a skeleton rushed over to help him up. It took him a second, but he noticed it was Mickey.

"Where did you come from...?" YuWon mumbled and Mickey pointed behind him.

That's when he noticed Soo-Ah and Yeji standing nearby, arguing with Hoon and a few others, including some faculty members. YuWon didn't have to eavesdrop to hear them as he already knew what they were on about.

"No way! He's in no condition to go anywhere!" Soo-Ah shook her head. "He'll die for sure if he leaves in this state!"

"And what do you suggest we do?" Hoon shot back."Let him stay here and cause more trouble? You might not care, but I do and I won't let a maniac like him stay here! Not after what he did to Jaehwan!"

"YuWon wasn't the first to attack them—" Yeji tried to argue, but one teacher interrupted her.

"I know you're a compassionate lady," he said. "But that boy doesn't belong here. Just look around and see. No one wants him here. Not even for a moment."

YuWon's vision blurred as he got angry. He didn't care about what anyone had to say about him, but he got angry because of one person—Hoon.

The sight of him made YuWon's blood boil. He wanted nothing more than to tear that bastard apart right then and there. But he knew he couldn't. With the restrictions in place, attacking Hoon now would only make things worse for him.

Meanwhile, Soo-Ah noticed YuWon was awake and rushed over to check on him. The argument died down as well because no one wanted to talk about him now that he was awake.

"How are you feeling? Does it hurt anywhere?" Soo-Ah asked as she kneeled beside him. "Do you need anything?"

Unfortunately, YuWon didn't respond to her questions. He didn't care about his injuries. But there was something he wanted to know.

"Who bandaged me?" he asked coldly.

Soo-Ah hesitated for a moment, glancing at Yeji before answering. "It was Yeji. She's a priestess so—"

Before she could finish, YuWon frowned. Soo-Ah was confused, and the next moment she regretted ever telling him about Yeji.

Without a word, YuWon ripped the bandages around his chest despite the pain.

Everyone around him fell silent. No one expected YuWon to react like that. But no one was more bewildered than Yeji, who stood frozen to the spot, as YuWon stared at her with pure, unfiltered rage.

"YuWon…" Yeji mumbled.

But YuWon didn't let her finish. He tore off the last of the bandages and threw them at her feet. Even though he was bleeding from multiple spots, the pain didn't matter to him.

"YuWon, stop! You're going to hurt yourself!"

Soo-Ah tried to stop him, but one look from him made her back away. Even though she had only known him for a short time, she had never seen him so angry before, not even when he beat the living hell out of Jaehwan, and it scared her.

However, Yeji did not fear her stepbrother. She rushed to YuWon's side, reaching out to grab his arm.

"YuWon, please—"

"Don't you dare touch me!" YuWon yelled and pushed her hand away. "I don't need your pity. Especially not from someone who ruined my life with her lies."

Yeji recoiled as if YuWon had slapped her. She opened her mouth to protest, to tell him not to be stubborn and to call him out on what he meant by saying she lied, but before she could say anything, Hoon stepped forward.

"That's enough," Hoon said.

He stepped between YuWon and Yeji, pointing his spear at YuWon's chest. "You better watch how you talk to my girlfriend. They might tolerate your bullshit, but I won't!"

"Hoon, no, let me—"

Yeji tried to intervene, to stop Hoon before things got out of hand, but it was too late. He had been searching for an excuse to put YuWon in his place and now that he was hurt and vulnerable; it was the perfect time to provoke him into a fight.

Yeji might not see through his motives. But YuWon knew exactly what Hoon wanted. He couldn't deny that he wanted the same, but it wasn't the right time, so YuWon decided to leave.

"Move," YuWon growled.

However, Hoon didn't budge and just sneered. The next moment, he thrust his spear toward YuWon, just to hurt him while he could. But to everyone's surprise, even in his injured state, YuWon was faster than Hoon.

He sidestepped the attack before yanking the spear out of Hoon's hands and snapping it in half. YuWon tossed the broken pieces aside and took a step closer to Hoon, so only the two of them knew what he was about to say.

"Next time we meet," YuWon warned. "It'll be your spine instead of the spear."

Hoon's face twisted with anger as YuWon, someone he used to bully, humiliated him.

But before he could react, YuWon turned and limped toward the exit. He needed to get out of there before his anger got the better of him and he did something stupid.

"YuWon, don't leave! You're not in any condition to—" Soo-Ah yelled, but it was too late.

YuWon pushed open the door and stepped outside, not knowing what awaited him. Before YuWon could take another step, he felt sharp claws digging into his neck. A moment later, the world spun as he fell to the ground.

The last thing he saw was the female goblin standing over him, her claws dripping with his blood and his headless body falling to her feet.

And then everything went black.

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