Global Awakening: Only I Can Respawn

Chapter 127: Lesson One: Discipline (2)

Michael pondered at his lackey's words, before smiling. It had been 2 years since they fell into the hellhole of the awakened earth. He had gone through a lot during that time.

People had witnessed his strength firsthand. He had trampled on those who tried to kill him and used the people who would benefit him, no matter how. Right now, YuWon was one such person.

Although Michael didn't seem affected by YuWon's backhand. He knew the latter was holding back.

Should I try to get on his good side? No, it's too late for that.

That ship had already sailed because he tried to steal that pipsqueak's stats. But could anyone blame him?

After all, he had gotten stronger that way. Stealing a bit of stat from one person and then from another. Once he saw Hojin's luck stat, he knew he had to take some of it.

But he could take the stats of the arrogant guy standing before him. Though it won't be easy, if his people helped him, then it should be doable.

"Fine," Michael shrugged. "But since you're quite strong, you won't mind handling a few of us, will you?"

YuWon said nothing, just gestured for them to step up. Lucifer was about to join YuWon, but Asmodeus held him back. After all, they were once angels and should abide by the rules of not involving themselves with mortals unless it was during a trial.

Lucifer clicked his tongue, but stepped back. It was a stupid self-imposed rule. But he didn't want to go against his brother.

When Michael saw no one stepping up to help YuWon, he smirked. His plan was working. Without another word, Michael and his six men charged at YuWon.

Their plan was simple. The lackeys would keep YuWon busy till Michael absorbs his stats. After all, it was a plan they had been using for years and had defeated countless strong opponents.

But YuWon had already seen through their plans. As Michael and his men came within striking distance, YuWon lifted his foot and slammed it into the ground.

Suddenly, the ground beneath them shook, and a shockwave rippled from YuWon. Michael and his men didn't even have time to react before the shockwave hit them, slamming all seven men face-first into the ground.

That was the strength of YuWon's [Tectonic Slam] skill. Something he learned thanks to the courtesy of the Disaster's heart in him.

Not bad.

It was his first time using the skill in an actual fight, and the results were better than he had imagined.


A sudden groan brought YuWon out of his thoughts. Michael was the first to groan, followed by his men. All of whom had their faces buried in the dirt. They kept trying to push themselves off the ground, but kept failing. It was as if the shockwave had paralyzed them.

"Don't bother," YuWon coldly spoke, walking over to them. "You're not getting up anytime soon."

He had no sympathy for them. These brats had caused a problem as soon as they arrived. They thought it would be easy to push others around and pick fights for no reason. It was time they learned some discipline.

"You guys are a wild bunch," YuWon said. "Since you've made such a mess, I guess it's only fair I teach you some manners. As your senior, that's my responsibility, right?"

Michael tried to lift his head, but all he could manage was a pathetic grunt as he lay face down in the dirt. His men followed the example and cursed under their breath. YuWon didn't care.

He lifted his foot and brought it down on the hand of one of Michael's lackeys. A sickening crunch followed as the bones in the man's hand shattered beneath YuWon's boot.

The man, who could barely grunt, was suddenly screaming in agony, as blood and shards of bone sputtered from his mangled hand.

YuWon didn't stop there. He moved to the next man and stomped down on his hand. One by one, YuWon stomped on their hands, crushing them so they were beyond any use to them.

Now, only Michael remained. He had watched in horror as his men screamed and writhed in pain and had no desire to join them. Unfortunately, he was powerless to stop YuWon.

"Please!" Michael's voice broke as he screamed through the dirt. "I'm begging you. We'll apologize! Please!"

"Well, that was quick," YuWon titled his head. "You want me to leave you alone?"

"Yes!" Michael begged. "We'll leave! We won't bother you again, I swear! Just please stop!"

YuWon pretended to think for a moment, then nodded.

"Alright," he said. "Since you realized your mistakes, I'll leave all of you alone, and I'll even ask the healers to patch you up. But there's one condition."

Michael's heart sank as soon as he heard those words. He knew what was coming for him. With a smile, YuWon squatted next to Michael and extended his hand.

"The crystal of yours," YuWon said. "Hand it over."

Michael's face went pale. The crystal was a relic he got last year. It had an ability that allowed him to steal the stats from others as long as he was in direct contact with them.

But there was a catch. All of his stats were stored in that crystal. In other words, he had no stats of his own. If he gave it up, he would lose everything. He would become the weakest person on the planet.

"I…" Michael stammered. "I can't… it's—"

To make things worse, his allies weren't on his side this time. Since they got their hands stomped and Michael didn't, they had no loyalty left for him.

"Just give him the crystal!"

"Yeah, screw that crystal! Give it to him, or he'll kill us!"

"I don't care about your fucking stats! I want my hand back!"

YuWon crossed his arms, watching as Michael desperately tried to weasel his way out of there. But his patience ran out and grabbed Michael's bag, and took the crystal out before Michael could say another word.

"No!" Michael screamed, trying to reach for the crystal, but in vain. "Please! I'll do anything else!"

YuWon looked at the crystal in his hand, then glanced back at Michael, who was on the verge of tears.

...I made him cry. Tsk, makes me wanna make him wail. Frick... not these sus words again.

Suddenly getting irritated, YuWon squeezed the crystal until it shattered in his hand. All life left Michael as the shards hit the ground.

But YuWon wasn't that heartless. He bent down, picked up the smallest shard, and tossed it to him.

"If you want more, you'll have to earn them."

Although he said that, YuWon had no intention of ever returning the shards. Since he was planning to use the shards to speed up the World Tree's growth. In other words, he would help Lysandra.

But before YuWon and the others could leave, a bright flash blinded them, and out of it came an angel, different from the one before. She saw YuWon and walked closer, practically fawning over him.

"My, my," she said, circling YuWon. "You look even more impressive in person. So strong, so handsome… I like you!"

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