Global Awakening: Only I Can Respawn

Chapter 130: Disaster Evaded?

YuWon frowned. He had hoped the attack would knock the Hydra-ling down, as it did to Michael and his lackeys. As his plan failed, YuWon decided to take some other measures.

But just as he was about to attack the Hydra-ling, he heard a loud gurgling sound. A second later, a sudd water jet exploded from the swamp directly under the Hydra-ling.

The monstrous creature got thrown into the air. The sudd force caught it off guard, and it began thrashing its heads wildly while in the air.

"Well, that wasn't what I had in mind…"

YuWon realized what had happed. [Tectonic Slam] wasn't meant to be used on water. So wh he used the skill, it targeted the solid surface under the dse swampy waters.

The shockwave th created ough pressure for a water jet to shoot outward, throwing the Hydra-ling in the air. As the Hydra-ling descded, YuWon saw an oping.

As soon as Hydra-ling came close, he swung both blades at it. As Anna said, the reanimated weapons could break through the Hydra-ling's scales. However, it couldn't inflict deep wounds.

YuWon swung the Noir blade next, but ev th, the wound wasn't deep ough to kill the being. However, as YuWon jumped away, he noticed something strange.

A blackness spread from where he had hit the Hydra-ling. Within seconds, the darkness seeped into the Hydra-ling's flesh, causing it to screech in pain.

"What the hell--?"

[Achievemt: You call that Invincible? is active. The Awaker will deal 0% damage.]

The beast began thrashing wildly, hitting anything and everything in its way. It slammed into several nearby water lily pads where some awakers stood. The force knocked overturned the leaves, sding them into the reanimated-filled waters below.

Meanwhile, YuWon had his eyes somewhere else.

This... system.

YuWon's mouth twitched as he read the new title he had unlocked.

[Achievemt unlocked!]

[Title: Exhibitionist]

[Description: Flashing emies? Only a true exhibitionist could come up with such a strategy. You deserve a reward for this!]

[Effect: Wh fighting naked, lowers the emy's reaction speed by 0% and their defse by %.]

Meanwhile, the awakers were in chaos. Some were struggling to hold on to the edge of a water lily pad. But the reanimated beings were reltless. They grabbed the fall awakers and dragged them deep into the water.

The awakers tried to fight back, slashing and stabbing the reanimated with whatever they had, but it was useless. The creatures were reltless and kept pulling them until their screams faded.

It seemed the sudd pain had made the hydra-ling lose control of the reanimated creature.

"Well, that wt south real fast," Lucifer commted, handing his shirt to YuWon. "By the way, wrap this a your waist."

YuWon looked at the shirt but th declined. If he wore anything, the [Exhibitionist] title effect would disappear. He didn't want to do that, especially against someone with defse as vigorous as the Hydra-ling.

Lucifer stared at him for a second, th he began grinning like an idiot as he placed a hand on YuWon's shoulder.

"You don't need to explain," he said. "I'm so proud of you, YuWon. I always knew you'd evtually embrace your true self and come out of the closet."

"What the hell are you on about—?"

"You don't have to explain," Lucifer cut him off. "It's fine, man. We all have things that excite us. And if you ever want to explore other, uh… fetishes, you know where to find me. I'm always happy to help a frid in need."

"Lucifer shut the hell up," YuWon stared at him, dumbfounded.

"Don't worry," Lucifer winked. "Your secret's safe with me."

YuWon sighed again, rubbing his temples. The idea of smacking Lucifer crossed his mind, maybe ev kicking him in the nuts, but that would probably egg him on ev more.

In the d, YuWon turned his atttion back to the Hydra-ling, who was still flailing a and causing more destruction in the swamp.

"How do we kill that thing?" YuWon muttered. "Getting close to it while it's thrashing a isn't a good idea. But we can't just leave it like this."

"You got a plan?"

"...would I be standing here if I had a plan?" YuWon sighed. "Wait... maybe I do. I'll need your help."

"What do you need?"

YuWon told him what he wanted to do. As the plan unfolded, Lucifer's grin wided, and he nodded. With that, they split up and headed toward the hydra.

YuWon took the left side while Lucifer wt to the right. The Hydra's heads hissed and snapped in their direction, ignoring the searing pain.

Just as the Hydra's left head lunged at YuWon, he sidestepped, and the head slammed into the g, missing him by inches. Lucifer did the same on the other side. Out of sync, the heads couldn't focus on one target.

The heads growled at one another, before YuWon threw a stone at them, getting their atttion back. The heads lashed out, but once again, they couldn't target both YuWon and Lucifer simultaneously.

Their frustrations grew and so did their anger. Once again, the two heads lunged, one wt for YuWon, the other for Lucifer.

"Now!" YuWon shouted.

In perfect sync, both YuWon and Lucifer leaped forward and punched the heads with all their strgth, sding the heads crashing into one another. That was the breaking point.

Both heads hissed and snapped at each other, their irritation turned into full-on aggression. The next momt, the heads lashed at one another, each head trying to bite the other's throat.

As the heads continued their violt struggle, the second head let out a roar. In response, the reanimated corpses lurking in the swamp moved, climbing up the water.

The second head called for them to attack the other head. However, they couldn't scale the body. Instead, they attacked the Hydra-ling's shared body.

The reanimated creatures clawed and bit into the Hydra-ling's flesh. Their blood spilled across the swampy waters as the heads thrashed about. With each passing momt, the Hydra-ling grew weaked.

The two heads, now heavily injured and bleeding from the constant attacks, kept tearing at each other until they had no strgth left. The creature let out a last roar before as the heads slumped to the g.

As the Hydra died, so did the reanimated creatures. One by one, they fell into the water, sinking into the swamp without a sound.

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